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Skrevet av Player 999, 04.12.2018 at 19:13

Lol all the things you are quoting were applied to Jewish people pre-1950s. Are you really so short-sighted that you've forgotten the evils that were done to Jewish people in the name of "scientific racism"? I assume you are Jewish, as you put your nationality down as Israeli. Even today people make completely ridiculous and racist arguments against Jewish people via twisted statistics and data; hell, the neo-nazis hate Jewish people even more than they hate black people

I cant remember something i never lived to experience, nor will i ever apologise for something i didnt do. I wasnt born then. I have read about it, just like i have read about socialism, communism and marxism whose ideas are still very much alive to this day, whilst nazism is dead. Its usually the uneducated people who get stuck on ideologies, pick sides and advocate for the causes of only a specific group.
If you read history, you will see that Jewish or black lives are not special, the millions of Russians, Chinese, Cubans, Koreans, Venezuelans who died under communism's boot are equally important. Native Americans and Polynesians too. Chinese under Japanese too, Budhists under Chinese too, the Middle eastern people murdered and raped by Muhamad army of peace aswell. The Greeks and Armenians genocided by Turks. And i could go on forever.

Stop chasing neo-nazi ghosts in 2019, stop talking all day for the 0,001% out of 7 billion. Thats what they want you to do. Stop being the victim and take control of your own life.
Skrevet av Witch-Doctor, 04.12.2018 at 18:40

So how does any of this prove that judging people by the color of their skin is not racist?

Because its not stemming from superiority, which is the driving force behind racism, for starters. As for the rest:

I fail to see any discrimination, we are not in the 1950's if anything it is the opposite with policies like open borders and sanctuary to criminals (illegal immigrants), affirmative action, wellfare and public acceptance of racially-driven terrorist organizations like antifa and black lives matter.

Analysis of statistics and logical reasoning to reach conclusions is the way to form opinions, i will agree with the dictionary here.

The only hostilities and polemics i see, are coming the other way around, from the minorities and the left.

It seems the left is guilty of all the aforementioned, you guys are racist.
Skrevet av Witch-Doctor, 04.12.2018 at 10:24

It racist to assume the color of your skin determines your mental acuity and productivity.

nice regressive sjw cri that promotes the non-use of our full of capabilities brains.

why you create new definitions for words?

You want to abolish the oldest gateway to progress, critical thinking and data analysis. Regressive fascists disguised in liberal uniforms is what you are.

This is what we use to reach conclusions, not your feelings or your anecdotal experiences from that time you went to the park.

The left doesnt get to dictate what is offensive and what is not. Some of us still like to use our brains and figure this out for ourselves.

Now try to convince me why my son who will be born in 4 months has to compete for oxygen and resources with extremists, criminals, thugs and regressive sjw losers?
Skrevet av Croat, 03.12.2018 at 14:29

Are we that bad people or what?

Yes. Your clan s filled with niggers and muslims gtfo.
04.12.2018 i atWar 2019 and beyond
Skrevet av Dave, 03.12.2018 at 00:32

- Toxicity in the community. I'm not sure how or why things got so bad, but it needs to stop. I'm going to start by making sure our moderators have the tools and resources they need. This might mean adding more moderators, or it might mean giving our existing moderators more powers. I will be talking with our mods about this issue.

Now, I'm not one of these guys who comes in and changes everything. I may take a hard line on certain issues that I think are really important. But for the most part I'm here to listen... there are many people who have been playing this game for a long time and I want to hear your thoughts. I want to enjoy playing atWar just like you do.

Well we all hate bullies and cancerous people, however you have to understand that the few intellectuals who also burned hours competing at this game and debating on forums, like me offcourse, only hang around after so long to say hi, troll and maybe fight a bit.

The community will applaud a tougher, rigorous stance towards cancer, however you have to know your base man. And you wont find many innocent 10 year olds here like you find in mobile games. People who come here usually like war, weapons, violence and history, so political correctness will be a tough sell to these animals people.

Good luck, welcome
02.12.2018 i Israel
Skrevet av Helly, 02.12.2018 at 09:15

Where is Kosovo new admin fix!"

Kosovo is not a real country. And Israel partied the Middle east in 6 days, this is a valid request.
02.12.2018 i Death Penalty
No need for death penalty but definately add torture. Add torture and you will see how all these tough, bad-asses become kittens and how fast crime will drop.
Skrevet av 4nic, 02.12.2018 at 09:04

You are doing exactly what i said in my first point, judging the people and not their ideas. The same is with politics, just because we hate all the sjw losers and we want to send them to the gas chamber doesnt mean we dont believe in gender equality, rights for gays and transexuals and race discrimination.
Skrevet av 4nic, 25.11.2018 at 02:34

The only vegan product that has protein is soybeans

Maybe in another planet but not on planet earth.

Tofu, tempeh, ALL soya products (millions of them from milk to minced meat), all kind of beans, lentils, peas, all nuts and seeds, grains, oats, all brown flowers (rice,pasta, bread) and many vegetables like brocolli, spinach, potatoes, corn etc

Skrevet av 4nic, 25.11.2018 at 02:34

Also you should realise b12 is super important, and when people get b12 deficiency from going vegan and not taking supplements they start to serious get mental and cognitive issues

If you turn vegan and dont do the necessary research so as to realise you need to be supplemented with b-complex (a vitamin that is given artificially to animals-they dont have it), then you are a retard that deserves to get raped in the ass every day by the male nurses in the looneybin.
Only in a regressive, stupified world / era like the one we live in, would bashing and trying to grab down better men than us , become normal.

Just like people attack conservatives and Trump voters personally by avoiding their arguments, the same is being done with vegans and vegetarians.

Meat consumption (and dairy) has been proven again and again to be tied with higher mortality rates, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, kidney stones, obesity and every shit that exist.

If you are a keto-diet-ist you are not doing it right and good luck having cancer, no arteries and a limp dick.

If you are a paleo you are a fucking retard because we are not in 500.000bc, the soil is destroyed and the animals you consume are full of deadly hormones and antibiotics.

If you are a meat eater, like me, admit we are douchebags and aim to eat less meat and more veggies and shut the fuck up. Vegans and vegetarians are better men than us when it comes to health and caring for the enviroment, accept it and move on.
Skrevet av Wayne2015, 01.12.2018 at 08:28

Goodbye Amok and Ivan, or is "see you later" more appropriate? Who knows, this game is like a train station with people getting on and off maps, traveling to and fro driven by multiple motivations and destinations. Whether or not we see you again, rest assured, it is a great experience for me, though my activity is fairly myopic (only a few regular players and play almost exclusively on my maps and start my own games with whomever has a rank of 8 or above). I was introduced to the game by my future brother in law who dragged me kicking and screaming into it. Now, I can't think of any entertaining and challenging game I'd rather play. Thanks for your inspiration and hard work, 10 years is a lot of time to give up your life to something. I hope it was worth it for you and that passing the game onto David will improve what you have created and not take in a direction that will lose the culture and spirit of the site.

Regards to all,


too long didnt read
Skrevet av Guest, 21.11.2018 at 12:47


How trite and hackneyed. Your life is obviously is humdrum and paltry. In all likelihood you cast your ballot for Clinton, which makes you an ill-bred, simpleton and a fag.
At war definately ameliorated my english writing skills by a large margin. What is peculiar and frankly ludicrous though, is the fact that written and oral language skills, are distinct and controlled by different parts of the brain and that writting in impeccable form translates to feces when you try to enlarge your oral cavity and instead of coherent and intelligible sentences, ordure comes through and you are left appearing like an underachieving, mentally deficient, bird brained, dim witted yoyo. Qualities similar to the ones possesed by the average anthropoid that inhabits our wonderfull and graphic atwar community, correct.

Apparently while the brain synapses are there, lord knows what feculant information those damned neurotransmitters bear and what actually gets conveyed and communicated to the motor neurons, so in conclusion yes its all about neurological ADAPTATIONS. ITS ALL ABOUT ADAPTATIONS, LIFE IS IN ESSENCE THE ADAPTATIONS. THATS THE SECRET OF LIFE.
16.11.2018 i Good Advices
Dont think that just because your gf is 42 her eggs dont work and she cant get pregnant. wear a fucking condom
Skrevet av Acquiesce, 15.11.2018 at 10:34

I got his analogy, and if all he was saying was that both leaders got elected in part by appealing to the common man, well there's no arguing with that. But you could say the same about FDR, Corbyn, or Tsipras. Or any candidate that professes to be anti-establishment. His comment is just a "Trump is literally Hitler!" argument dressed up as historical analysis.

I thought wheelo was right leaning and pro -Trump

I guess has he has to clear it himself..
Surprised sultan and even aqui didnt get wheelo's analogy. It was pretty straightforward, he didnt compare Hitler and Trump rather the circumstances that led to them both being elected which were in essence the same. The people were disatisfied by alot of things and didnt feel represented by their politicians, Jews, humiliating terms and economic crisis in Germany and political correctness, immigrants. corruption and liberal retardation for USA. Pretty much similar circumstances. Same as Brexit and the EU.
Tirptiz you are close, but you are making the wrong argument here.


Its pretty evident that human migration out of Africa 50-100k years ago resulted in genetic differences between the races, how many are genetic and how many are enviromental/cultural we will never know (even though we have some studies), because further research is impossible due to outside pressure to researchers, censorship, threats and no funding.


And for a good reason, because once you prove genetic differences tied to IQ and etc that will translate to policy changes and further discrimination and nobody wants that. Most of us want a safe society with equal rights for all people and adherence to the law, the problem is when uneducated liberal pieces of shit dont realize that equality means that if females work less hours and are less productive they will earn less and that if black people sell drugs and kill people they will get beaten up, thrown in jail and/or accidentally shot by a cop.


The beef is about ethnicity/culture.

Example 1: Blacks become violent when raised in the ghettos, when they get preached into victim-hood (get it,hehe) and when no life loser liberals enable and support this behavior, but you will see that black families living in better neighbourhoods, with guidance from the parents and decent education and they thrive.

Example 2 : Whenever Albanians migrate they take up all the illegal jobs, create gangs or become employed in construction/ships at most. They have a strong culture of backwarded sauvinistic and violent beliefs and no regard for human life and those values pass around in the family. (Skend is an exception)

Example 3: If you look at muslim immigrant statistics, they score worst out of all immigrant groups in everything and everywhere from employment to crime and only a very small percentage ever assimilates into the host country culture and laws. Its probably not genetics, but the abomination of culture/ religion /political system they call islam.

Example 4: Asian immigrants in comparison score the highest in everything. Damn that could be used as an argument both ways..I believe it is the culture and not genetics, that of hard work, education, law abiding mentality and respect.

And i will close with a personal example for the liberals who think they know about the world, when the farthest they have travelled is to the local liquor shop. I live in a country in South East Asia and the country here earns so much money from tourism and in the end the infastructure is shit, pollution is high, they earn shit or if they earn they burn it god knows where. Income inequality is everywhere. The locals themselves are kind and the sweetest of people, but they cant and dont want to work and even those who do work are doing a horrible job, thats why most of the money go to Westerners including me, BECAUSE WE ACTUALLY WORK AND GIVE A DAMN and not because the evil white man is opressing them.

Does it matter in the end if they genetically have a disadvantage, if their culture is the one who pushes them to not give a fuck, be lazy and not work and pray to the gods all day and not being able to run even a convenience store?

So next time liberal lowlifes go black lives matter on you, try the culture angle.
Skrevet av Permamuted, 20.10.2018 at 09:13

By your own standards you would've been euthanized before you had the chance to pull yourself together. Nice compassion.

That is correct dear Laochra. I should have been put away, i was just lucky
Come on guys, im sure someone here is smarter and speak equally high evel english as garde. Some one do it!

Also, as an ex junky turned healthy,productive and succesfull semi-god my opinion is that junkies, potheads, drunks and gamblers should be euthanised. As a second option i would agree to move them all in specific areas (like ghetto but not for niggers) and they lose wellfare, social benefits, free healthcare and the right to have children. Other than that they can do whatever they want to their bodies and keep being unproductive parasites that die soon and help us with the whole overpopulation problem.
Cant believe this community is so ignorant in history.
Men wore dresses first, it wasnt until Caesar and the Romans invaded France and Britain that they started wearing pants due to the cold because their balls were freezing and since then it caught on,
Men did everything first. They only gave clothing to females when they were out of fashion and/or considered lower class like high heels and corsets.
I think 4nic and witch are what goblin and tophats were in the old days. Top of the cream solo players, however as already said there are more to being an all around best i think.

My 3 spots for players dominating in all aspects of the game, consistently throughout many many years and seasons, would be Mauzer Aqui and Lao in my opinion. Offcourse there are other amazing players but this would be my top 3.

If i had to pick one it would be Lao. Theres something about this kid (2 meters tall kid hehe) and his analytical brain that seems like it is made for strategy. If he applies the same energy, tactical thinking and brainpower to his real life like he did for this godforsaken game, it wont be long till he rules the world.
Skrevet av Waffel, 07.10.2018 at 18:23

Thats the whole point brian..


Its the toxicity of this community.

07.10.2018 i Whose idea is this
Skrevet av Acquiesce, 07.10.2018 at 13:23

However, the claim that I ever used my position to nerf RA is literal fake news.

Skrevet av Napoleon 1997, 31.08.2018 at 23:09

You are so pathetic that its actually sad, how old are you 16? get the fuck out of here kid.
First time in my entire fucking life i see an asian thailandese fuck be so proud of his shithole im so amazed that you guys down there have access on the internet.
Thailand...seriously dude? or girl? faggot
end of fucking story now go crawl back to your shithole in asia and jerk off to some hentai porn and stop acting tough on the internet cause its fucking pathetic coming from a faggot like you.

P.S. My offer still stands. If you decide to stop being a parasite to society and want to work for food come over.
Skrevet av Napoleon 1997, 30.08.2018 at 21:56

Dude you are a hentai virgin horny fuck sitting alone pretending being a fucking girl and at the same time you act tough on atwar topics
100$ you wouldn't say shit on his face.
And by the way where the fuck are you from acting so proud and bully others of their origin cause im pretty sure you aint from thailand you cant be that brain dead to be a proud thailandese whatever the fuck you spell it.

Wow you found out the truth about me how sad. You are quite the psychologist huh? XAXAXAXAXAX
Who the hell are you anyway? Are you a sand nigger immigrant spreading your cancer in France? I live in Asia at the moment, i have space for one more houseslave, actually not only one, im making good money here.

Come i ll take care of you poor little darkie, i will feed you if you are willing to work. NO HANDOUTS.
Skrevet av AlBoZzZ, 20.08.2018 at 00:08

You know whats sad? That your country has been in a shithole for the past 15 years,

Skrevet av AlBoZzZ, 20.08.2018 at 18:41

History shows italy had invaded albania.
Therefor albania was italian land at that time
Therefor italy was moving on its occupied land

If we go by what youre saying then russia should have nuked poland because poles let germans go east
Russia should blame ukraine,belarus, yougoslavia ect for letting germans advance east.... thats not right is it?

we had that conversation more than once in the past. You and Italy both got raped

Skrevet av Black Swans, 20.08.2018 at 06:48

I think Greeks issue is that you see yourself as equal or better than Turkey. While reality is much much different, you were in the past, but new times, new wind of changes.

You remind me on people who are jealous on other people who have more money and go something like: "I remember him when he was working as seller in the mall" or something like that. Same mentality that destroyed Serbs in Yugoslavia will destroy you. "Kosovo is our territory, we have 90% of C.E.O.s in Kosovo", yeah, but you have 10% population

Said the muslim inbred from bosnia. Fucking bosnia


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