Resultater funnet: 1608
Skrevet av avatar, 26.02.2022 at 20:47

After this i will accept only box or ufc duel
send me location

Sid, this would be a great AW promotion... you and avatar livestream fighting... half of AW old timers would pay minimum $100 to see that. i'll post in mod forum.. let's make it happen ♥
Skrevet av Eph, 01.03.2022 at 01:40

In Canada they removing Russian Vodka from liquor stores and pouring it down toilets... so tired of others deciding who i am supposed to support on any topic.. Let people decide if they want to stop buying Russian vodka...BTW this Vodka is already paid for, Russian Vodka maker already been paid for there product, before it makes it to the shelves in Canada. this is just waste.

Excellent point eph... don't want my local LCBO making decisions on my behalf...

Also, any canadians pouring vodka in toilets, message me and send your vodka this way. it will save you time and plumbing costs as i pour it down my drain (may or may not be filtered by my kidneys first)
01.03.2022 i Avatar vs Sid Duel
Skrevet av avatar, 01.03.2022 at 20:10

Skrevet av Sid, 25.02.2022 at 03:17

Me Ukraine, you Russia Central, default world map 10-15k. Outcome decides IRL outcome and loser has to e forumshut up on ths about that country.

You scared commie?

Outcome decides IRL outcome

i lost with ukraine gg

I won because I was Serbia and no one takes it seriously so i caught you by surprise, if i was Russia my moral/economy/leadership would have been so piss poor you'd roll over me.
Skrevet av avatar, 01.03.2022 at 17:01

WD irl xd

I actually know who that guy in the photo is, he has a bunch of trolls that do this shit to him for laughs. Never thought i'd find a PKA reference here...
Updated with list of donators so far. Thank you
Have your political beliefs, they are all fine. But making a post insinuating Jews are behind all the wrong in the world / control everything is downright wrong and evil. Do i support Israel and it's war? No, because i don't understand enough about it. But what i can tell you is that i see insinuations about them EVERY DAY. What i mean by that are people drawing connections between a Jewish person and a bad thing. If they control the banks/hollywood/govt then so be it, who cares, but i won't allow this vague finger pointing.

Please understand i'm just trying to keep the game fun for all people, if i were Jewish i wouldn't want to come to a place where antisemitism runs rampant.

Please feel free to comment about this policy below but any remotely antisemitic remarks will get you removed from the forums.
27.02.2022 i Question for ADMINS
Sir, this is AtWar, not the UN.

There are many tragedies throughout the world, very few have the worlds eyes, ears, and near unanimous support. I understand you're what-aboutisms seem relevant but they are not at all related.
I've just completed a big update to the map editor which I want to tell you a little bit about. In short:

- I've re-written a big portion of the code relating to how maps are saved.
- Solved a huge security vulnerability which I discovered related to map saving.
- There is now a significantly faster map saving process.
- Maximum file size for the map background has been increased from 20 to 32MB.
- Maximum file size for city/country/unit images has been increased from 1 to 10MB.
- Fixed a bunch of bugs throughout the Map & Scenario editors.

The full story, if you want to know:

About one week ago I was passing the weekend working on atWar (because, apparently, that's what I do for "fun" on the weekends). I was digging into the Map Editor code to fix a couple things the Meta Team needed related to our forthcoming World Map 2.0. While doing that I happened to discover a horrible security vulnerability which I had never noticed before. It was so bad that I immediately took down the entire Map Editor to prevent anyone from exploiting it.

Even though the vulnerability had been there for years -- definitely from before I was around -- I just couldn't conscience leaving it up after I discovered it. It's one thing when you don't know it exists, but to knowingly leave something that bad there would have been unpardonable.

The problem was part of the code that handles the saving of maps. I had been wanting to replace the map saving code for a long time anyway, for other reasons -- mostly because it was so terribly slow and inefficient. So I set out to re-write the entire map-saving functionality.

At first I thought I could do it over the weekend, but that quickly proved too optimistic as one day turned into another. I ended up working on it non-stop (except for sleep breaks) for 6 days. I literally put every other thing I had to do on hold and worked on this exclusively. I also had to cut back my goal of replacing ALL the map saving code and settle for just the most important parts of it, or else it would have taken a month and I couldn't afford to neglect my other tasks that long.

In the end though, I did replace significant portions of the map-saving code, and I'm happy to say the end result is definitely faster and more efficient. According to Mobster, a big map that used to take him 10 minutes to save, now takes only 3 minutes. For me, cloning the World Map and then saving it used to take about 2 minutes -- now about 30 seconds.

While I also fixed several bugs along the way, please note, I have NOT fixed everything. Not by a long shot. There are still plenty of other bugs floating around in the map editor, and I will keep chipping away at them as time goes by. If you happen to find one, please let me know by opening a bug report here: (I'm saying this now because I know there will be people who come along later and say "Dave, you said you fixed the map editor, so why am I still getting (insert bug here)??" -- I haven't "fixed the map editor", I only fixed a small part of it!)

I've also made progress on another project which I call the "Map Unbugging Project" (or the "Map Un-fucking Project", if you prefer)... I'll post separately about that soon, but suffice to say I've been going through and fixing a lot of broken maps that have been sitting around collecting dust. Keep an eye on the Map Unbugging Log for updates.
Wow, that's crazy.

Thank you WD for the screenshots. That makes it very clear.

Maybe what I need to do is add a conditional to whatever code watches the hitbox... to check if the city is a port or not, before deciding to allow a sea-based stack in. If I can find wherever that is....
27.02.2022 i [CLOSED] Bug Report
Closing this since I can't reproduce it, and the report is so old now that probably whatever it was has been fixed long ago. If not though, if you still have any problems please let me know by opening a new bug report.
Closing this since I can't reproduce the issue and the OP did not reply with any further info.
I know you already know this @Mobster but this issue is fixed as of the last map editor update.

By the way I did also increase the max background size to 32MB. I did several tests with a 28MB JPG image and it was working fine, so the file's size does not seem to be an issue anymore.

However, there IS still a problem with larger dimensions images. I wanted to increase it but when I tried it started fucking up in strange ways, and I haven't been able to figure that part out yet. The largest safe dimensions seem to be 9999x9999. Someday I'll figure out how to solve that part of it, but that's a different issue.
This is fixed as of the most recent map editor update. I've (almost) completely replaced the map saving system, so errors like this don't happen anymore.

I also fixed ALL the existing maps with DB/Filesystem version mismatch errors (like I mentioned before... the most common cause of "error loading paths" messages.) Unfortunately your testasdasdsa map is not one of these... it has no paths at all. When you last saved it it must have failed and never uploaded the borders, so I can't fix that. At least it was not an important map tho
Update: with the most recent map editor update I've switched the default to use the raw .xaml files and NOT the .zip files. Zips are still there, but only used as a fallback if the xamls can't be found. This has speeded things up a bit. Next step is still the same as I talked about earlier... I need to unzip all from the existing 18K+ maps on the server and then we can get rid of zip.js completely.

From your perspective nothing should have changed, except for maps loading faster now.
Probably some weird merging of battles that dragged your ship somewhere it shouldn't go. Will be hard to reproduce though. I'll leave this open...
I don't appreciate your attitude. Not just this bug report, I mean other times in the past where I've tried to help you with map issues and you've absolutely bitten my head off for no reason. And, lets not forget how you defaced this map with messages about me during the "November riot". So just so we're clear, I have zero interest in helping you personally, and I could really care less whether your map is broken or not.

Now that we're clear... since I genuinely do want to fix the bugs around here, and I've been putting a lot of effort into fixing the map editor specifically, I will use the information from this bug report and try to find a fix. I do this for the benefit of other map makers who might encounter the same problem -- not for you.

Notes to self:

- scenario ID 15572
- map ID 8457
- reproduceable. full error message:
|SYSTEM - Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0'), Script:, Line: 1, Column: 650618, Stack Trace: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
at CreateVisual (
at li.$GenerateImage (
at li.GetImage (
at hi.$UpdateIconImageInternal (
at hi.UpdateIconImage (
at he.ChangeCountryOwner (
at he.PlaceScenarioData (
at he.Load$1 (
at G.ChangeState$1 (
at G.$OnGameStateChanged (|

- need to copy both map and scenario to test server for debugging (see TaskBoard: "World Map 2.0 / write script to copy maps from test to live")
Skrevet av DeepFriedUnicorn, 12.10.2021 at 15:59

Cool man, much appreciated.
However, I've done this before and was doing a few times recently. Bugs still tend to be there. Like, Missing borders and sometimes Cities. I come back 2 or 3 weeks later,(and/or Year's) re-uploading the image in-between. I use to ask Admins to manually reset Map maker server thingy often too. But still the same bugs or stranger pop up.

Any advice at all?

The only reasons I think it's on my end is because I tried on 3 PCs, a phone and my account actually got banned before and I believe I got demoted a level before. I think. Something to do with my account. Somehow...? Maybe reset it. Delete then make a new account?
maybe somehow had to with Caches on each individual players map count?

So... I just completed a pretty significant update to the map editor... would you mind trying it again and let me know if you still have any problems with it now?

There are still bugs in the map editor I'm sure, but I just fixed a bunch of things including the ghost borders issue, so hopefully you'll have better luck with it this time...
Note to self, see maps: 13151,13284,14663,15165,25583,28424
Cloned 'GGG Part 4: Alternate 7 Years War' (13284) into '2022-02-27 test2'
Skrevet av Mobster, 27.02.2022 at 03:14

I can't make a topic in the Turkish forums right now, does it have something to do with this?

(This happens when I try to post a new topic:)

Yes, my fault. Sorry. I knew that was too easy a fix

Try it now, should be okay...
Did some digging in the logs, and unfortunately this seems to be a not-infrequent error. I'm not sure yet how to reproduce it, but will keep this open until I do.

Note to self -- full error message as logged:

|SYSTEM - Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'get_Map'), Script:, Line: 1, Column: 598530, Stack Trace: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'get_Map')
at Xt.RecalculateLayerObjectBounds (
at Xt.Clear (
at me.Clear (
at _e.CleanPreviousTurnData (
at z.ChangeState$1 (
at z.$OnGameStateChanged (
at t.c [as $handlerDelegate] (
at t.ProcessMessage (
at xn.$OnMessageReceived (
at xn.OnDataReceived (|
I have no idea what you're trying to tell me, sorry... Can you be more specific? See
Yeah the finances tab is always wrong, has been for a long time

I'll leave this open but it will probably be a while before I can figure this one out...
Fixed, thank you!
Skrevet av Eridans, 09.02.2022 at 04:36

Procedure performed with Chrome
"World Map" clone
I select the inaccessible areas and delete them
Save the map
I exit the editor

Expected behavior
within 1 day if I go to the game or in the editor I should no longer find the inaccessible areas

Actual behavior seen with both Chrome and Microsoft Edge
They are no longer in the game, they are still in the editor and can be selected

Map on which I encountered the problem
"Eridans work in progress 03"

Further information
I have also seen this case study for the nations even if I have made several changes and it is difficult to give a sequence, however in the map:
"Error - All countries"
Russia in the editor is correct but in part it has in its interior there are areas inaccessible to land vehicles, for a test in the city:
"Test terra" there is a land unit called "Test terra" which has a large movement capacity, by that means it can be seen that a part is not accessible, the game actually considers it as sea, and corresponds to one of the Russian nations that I canceled

Version 98.0.4758.82 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Microsoft Edge
Version 98.0.1108.43 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Hi Eridans,

Can you please check and confirm if this is still happening for you since the last map editor update?

I tested it just now and it's working correctly for me. I cloned the world map, deleted the no-go areas at the top, and saved. Then I started a new game, and confirmed the no-go areas were gone. Then finally I went back into the map editor again, and they were still gone.

Just to put a conclusion on this one -- this proved to be a complete waste of time. After going back in the logs, we discovered Daisy was playing Guerilla Warfare in order to get his "bad" inf rolls. He was actually using GW in the games where he demonstrated the "problem" to brianwl. So the whole thing, from start to end, was a hoax. Why people get kicks out of wasting our time like this, I'll never know. But there it is.
Update: posted notice to Prestige and Hellenism
Skrevet av Bella Ciao, 20.02.2022 at 12:02

Skrevet av atWar_Official, 19.02.2022 at 22:25

Update: posted notice to Hellenism and Epic Clan

In first 2 games we agreed to play as friendly games and not playoffs!
EC won us 3-2 last night, we played 5 games in row!
So EC is in finals! Gg

Per your request we've disregarded the first 2 games and updated the bracket accordingly. As it stands now, you'll still need to play vs Prestige to determine 3rd place. We can extend the playoffs if you need more time, please just let us know.

Also in future seasons if you want to play just a friendly game, please do it as a regular game, not a CW. Right now we understand this system is still new, but in the future it will be 100% automated and the system will not be able to tell if you're playing a friendly game vs a real playoffs game.

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