23.09.2019 - 08:19
I'm experimenting with some new premium options. The new options are: 1) Lifetime Premium is back, but only for a little while. I still don't think offering Lifetime is a good business model, but I'm considering that maybe expectations in the gaming industry are different from the SaaS products where I come from. Some people tell me they would buy premium but only if they can buy lifetime. I remain skeptical, but I've decided to do this as an experiment to see if people will actually buy it or not. So, if you want lifetime now is your chance... I don't think I'll offer it for very long. 2) 1-Day and 1-Week premium is now available for ProtoCoins only. For those to whom 1 month ($5.99 USD) is maybe a lot of money, I've added 2 cheaper options. For 100 ProtoCoins you can get a 1-Day Premium pass, or for 250 Protocoins a 1-Week pass. This is another experiment just to see how it goes, I don't plan to offer it forever. Any constructive feedback is welcomed, simply to this thread. Cheers
23.09.2019 - 08:41
Nice experiments! I get the dilemma with lifetime premium on one side and premium for a period on the other side, imo lifetime is bad business as well, but so far you've done a good job to keep developing on that area ![]() Non-premiums when they see that lifetime premium is available again: ![]()
23.09.2019 - 09:28
This is a very good idea, hope it becomes a permanent option.
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18.10.2019 - 20:32
The gaming industry is an extremely saturated marketplace with countless offers. Obviously the Premium model needs to be eliminated in the future as this simply is not a feasible means of revenue over a prolonged period of time. I believe Lifetime should be the gold standard and cost $40 rather than $70, or some other affordable amount. If I weren't a Beta player, I never ever would have gone with a subscription model for a game like this- or any other for that matter. I simply would have moved on to a different game entirely. I still maintain that being able to purchase Upgrades with Protocoins is the best way to make revenue in this game. On the same token, Upgrades are one of the reasons players find it hard to get into this game- there's a literal barrier not including skill in being "good". Garnering the SP necessary to play at a competent level can take literal years, so the answer for many new people is obvious: This game is not worth my time, it is not rewarding- why would I spend nearly $100 dollars on it? This is the truth as to why we have such a minescule retention rate in the grand scheme of things.
18.10.2019 - 23:57
Yes, it is a bad model to offer lifetime premium and limited together. But hear me out. It is also a bad model when a new guy wants to purchase premium he sees that lots of players have this thing called "lifetime premium" and he can't no longer purchase it. He feel that he doesn't need to be that unlucky, discredited guy who buys a year or two while the others "lifetime" which basically means 100 years or sth. Solution: Switch all the player's lifetime premiums to two year or three years. So when a new player sees it, he feels that "Oh well everyone purchase it this way" so i'll do it this way. Honestly as a failing business you shouldn't be offering cool offers like "oh well i'll give your 1 day prem how cool is that.." "i'll give you guys lifetime premium, because they are begging for me, consider that a favor" honestly client is the king, don't u remember?
19.10.2019 - 14:19
I'd buy for some players if it was like 10$, but 40 nope. That's 1/5 of middle class wage, they gonna lock me up for spending so much on pixels ![]()
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
26.10.2019 - 23:45
Fair warning guys, I plan to stop selling the lifetime option again as of 10/31. If anybody is still on the fence about it, you've got just a couple days left to decide... In other news, I'll probably keep the 1 day and 1 week passes, and probably focus more on protocoins for a while after this... if I have time to implement some new things to buy with PCs.
27.10.2019 - 04:27
Maybe add different tipes of premium, so people who only wants to make maps will buy mapmaking features and the competitive player would buy only exclusive weapons for his gameplay, they would cost like 5-15$ but still, you make money.
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29.10.2019 - 17:07
We had that before, 8 packages if im not wrong, but it was removed for some reason.
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
30.10.2019 - 01:04
Ik, add it back
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