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Postet av Hugosch, 31.07.2012 - 16:10
We (moderators and admins) will give out a 'Player of the year' award (Medal) at the end of this year. Its a new idea, and it will be given to the player who has helped us and Afterwind over time. Here is how it works:

  • Every month, we select the player of the month. This is a player who helped us with reporting, new ideas and suggestions, bug fixing, helping players on forum, hosting a awesome tournament, etc. Just the player that has done well for afterwind, and its community in the last month.
  • We will post the 'player of the month' on the public forum every month.
  • All players that became 'player of the month' are automaticly candidate for the 'player of the year' award. This is the only way to candidate yourself for this award.
  • At the end of the year, one of the players that has been the winner of the month, will be chosen to be the 'Player of the year 2012', and gets a special medal at his profile (just like we have with tournament winners).

    We start with the first candidate, that is 'player of the month' July; a player who helped us with reporting mostly, but also with bug fixing and a lot of new idea's.

    Winner of July:

    Congrats avatar, and thanks very much for helping us, and the AW-community!
  • 03.08.2012 - 16:34
    Bill Shankly
    Brukerkonto slettet
    04.08.2012 - 11:54
    Is it award for reporting other ppl?
    congratulation man.
    04.08.2012 - 13:45
    So u get this award for being rat and telling about people...?
    We are not the same - I am a Martian.
    Once Martian - Always Martian.
    04.08.2012 - 14:06
    Skrevet av (Forever Alone), 04.08.2012 at 13:45

    So u get this award for being rat and telling about people...?

    Skrevet av Hugosch, 31.07.2012 at 16:10

    This is a player who helped us with reporting, new ideas and suggestions, bug fixing, helping players on forum, hosting a awesome tournament, etc. Just the player that has done well for afterwind, and its community in the last month.

    Reporting can also be a report of a bug or problem in the game. Why do people not read the thread at all?
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
    04.08.2012 - 15:20
    Skrevet av Hugosch, 04.08.2012 at 14:06

    Skrevet av (Forever Alone), 04.08.2012 at 13:45

    So u get this award for being rat and telling about people...?

    Skrevet av Hugosch, 31.07.2012 at 16:10

    This is a player who helped us with reporting, new ideas and suggestions, bug fixing, helping players on forum, hosting a awesome tournament, etc. Just the player that has done well for afterwind, and its community in the last month.

    Reporting can also be a report of a bug or problem in the game. Why do people not read the thread at all?

    Oh, thanks. Thanks for ur time.
    We are not the same - I am a Martian.
    Once Martian - Always Martian.
    04.08.2012 - 17:05
    Congrats avatar
    "There is a hero in all of us"

    19.09.2012 - 18:07
    Brukerkonto slettet
    Can't believe you gave him the player of the month.. He just latejoined me 3 times in a row now, I lost because I was afk, and now he's farming. I reported but no answers..
    19.09.2012 - 20:00
    Skrevet av Guest, 19.09.2012 at 18:07

    Can't believe you gave him the player of the month.. He just latejoined me 3 times in a row now, I lost because I was afk, and now he's farming. I reported but no answers..

    hurr durr latejoining isn't against the rules, It's a part of the game
    Skrevet av Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
    Fruit's theory is correct
    Skrevet av tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
    Fruit is right

    19.09.2012 - 21:29
    Skrevet av Fruit, 19.09.2012 at 20:00

    Skrevet av Guest, 19.09.2012 at 18:07

    Can't believe you gave him the player of the month.. He just latejoined me 3 times in a row now, I lost because I was afk, and now he's farming. I reported but no answers..

    hurr durr latejoining isn't against the rules, It's a part of the game

    It really is quite dickish, though.
    19.09.2012 - 23:21
    Skrevet av Garde, 19.09.2012 at 21:29

    Skrevet av Fruit, 19.09.2012 at 20:00

    Skrevet av Guest, 19.09.2012 at 18:07

    It really is quite dickish, though.

    sorry man ,but i think you need little vocation from afterwind forum go play little games and have fun.cheers
    19.09.2012 - 23:49
    It is sad that even Topics like this are just used to troll, insult or whatever you call this kind of posting.
    And that almost 2 month later...

    I guess the next pejoratively coments in a topic like this will need a Break at the Forum...
    20.09.2012 - 14:40
    Skrevet av avatar, 19.09.2012 at 23:21

    sorry man ,but i think you need little vocation from afterwind forum go play little games and have fun.cheers

    I rarely post as it is, so I don't see why I would.
    20.09.2012 - 15:36
    Avatar is the player of the century
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