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16.09.2012 - 14:06
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(SPOILER - LONGEST THREAD YOU'VE EVER READ IN YOUR LIFE IN AW). In this article we will going through the journey of WBL and the adrenaline of the 1v1 Final tonight. Enjoy. AFTERWIND TIMES.

WBL, The Dying Clan

Warborn Legion have been a clan with its up's and down. I went to research what happened with its losing of members. Big names such as Pinheiro, Tophats and much more have left and WBL have engaged what's known as a 'Sleep Mode'. Now we all know this is a whole load of Bullcrap, but I went to interview 2 players, one that left, and one that is still in the clan.

[pr] LDK: TopHats: Hello, It's me LDK from the Afterwind Times.
[pr] TopHats: lol not now. im in a world game
[pr] LDK: TopHats: I believe we have met before, A interview for a CW report. Would you kindly take your time out of the world game to answer? Or later?
[pr] TopHats: Now.
[pr] LDK: TopHats: You have left WBL, What is happening there?
[pr] TopHats: well, after stomach and pinheiro left the coalition had lost its strength. i also left cause of management issues.
[pr] LDK: TopHats: Would you like to go into more details of this 'management issues'?
[pr] TopHats: when i joined there was 65 invitations to players in which we didnt need. thats just observation.
[pr] LDK: TopHats: You have a reputation of leaving clan's and joining new ones. Is this another one of those movements? Do you have any responses to silence your Critics?
[pr] TopHats: well i joined clan to see if they were the "one", but as of now i havent found one. so i rather stay with my friends.
[pr] LDK: TopHats: Thanks for the interview. We will see each other soon.

Tophats has stated he didn't leave the clan on hate, and also denied reports that he is a clan hopper. He is also hiding inside facts inside the clan. It isn't clear why many people are leaving WBL, and this interview with Brandreas doesn't make it any easier to understand the situation currently at WBL.

[pr] LDK: Brandreas: Hello how are you Brandreas?
[pr] Brandreas: Hey, fine, thanks :) Hbu ?
[pr] LDK: Brandreas: I am fine, thanks for asking. I would like to ask some questions regarding WBL. Would you like to save time for me?
[pr] Brandreas: Ask away, I'll try my best to answer.
[pr] LDK: Brandreas: You are now officer at the clan. The last few days have seen big members leave. The latest big name to leave WBL was Tophats.
[pr] LDK: Brandreas: What are your opinions on these big name departures?
[pr] Brandreas: Well, it doesn't do us any good. As people can see, WBL is on "sleep mode" now. So that means we are not active.
[pr] Brandreas: The fact that people have left, has made our clan not that competitive anymore.
[pr] LDK: Brandreas: So you admit WBL is now slowing dying?
[pr] Brandreas: I think WBL is not dying.
[pr] Brandreas: We are just going through a bad period of time. It has happened before.
[pr] LDK: Brandreas: The last time it happened, NateBaller rescued WBL. Who will be the one to rescue WBL now? After a period of time will you be looking to leave?
[pr] Brandreas: The problem is that it's not easy to rescue a clan, where most of the people are involved with irl issues, like school, families etc
[pr] Brandreas: Anyway - i think that Nate could pull it off again.
[pr] Brandreas: We just need a few active and most important, LOYAL members.
[pr] LDK: Brandreas: There have been rumours around AW, saying that there have been quarrels around WBL deciding people to leave. Do you agree?
[pr] Brandreas: I can't tell you about that, since i haven't been that active. I don't know the reasons of some people, who left.
[pr] LDK: Brandreas: You say that you need 'loyal' players. Are you calling Pin, and Tophats 'unloyal'?
[pr] Brandreas: I don't want to flag anyone with a name. I know they are dedicated to the game.
[pr] Brandreas: And i know the reasons, why they left, so i don't think they're unloyal.
[pr] Brandreas: Yea and about me leaving the clan ... not going to happen.
[pr] LDK: Brandreas: Right, Your time has been great. It was a good experience. Thanks.
[pr] Brandreas: Thanks for the interview

WBL are obviously going through MORE than a 'rough patch' , and some may even go to the extent that they are dying. I certainly will be waiting until this "Nate" moment, and then I will chose my conclusion. But for now. Thanks for reading.

2012 AW 1V1 FINAL

Welcome to the 2012 AW 1V1 Final. Caulerpa v Vril. Both made wonderful achievments to get this far. We start off with a interview from one of our correspondants - Safari.

Vril starts of with France and Caulerpa goes for Turkey. From the first expansion, It doesn't take a idiot that this is going to be one hell of a fiesty game. You could tell that this would be a all out offensive. But when you have 2 of the greatest players in AW, the only answer to summarise a game in the beginning is:


Attacks were everywhere. Vril looking to exploit any games in Caul's lines, and Vice versa. By turn 6, Vril was starting to earn income, after taking the Big 4 out of 5 countries. Spain, UK, Germany, France (home land). Italy was with Caul's turkey. With Caul defending Italy throughout the entire game, (defending others too), Vril thought of the other quick expansion through the north and outside Caul's expansion. He tended to surround Caulerpa's expansion by taking the other countires further north and Russia. It was a sweet plan.
Apart from the "Leave Russia North with 3 units and lets not wall it" part. He also took Russia central, with 22 units inside + gen, and had come really close to Cauls Cap Ankara. But the next turn Caul did a sweet shift in strategy, turnblocking Russia Central, and walling it. Vril did not even attempt to wall up Moscow, which made the wall not even fucked. Russia North was taken, the 3 troops killed. It was a neat trick that pretty much decided the game. After a couple of turns of boredom, something interesting arose. Not from the game. But from the Game Chat.

'~Caulerpa: i didnt touch fucking russia this turn dont annoy me'

Caulerpa gets mad at Acquiesce for accusing of bugging Moscow, after 3 times being walled without broken, people got suspicious.
The match went on into stalemate for a few more turns..

Around week 12 Unit count was :

Vril - 279
Caulerpa - 391

The game was developing to a spamfest as you can see from the Camshot taking below.

Caulerpa in Red, Vril in The Dirty Brown.

The next turn, Russia Central was taken. Caulerpa was now making sudden stacky movements west, with many stacks, not just one big stack. He pushes the enemy forward but then Vril pulls of one last trick to maybe tip the scales.
He makes it look like he will lose madrid, then takes italy from Caul which leaves him shocked. Many of the bookmarkers where hell sure that Vril had turned the game around and it was turning in his direction. But with one last breath Caul stood ground and retook Rome 2 weeks later.
With much more stalemate, and Caul pushing hard now, Vril decided that he had enough, and decides to a shock quit option and leaves the game with the last words of "Gg, u win."
Many calls of "Rematch" were shouted but ignored. Caulerpa won the 2012 AW 1V1 Final and congratulations to him.

Here are the interviews to the runner up, Vril:

[pr] LDK: ~VRIL: Hi your back Excellent. Are you ready for your interview with Afterwind Times?
[pr] ~VRIL: oke
[pr] LDK: ~VRIL: So how do you think your overall perfomance was went?
[pr] ~VRIL: Im happy with my performance in this game. I made many mistake last match against Caul. This time I kept cool.
[pr] ~VRIL: It only was not enough to beat Caulerpa
[pr] LDK: ~VRIL: Yes. Rather unlucky you lost. I think you two played amazing throughout the match. Do you think Caul deserved the win?
[pr] ~VRIL: Yes he was the better player
[pr] LDK: ~VRIL: Amazing sportsmanship you have there
[pr] LDK: ~VRIL: Halfway through the game, there was a controversy moment where rumours of Moscow was bugged. What is your response to this?
[pr] ~VRIL: Yes Moscow is bugged. You have a 2/3 chance to TB any amount of units there
[pr] ~VRIL: however it was not game deciding
[pr] LDK: ~VRIL: So what do you think was the 'game deciding' moment ?
[pr] ~VRIL: Im unsure about that
[pr] ~VRIL: I got told i played too defensively
[pr] ~VRIL: I will analyse that sometime later
[pr] LDK: ~VRIL: A'ight. Last question and then I will leave you alone.
[pr] LDK: ~VRIL: In the future upcoming 1v1s tournaments, Who do you think have potential of winning them?
[pr] ~VRIL: I would say Tophats. He was my toughest opponent
[pr] LDK: ~VRIL: Right. Thank's for your time, you have been a awesome interviewee

Vril, was obviously upset with his performance, but credit to the lad. He played amazing.

Next up, the champ - Caulerpa himself.

[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: Howdy my friend. We meet again. Care to save time?
[pr] ~Caulerpa: Of course.
[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: what did you think of your overall perfomance throughout this match?
[pr] ~Caulerpa: I did pretty well, don't you think?
[pr] ~Caulerpa: Though, I think my first few turns weren't that good but it turned out fine.
[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: You did more than that, Im sure.
[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: What do you think of Vrils perfomance? Was he a easy opponent?
- Caulerpa interrupts interview with short laugh -
[pr] ~Caulerpa: Most certainly not, I mean, he came to the finals without a loss - that says everything. Both matches were exhausting.
[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: You speak well of your clan mate. There was a situation in the game where rumours emerged that Moscow was bugged. You even got mad at one stage. What are your comments on this?
[pr] ~Caulerpa: There is a bug at Moscow that units can get stuck if the opponent attacks you, but I realised that after 2 turns and I didn't touch moscow at all since then
[pr] ~Caulerpa: I got mad because people were saying I TBed Moscow, which I didn't do. The video will show.
[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: Right. Things like this happen of course.
[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: How are you feeling now after the match anyway?
[pr] ~Caulerpa: Exhausted and relieved. I'm glad it's finally over.
[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: Well, I'll let you rest now. You've had a great game, and I think you deserve this win. Congratulations.
[pr] ~Caulerpa: Thanks for the interview and all that.

Congratulations to Caulerpa who won that epic final. He obviously showed belief in himself all way through that final, and he got what he deserved in the end. It was a good match followed up with a shocking ending.

- Quote of the day -
[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: Prepare yourself. Interview in 3 to 4 mins.
[pr] LDK: ~Caulerpa: Put make up on and everything
[pr] ~Caulerpa: yea, my dalmati tracksuit and all that

Long read yes. But Enjoyable.

Article 4 will be written by V-dog next week or so. Congratulations for SAFARI who had just joined our team
16.09.2012 - 14:16
I actually really enjoyed in reading this. Keep up the good work.
16.09.2012 - 14:38
I really enjoyed reading this, Good work!
I think you should sign up for 'The Sun' journalist job!

16.09.2012 - 14:43
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Skrevet av Mrs Tickle, 16.09.2012 at 14:38

I think you should sign up for ''The Sun'' journalist job!


How dare you disrespect me with this "The Sun" shit. You know,as well as any, I boycott The Sun like any other LFC fan. Like Caulerpa, We don't buy the sun because they literally have shit coming out their mouth's.

Good day.
16.09.2012 - 14:43
Great job man
16.09.2012 - 14:45
 Acquiesce (Mod)
Great report. Keep up the good quality. Just one thing, I wasn't accusing Caulerpa of cheating. It's a legitimate bug that all parties were aware of and as VRIL stated, it wasn't game changing.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
16.09.2012 - 14:51
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Skrevet av Acquiesce, 16.09.2012 at 14:45

Great report. Keep up the good quality. Just one thing, I wasn't accusing Caulerpa of cheating. It's a legitimate bug that all parties were aware of and as VRIL stated, it wasn't game changing.

BTW if anyone wants to join the team here is the application system.

Write a short but interesting article about AW, (anything about it) and SEND IT TO ME THROUGH INBOX PM. We will review and vote if you should be a member. IT MUST INCLUDE A INTERVIEW WITH SOMEONE.

What we look in at interviews.

Good Meaningful questions.
Hardcore questions that push the interviewee to answer with hard answers
Also a good article, with good English.

Members of ANN are welcome to apply
16.09.2012 - 14:52
How dare you disrespect me with this "The Sun" shit. You know,as well as any, I boycott The Sun like any other LFC fan. Like Caulerpa, We don't buy the sun because they literally have shit coming out their mouth's.

Good day.

Sorry about The Sun, other than that, You should sign up for 'The Times' journalist job!

There nothing wrong with 'The Times' is there??
16.09.2012 - 19:49
That feel when I miss the 1v1 finale because I was at a symphony :/. Meh, this is good work, LDK. I'm far too inactive to compete with this. Just wait until the winter break though .

ANN could still be a competitor, however, if Spart (who's totally not me) or Skittz decide to take over.

Edit: You should make a homepage thread for this, and put it in your sig. The homepage would link to each issue.
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
17.09.2012 - 00:10
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Skrevet av Mathdino, 16.09.2012 at 19:49

That feel when I miss the 1v1 finale because I was at a symphony :/. Meh, this is good work, LDK. I'm far too inactive to compete with this. Just wait until the winter break though .

ANN could still be a competitor, however, if Spart (who's totally not me) or Skittz decide to take over.

Edit: You should make a homepage thread for this, and put it in your sig. The homepage would link to each issue.

Will do so when Time reaches me for this.
17.09.2012 - 02:16
I can't say I can distinguish between the different news channels, I just assumed LDK wrote this for Mathdino xaxa.
Skrevet av Amok, 29.04.2012 at 08:36

Gardevoir, your obnoxiousness really baffles me sometimes...just leave for good already or stop whining.
18.09.2012 - 07:24
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Why not just team up with ANN. With each other yoll can get dubble the news out there.
18.09.2012 - 09:33
It was said the person who took turkey would win, i didn't watch the final, but just looking at that screenshot, it was over then.
18.09.2012 - 10:38
Skrevet av nonames, 18.09.2012 at 09:33

It was said the person who took turkey would win, i didn't watch the final, but just looking at that screenshot, it was over then.

Praise be onto the Prophet.
Skrevet av Amok, 29.04.2012 at 08:36

Gardevoir, your obnoxiousness really baffles me sometimes...just leave for good already or stop whining.
24.09.2012 - 16:16
'Tophats has stated he didn't leave the clan on hate, and also denied reports that he is a clan hopper. He is also hiding inside facts inside the clan. It isn't clear why many people are leaving WBL, and this interview with Brandreas doesn't make it any easier to understand the situation currently at WBL.'

I left WBL mainly because I wasn't doing anything in it at the time.
I never CWed once, and I used to want to join so badly, but after NateBaller threatened to kick me because I decided to fight him in a game, I left, and even worse Nate tried to act like he kicked me out earlier that day to look better.
The only people who ever seemed to CW in that Coalition were StomachUlcers, Tophats, and Nateballer. Sometimes Brandreas, but other than that almost everyone else was inactive or didnt seem to matter.

I was kind of unsure when I left WBL; But I've found that Syndicate is a very friendly coalition that lets all users CW..
25.09.2012 - 00:23
Lord Dark Knight
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Skrevet av the equalizer, 24.09.2012 at 16:16

I was kind of unsure when I left WBL; But I've found that Syndicate is a very friendly coalition that lets all users CW..

I feel you bro, When I was in WBL i never cw'd, but you have to fight for your place. As for syndicate, Spart gave me a temporary 1 week stay in the clan and My advise is that it is one of the best clans.

Community wise , and the leader Spart (whom I've known for a long time) is amazing. You've joined a great clan.
25.09.2012 - 13:11
All I have to say about the current situation of WBL is that it is clearly apart of the Dalmati Conspiracy.

Also, kicking Lowsky was most enjoyable thing I did as leader of WBL. :) A lot of people got to CW actually, but you just sucked. Sucking and being generally annoying is not a good way to stay in a coalition.
25.09.2012 - 16:55
Skrevet av NateBaller, 25.09.2012 at 13:11

All I have to say about the current situation of WBL is that it is clearly apart of the Dalmati Conspiracy.

Also, kicking Lowsky was most enjoyable thing I did as leader of WBL. :) A lot of people got to CW actually, but you just sucked. Sucking and being generally annoying is not a good way to stay in a coalition.

really? the whole time i was in there i almost never saw anyone other than you, tophats, and stomachulcers CW.

Also, i love how you talk about loving to kick me so much, but the only reason that you kicked me is because I decided to fight you in a world game.
25.09.2012 - 19:51
Actually, that was after I kicked you the first time and then let you back in because I felt sorry for you.

On a completely unrelated note, you are the coolest person I have ever met. I thank you for our glorious conversation that we have shared and bid you good day.
26.09.2012 - 07:25
Wtf, i had several convos with Lowsky, the guy's awesome. Just what the heck, Nate.
26.09.2012 - 07:53
Actually, I was the one who invited Lowsky back to WBL.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
26.09.2012 - 08:25
Hateballer spreading pure rage all over the forums


Skrevet av Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Skrevet av tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

26.09.2012 - 13:54
Skrevet av Pinheiro, 26.09.2012 at 07:53

Actually, I was the one who invited Lowsky back to WBL.

Oh yeah, I remember now... that was awkward as hell.

Anyway, WBL is in sleep mode because I don't have the time to play this game anymore. I suggested that everyone leave and do their own thing for awhile. WBL will return when either I have more free time, or someone else wants to step up to lead it.
26.09.2012 - 14:53
 Acquiesce (Mod)
Hey Nate, just a suggestion. I know you need a place to let out that undergrad college student stress, but stop pooping all over the forums.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
26.09.2012 - 15:41
That place would be my fraternity house.
26.09.2012 - 21:03
Skrevet av Brandreas, 26.09.2012 at 07:25

Wtf, i had several convos with Lowsky, the guy's awesome. Just what the heck, Nate.


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