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Skrevet av Generaljamie, 26.11.2024 at 09:07

I notice other players have images and gifs as their signature and I wanted to know how to do that as well?

You can customize your signature here:
You can use UBB code in your signature, except videos. You can use tools available when writing a reply in any forum topic as a help if you are not versed much in UBB code:

Here is the example of how my signature looks like in code:
Skrevet av Bugs Imperiya, 25.11.2024 at 15:14

In team Dogminoz

I notice other players have images and gifs as their signature and I wanted to know how to do that as well?
I hope you rope
26.11.2024 i CW Playoffs?
The playoff idea was shit in first place so get rid of it for next season and let's finish this one with the shit rules since it started with it
25.11.2024 i CW Playoffs?
(My personal opinion on the matter - it does not necessarily reflect the Staff or Prestige)
Just no, for three reasons:

1. We started this season with the current rules and system in place. Changing them at the end of the season is not an option. We can only discuss making changes for the next seasons. As Sascha mentioned, the only way this could happen this season without setting a precedent is if all 4 clans agree to organize playoffs. But even if the clans agreed, with Thanksgiving approaching (and American players having limited time in the coming days), I don't think it would be feasible to organize the playoffs before the next season starts.

2. We didn't have trophies for over two years because clans weren't active enough to support playoffs. Everyone complained about the lack of trophies and wanted the old system back. Now, after reintroducing the old system (this is only the second season since the change), some of you want playoffs back - this is a case of critical thinking gone wrong. Certain players seem to push for changes based solely on their clan's immediate interests, without considering the bigger picture or how similar decisions played out in the past.
Additionally, the idea of having separate trophies for the Elo season and playoffs is unnecessary.

3. It demands a greater time investment from Dave, as playoffs and trophies were manually managed by him during the few seasons when playoffs worked. Considering that Dave is currently overwhelmed with his main job and doesn't have much time for AtWar, do we really want to burden him with the hassle of managing playoffs instead of working on the game?

On the sidenote, Paradox absolutely deserves to win the trophy. They played 50 games with 80% winrate. The cw elo system gives advantage to the active clans giving +1 free seasonal elo to a clan for every cw played. If they are still in top3 even though they are disadvantaged because they were not active - good job to them. The same argument applies for goths.
Also, stop clan hopping.
Skrevet av temp, 23.11.2024 at 11:43

Why are you such a memer hahahaha
This map is prime 1950 timezone help.
Skrevet av Kaska, 25.11.2024 at 07:49

Found this one that I highly recommend, thanks all for the advices

Got me.
Click ctrl + f5 after u change pfp
Eh, here are couple, and I probably forgot some:

Brian came online and first thing he did was check this zzz.
Meu nao falar idioma macaco
Idk man im just a chill guy
25.11.2024 i [atWar] Memes
When ur old:
25.11.2024 i CW Playoffs?
There should be playoffs

Found this one that I highly recommend, thanks all for the advices
25.11.2024 i [atWar] Memes
Skrevet av Dave, 15.10.2024 at 22:40

This is something that has been rolling around in the back of my mind for a while....

There seem to be two competing schools of thought on this. One is that "people are basically good", but sometimes resort to doing bad things because of their conditions/environment/failings of society/etc. ...

The other school of thought is that people are basically bad, but can choose to do good. ...

My personal take on it is that people are inherently... selfish. ...

All that being said -- if people are generally selfish (or on the spectrum of being "bad", if you will), why isn't the world an even more horrible place than it already is?

So there we have 2 competing forces -- one the desire to get whatever we want regardless of who's expense at which it comes, but at the same time the desire to be liked or thought well of by others, which restrains us a bit.

Am I on the right track here, or am I missing something?

The vast majority of us are mostly bad... but we're trying to get better.

More detailed response:

I think about these things often as well. Bottom line is, people will have their own views based on their experiences, so what makes sense to one person might be counter intuitive to someone else.

My ideas have changed over the years, so presently, my experience is this:

People are at different stages of growth. We all come into this world with different levels of 'virtue/goodness' (service to others) and 'badness' (service to self - i.e. selfishness) and the majority of us are 'Rank 1s and 2s' but there are a handful of Rank 15's (your Ghandi or Martin Luther King).

The 'goal' is to evolve... to move from selfishness to virtue, but there are so many variables at play, it's difficult to know what might make one person evolve, while another one devolves.

For instance, you could come into this world with a high level of virtue, but you may experience some things early on, like death of a parent, abuse by an aunt or uncle, poverty or what have you. It could crush you, and at some point, your survival instincts might kick in, and you become more self-focused, and 'level down'. However, those experiences might be overcome, and you come out stronger and more compassionate in the end, leading a life of helping others who experience similar tragedy (perhaps a counselor or therapist), leading to a 'level up'.

Alternatively, you could come in with low level of virtue, and those same experiences could turn you into a serial killer (the vast majority of documented serial killers had serious neglect or abuse from one of their parents). This would be a level down. But perhaps you have an insight, and vow never to do the same things your abusive parents did to you, and you keep your promise to yourself and never abuse your own children. This would be a level up, from Rank 1 to Rank 2.

Your choices are what lead to the leveling up or leveling down. Choice is free will being exercised, and it is the vehicle by which you evolve or devolve.

Some of us can look back at who we were 10 years ago, and clearly see that evolution in our virtue has evolved (or devolved.)

And some of us can look back and see we're much the same person. (I observe this a lot more with people who were 'cool' or 'popular' in high school.)

So yes, environment plays a role, but we all know people who have experienced similar environments, yet the choices they make (and choosing one's attitude is also a choice) lead to tremendous differences in outcomes. So it's not simply 'environment' or 'genetics'.

Just my 2 cents... adjusted for inflations that's like an eighth of a cent.

Just join the discord and you can ping host there if afk , that usualy works
Nice idea but I bet 99% of players will mute it like they already have with every other sound in this game
24.11.2024 i CW Playoffs?
Skrevet av Sascha, 24.11.2024 at 19:20

Skrevet av Dominoz, 24.11.2024 at 19:14

Skrevet av Sascha, 24.11.2024 at 18:22

It's a little late to change it back to the playoffs format... If all the top 4 clans agree we can do it but I wouldn't be surprised if some just wanna sit on the trophy. Let me know...

I believe top 4 clans wouldn't work to be honest, seeing Paradox is dead now since you all went your separate ways. Honestly if this is too difficult to work around the barriers, may I suggest a separate cw trophy for the play-offs? For example, should the top 3 remain the same right now, all three clans would get their respective regular trophies but then there's playoffs for a separate trophy?

I'm pretty sure Lelouch would go back to play them if needed

I would as well and im sure there's no reason to not give paradox the second trophy if they still win the season
24.11.2024 i CW Playoffs?
Skrevet av Dominoz, 24.11.2024 at 19:14

Skrevet av Sascha, 24.11.2024 at 18:22

It's a little late to change it back to the playoffs format... If all the top 4 clans agree we can do it but I wouldn't be surprised if some just wanna sit on the trophy. Let me know...

I believe top 4 clans wouldn't work to be honest, seeing Paradox is dead now since you all went your separate ways. Honestly if this is too difficult to work around the barriers, may I suggest a separate cw trophy for the play-offs? For example, should the top 3 remain the same right now, all three clans would get their respective regular trophies but then there's playoffs for a separate trophy?

I'm pretty sure Lelouch would go back to play them if needed
24.11.2024 i CW Playoffs?
Skrevet av Sascha, 24.11.2024 at 18:22

It's a little late to change it back to the playoffs format... If all the top 4 clans agree we can do it but I wouldn't be surprised if some just wanna sit on the trophy. Let me know...

I believe top 4 clans wouldn't work to be honest, seeing Paradox is dead now since you all went your separate ways. Honestly if this is too difficult to work around the barriers, may I suggest a separate cw trophy for the play-offs? For example, should the top 3 remain the same right now, all three clans would get their respective regular trophies but then there's playoffs for a separate trophy?
Skrevet av Evic, 24.11.2024 at 15:16

Or just make it when all players except host click ready the game automatically starts

I also think regular players in maps should have the power to hold games but only that. Only the host would have power to start ofc.
24.11.2024 i CW Playoffs?
Skrevet av temp, 24.11.2024 at 18:19

Skrevet av PaIm, 24.11.2024 at 18:08

bad memory

doesn't show u being second place, and it only proves that u guys could've been in the top 4 but threw it so its not my fault if u can't make it to playoffs.

You are literally proving my point AJKHDNASKJDLDJSAÑLD
This is actually hilarious

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