Hi, i'd just like to say that i almost always go to the admins for issues concerning atWar and varies things related to it-but here is the thing you and most mods don't understand, admins don't care about this game. I had sent Amok a message regarding the mapmaker problems two weeks ago, and every single time he logged on, he didn't even bother to read my message. It is of course true, some people in the game are simply here to troll and cause trouble, but as for others, their complaints are true issues that need to be addressed by admins (as i said earlier don't even bother to read messages). Also, mods sometimes don't do their duties. Every once and a while, when some petty guest is spamming help, mods do nothing. I can see three online, but none do more than simply sit there. I'm not using any names, so this post can't be taken down for discriminating a certain player. And one thing that I advise, as a player, is that you create a system of set rules that apply to all mods.This isn't something the admins have to approve, merely a law all mods apply. You all should just create some sort of chat, and make them yourself, since it is of course obvious that admins will be of no help in this current situation. I would suggest small mutes for something simple, such as "i am king" in global or help chat, nothing big. If it is clear it was an accident the player posted that, just clear the chat with no punishment, for nobody should be punished for an accident. If it is complete spam and just plain annoying to everyone, then the players will happily accept if you punish someone harshly. Everything in-between should make itself plain to you depending on what you and the community sees fit. These are my recommendations as a basic atWar player. Take them how you will, for I am just offering advise that i personally think will improve the modding system tremendously. In making this post, I mean no harm towards mods and I like them all. If anyone sees anything wrong with this post, just message me and I will be delighted to fix it.
PS: I saw what Trystane said, and i am forced to agree-some mods aren't active. If admins do end up reading this, I recommend demoting mods who don't bother to be active and rewarding the good active mods for their duties, maybe with protocoins or something, you choose.
Good day to everyone!
you too want too can take my money if you shut up
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
you too want too can take my money if you shut up
You don't have money ,poor fuck , stop trolling in every post you find , you aren't funny.
Skrevet av razm, 14.03.2018 at 17:59
you too want too can take my money if you shut up
You don't have money ,poor fuck , stop trolling in every post you find , you aren't funny.
trolling? ye im trying to be funny informing retarded fucks like you spamming senseless bullshits that rather suggests suggestions that actually completely disband moderation from the game that they are retarded (you completely realize trolling is)
wtf is this how can someone watch the watcher how can mods have constant rules concerning everything?
and how does inactivity of mods mean they are abusive arent you crying about mods actions already?
one point i agree upon in this whole trash talking is removing long term punishments on none harmful activities such as trolling in global but ofc not when glitching chat as this breaks the condition "none harmful content"
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
Skrevet av Praedyth, 14.03.2018 at 17:45
Hi, i'd just like to say that i almost always go to the admins for issues concerning atWar and varies things related to it-but here is the thing you and most mods don't understand, admins don't care about this game. I had sent Amok a message regarding the mapmaker problems two weeks ago, and every single time he logged on, he didn't even bother to read my message. It is of course true, some people in the game are simply here to troll and cause trouble, but as for others, their complaints are true issues that need to be addressed by admins (as i said earlier don't even bother to read messages). Also, mods sometimes don't do their duties. Every once and a while, when some petty guest is spamming help, mods do nothing. I can see three online, but none do more than simply sit there. I'm not using any names, so this post can't be taken down for discriminating a certain player. And one thing that I advise, as a player, is that you create a system of set rules that apply to all mods.This isn't something the admins have to approve, merely a law all mods apply. You all should just create some sort of chat, and make them yourself, since it is of course obvious that admins will be of no help in this current situation. I would suggest small mutes for something simple, such as "i am king" in global or help chat, nothing big. If it is clear it was an accident the player posted that, just clear the chat with no punishment, for nobody should be punished for an accident. If it is complete spam and just plain annoying to everyone, then the players will happily accept if you punish someone harshly. Everything in-between should make itself plain to you depending on what you and the community sees fit. These are my recommendations as a basic atWar player. Take them how you will, for I am just offering advise that i personally think will improve the modding system tremendously. In making this post, I mean no harm towards mods and I like them all. If anyone sees anything wrong with this post, just message me and I will be delighted to fix it.
PS: I saw what Trystane said, and i am forced to agree-some mods aren't active. If admins do end up reading this, I recommend demoting mods who don't bother to be active and rewarding the good active mods for their duties, maybe with protocoins or something, you choose.
Good day to everyone! 
You are correct with respect to admin... mods share the same frustration at times. It's not so much admin doesn't 'care' as, they have priorities in life, and AW, as best i can tell, comes after their families and careers. It's more of a 'labour of love' or hobby for them, as i see it... don't quote me on this, and if Ivan or Amok read this maybe they can clarify.
In response to help spam, mods have discussed this at length. There was a time this wasn't much of an issue. Now, 95% or more of help chat is abuse now, and help spammers create new accounts when we mute them.
To say mods don't do anything is somewhat inaccurate... i am occasionally guilty of being in a game and letting help spam go for awhile, since it would be a full time job at times to warn and mute every help spammer. Keep in mind, mods like to play the game too, and when in a good game or CW, we aren't going to sacrifice our game/teammates to mute help spammers who we know just create new accounts. We lose our game, let our clan/team-mates down, and solve nothing.
So yes, at times you will see 3 mods on and help spam. But mod actions get logged... there are about a dozen players muted from help daily... this, in my view, is a ridiculous level of abuse, but saying mods don't do anything isn't exactly true. ♥
We have contacted admin about the problem, and like you, are waiting for a response.
As for your recommendations, i would say that most mods already use what you suggested, most of the time. Yes, there are exceptional circumstances, particularly with repeat offenders, but for the most part, this is what we do.

Skrevet av brianwl, 14.03.2018 at 18:26
Skrevet av Praedyth, 14.03.2018 at 17:45
Hi, i'd just like to say that i almost always go to the admins for issues concerning atWar and varies things related to it-but here is the thing you and most mods don't understand, admins don't care about this game. I had sent Amok a message regarding the mapmaker problems two weeks ago, and every single time he logged on, he didn't even bother to read my message. It is of course true, some people in the game are simply here to troll and cause trouble, but as for others, their complaints are true issues that need to be addressed by admins (as i said earlier don't even bother to read messages). Also, mods sometimes don't do their duties. Every once and a while, when some petty guest is spamming help, mods do nothing. I can see three online, but none do more than simply sit there. I'm not using any names, so this post can't be taken down for discriminating a certain player. And one thing that I advise, as a player, is that you create a system of set rules that apply to all mods.This isn't something the admins have to approve, merely a law all mods apply. You all should just create some sort of chat, and make them yourself, since it is of course obvious that admins will be of no help in this current situation. I would suggest small mutes for something simple, such as "i am king" in global or help chat, nothing big. If it is clear it was an accident the player posted that, just clear the chat with no punishment, for nobody should be punished for an accident. If it is complete spam and just plain annoying to everyone, then the players will happily accept if you punish someone harshly. Everything in-between should make itself plain to you depending on what you and the community sees fit. These are my recommendations as a basic atWar player. Take them how you will, for I am just offering advise that i personally think will improve the modding system tremendously. In making this post, I mean no harm towards mods and I like them all. If anyone sees anything wrong with this post, just message me and I will be delighted to fix it.
PS: I saw what Trystane said, and i am forced to agree-some mods aren't active. If admins do end up reading this, I recommend demoting mods who don't bother to be active and rewarding the good active mods for their duties, maybe with protocoins or something, you choose.
Good day to everyone! 
You are correct with respect to admin... mods share the same frustration at time. It's not so much admin doesn't 'care' as, they have priorities in life, and AW, as best i can tell, comes after their families and careers. It's more of a 'labour of love' or hobby for them, as i see it... don't quote me on this, and if Ivan or Amok read this maybe they can clarify.
In response to help spam, mods have discussed this at length. There was a time this wasn't much of an issue. Now, 95% or more of help chat is abuse now, and help spammers create new accounts when we mute them.
To say mods don't do anything is somewhat inaccurate... i am guilty of at times being in a game and letting help spam go for awhile, since it would be a full time job at times to warn and mute every help spammer. Keep in mind, mods like to play the game too, and when in a good game or CW, we aren't going to sacrifice our game/teammates to mute help spammers who we know just create new accounts. We lose our game, let our clan/team-mates down, and solve nothing.
So yes, at times you will see 3 mods on and help spam. But mod actions get logged... there are about a dozen players muted from help daily... this, in my view, is a ridiculous level of abuse, but saying mods don't do anything isn't exactly true. ♥
We have contacted admin about the problem, and like you, are waiting for a response.
As for your recommendations, i would say that most mods already use what you suggested, most of the time. Yes, there are exceptional circumstances, particularly with repeat offenders, but for the most part, this is what we do.
If anything ask for the ability to mute via a person's ip. Most trolls can't use vpns there retarded, that could cut down on trolling tremendously.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Skrevet av Helly, 14.03.2018 at 18:35
Skrevet av brianwl, 14.03.2018 at 18:26
Skrevet av Praedyth, 14.03.2018 at 17:45
Hi, i'd just like to say that i almost always go to the admins for issues concerning atWar and varies things related to it-but here is the thing you and most mods don't understand, admins don't care about this game. I had sent Amok a message regarding the mapmaker problems two weeks ago, and every single time he logged on, he didn't even bother to read my message. It is of course true, some people in the game are simply here to troll and cause trouble, but as for others, their complaints are true issues that need to be addressed by admins (as i said earlier don't even bother to read messages). Also, mods sometimes don't do their duties. Every once and a while, when some petty guest is spamming help, mods do nothing. I can see three online, but none do more than simply sit there. I'm not using any names, so this post can't be taken down for discriminating a certain player. And one thing that I advise, as a player, is that you create a system of set rules that apply to all mods.This isn't something the admins have to approve, merely a law all mods apply. You all should just create some sort of chat, and make them yourself, since it is of course obvious that admins will be of no help in this current situation. I would suggest small mutes for something simple, such as "i am king" in global or help chat, nothing big. If it is clear it was an accident the player posted that, just clear the chat with no punishment, for nobody should be punished for an accident. If it is complete spam and just plain annoying to everyone, then the players will happily accept if you punish someone harshly. Everything in-between should make itself plain to you depending on what you and the community sees fit. These are my recommendations as a basic atWar player. Take them how you will, for I am just offering advise that i personally think will improve the modding system tremendously. In making this post, I mean no harm towards mods and I like them all. If anyone sees anything wrong with this post, just message me and I will be delighted to fix it.
PS: I saw what Trystane said, and i am forced to agree-some mods aren't active. If admins do end up reading this, I recommend demoting mods who don't bother to be active and rewarding the good active mods for their duties, maybe with protocoins or something, you choose.
Good day to everyone! 
You are correct with respect to admin... mods share the same frustration at time. It's not so much admin doesn't 'care' as, they have priorities in life, and AW, as best i can tell, comes after their families and careers. It's more of a 'labour of love' or hobby for them, as i see it... don't quote me on this, and if Ivan or Amok read this maybe they can clarify.
In response to help spam, mods have discussed this at length. There was a time this wasn't much of an issue. Now, 95% or more of help chat is abuse now, and help spammers create new accounts when we mute them.
To say mods don't do anything is somewhat inaccurate... i am guilty of at times being in a game and letting help spam go for awhile, since it would be a full time job at times to warn and mute every help spammer. Keep in mind, mods like to play the game too, and when in a good game or CW, we aren't going to sacrifice our game/teammates to mute help spammers who we know just create new accounts. We lose our game, let our clan/team-mates down, and solve nothing.
So yes, at times you will see 3 mods on and help spam. But mod actions get logged... there are about a dozen players muted from help daily... this, in my view, is a ridiculous level of abuse, but saying mods don't do anything isn't exactly true. ♥
We have contacted admin about the problem, and like you, are waiting for a response.
As for your recommendations, i would say that most mods already use what you suggested, most of the time. Yes, there are exceptional circumstances, particularly with repeat offenders, but for the most part, this is what we do.
If anything ask for the ability to mute via a person's ip. Most trolls can't use vpns there retarded, that could cut down on trolling tremendously.
We just ip ban people that keep spamming, you might be surprised at the number of people that can use VPN's.
What we really need is a shadow mute (similar to reddit's shadow ban)! That would actually be a huge help imo.
Skrevet av Sid, 14.03.2018 at 18:51
Skrevet av Helly, 14.03.2018 at 18:35
Skrevet av brianwl, 14.03.2018 at 18:26
Skrevet av Praedyth, 14.03.2018 at 17:45
Hi, i'd just like to say that i almost always go to the admins for issues concerning atWar and varies things related to it-but here is the thing you and most mods don't understand, admins don't care about this game. I had sent Amok a message regarding the mapmaker problems two weeks ago, and every single time he logged on, he didn't even bother to read my message. It is of course true, some people in the game are simply here to troll and cause trouble, but as for others, their complaints are true issues that need to be addressed by admins (as i said earlier don't even bother to read messages). Also, mods sometimes don't do their duties. Every once and a while, when some petty guest is spamming help, mods do nothing. I can see three online, but none do more than simply sit there. I'm not using any names, so this post can't be taken down for discriminating a certain player. And one thing that I advise, as a player, is that you create a system of set rules that apply to all mods.This isn't something the admins have to approve, merely a law all mods apply. You all should just create some sort of chat, and make them yourself, since it is of course obvious that admins will be of no help in this current situation. I would suggest small mutes for something simple, such as "i am king" in global or help chat, nothing big. If it is clear it was an accident the player posted that, just clear the chat with no punishment, for nobody should be punished for an accident. If it is complete spam and just plain annoying to everyone, then the players will happily accept if you punish someone harshly. Everything in-between should make itself plain to you depending on what you and the community sees fit. These are my recommendations as a basic atWar player. Take them how you will, for I am just offering advise that i personally think will improve the modding system tremendously. In making this post, I mean no harm towards mods and I like them all. If anyone sees anything wrong with this post, just message me and I will be delighted to fix it.
PS: I saw what Trystane said, and i am forced to agree-some mods aren't active. If admins do end up reading this, I recommend demoting mods who don't bother to be active and rewarding the good active mods for their duties, maybe with protocoins or something, you choose.
Good day to everyone! 
You are correct with respect to admin... mods share the same frustration at time. It's not so much admin doesn't 'care' as, they have priorities in life, and AW, as best i can tell, comes after their families and careers. It's more of a 'labour of love' or hobby for them, as i see it... don't quote me on this, and if Ivan or Amok read this maybe they can clarify.
In response to help spam, mods have discussed this at length. There was a time this wasn't much of an issue. Now, 95% or more of help chat is abuse now, and help spammers create new accounts when we mute them.
To say mods don't do anything is somewhat inaccurate... i am guilty of at times being in a game and letting help spam go for awhile, since it would be a full time job at times to warn and mute every help spammer. Keep in mind, mods like to play the game too, and when in a good game or CW, we aren't going to sacrifice our game/teammates to mute help spammers who we know just create new accounts. We lose our game, let our clan/team-mates down, and solve nothing.
So yes, at times you will see 3 mods on and help spam. But mod actions get logged... there are about a dozen players muted from help daily... this, in my view, is a ridiculous level of abuse, but saying mods don't do anything isn't exactly true. ♥
We have contacted admin about the problem, and like you, are waiting for a response.
As for your recommendations, i would say that most mods already use what you suggested, most of the time. Yes, there are exceptional circumstances, particularly with repeat offenders, but for the most part, this is what we do.
If anything ask for the ability to mute via a person's ip. Most trolls can't use vpns there retarded, that could cut down on trolling tremendously.
We just ip ban people that keep spamming, you might be surprised at the number of people that can use VPN's.
What we really need is a shadow mute (similar to reddit's shadow ban)! That would actually be a huge help imo.
i agree to many guest trolls with vpn
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
Sid + Brianwl do a great job as mod. if you see spam in global, room, or help chats...just uncheck boxes...very easy fix for each gamer. ddos + hacking games + improvement of game are a separate issue.
It's fine for a mod to go inactive and such but when you have a moderator who has been gone for over a year yet he had still done more work recently than a lot of these other moderators then I find that to be an issue.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
I think they do a good job, some are a bit abusive and some are inactive, but most of mods do a good job.
Everyone can think what they want, in my case I think I can not complain about the mods.
Skrevet av Sid, 14.03.2018 at 18:51
Skrevet av Helly, 14.03.2018 at 18:35
Skrevet av brianwl, 14.03.2018 at 18:26
Skrevet av Praedyth, 14.03.2018 at 17:45
Hi, i'd just like to say that i almost always go to the admins for issues concerning atWar and varies things related to it-but here is the thing you and most mods don't understand, admins don't care about this game. I had sent Amok a message regarding the mapmaker problems two weeks ago, and every single time he logged on, he didn't even bother to read my message. It is of course true, some people in the game are simply here to troll and cause trouble, but as for others, their complaints are true issues that need to be addressed by admins (as i said earlier don't even bother to read messages). Also, mods sometimes don't do their duties. Every once and a while, when some petty guest is spamming help, mods do nothing. I can see three online, but none do more than simply sit there. I'm not using any names, so this post can't be taken down for discriminating a certain player. And one thing that I advise, as a player, is that you create a system of set rules that apply to all mods.This isn't something the admins have to approve, merely a law all mods apply. You all should just create some sort of chat, and make them yourself, since it is of course obvious that admins will be of no help in this current situation. I would suggest small mutes for something simple, such as "i am king" in global or help chat, nothing big. If it is clear it was an accident the player posted that, just clear the chat with no punishment, for nobody should be punished for an accident. If it is complete spam and just plain annoying to everyone, then the players will happily accept if you punish someone harshly. Everything in-between should make itself plain to you depending on what you and the community sees fit. These are my recommendations as a basic atWar player. Take them how you will, for I am just offering advise that i personally think will improve the modding system tremendously. In making this post, I mean no harm towards mods and I like them all. If anyone sees anything wrong with this post, just message me and I will be delighted to fix it.
PS: I saw what Trystane said, and i am forced to agree-some mods aren't active. If admins do end up reading this, I recommend demoting mods who don't bother to be active and rewarding the good active mods for their duties, maybe with protocoins or something, you choose.
Good day to everyone! 
You are correct with respect to admin... mods share the same frustration at time. It's not so much admin doesn't 'care' as, they have priorities in life, and AW, as best i can tell, comes after their families and careers. It's more of a 'labour of love' or hobby for them, as i see it... don't quote me on this, and if Ivan or Amok read this maybe they can clarify.
In response to help spam, mods have discussed this at length. There was a time this wasn't much of an issue. Now, 95% or more of help chat is abuse now, and help spammers create new accounts when we mute them.
To say mods don't do anything is somewhat inaccurate... i am guilty of at times being in a game and letting help spam go for awhile, since it would be a full time job at times to warn and mute every help spammer. Keep in mind, mods like to play the game too, and when in a good game or CW, we aren't going to sacrifice our game/teammates to mute help spammers who we know just create new accounts. We lose our game, let our clan/team-mates down, and solve nothing.
So yes, at times you will see 3 mods on and help spam. But mod actions get logged... there are about a dozen players muted from help daily... this, in my view, is a ridiculous level of abuse, but saying mods don't do anything isn't exactly true. ♥
We have contacted admin about the problem, and like you, are waiting for a response.
As for your recommendations, i would say that most mods already use what you suggested, most of the time. Yes, there are exceptional circumstances, particularly with repeat offenders, but for the most part, this is what we do.
If anything ask for the ability to mute via a person's ip. Most trolls can't use vpns there retarded, that could cut down on trolling tremendously.
We just ip ban people that keep spamming, you might be surprised at the number of people that can use VPN's.
What we really need is a shadow mute (similar to reddit's shadow ban)! That would actually be a huge help imo.
Is that like muting them without letting them know, but they can still post but no one can read it? That would be hillarious, though it could be abused a fair bit aswell.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Skrevet av Helly, 15.03.2018 at 15:28
Is that like muting them without letting them know, but they can still post but no one can read it? That would be hillarious, though it could be abused a fair bit aswell.
Yes, it would have to be used only for spammers.
Ahhh these essayssss, please use spacing...
All mods I experienced are selfish and helping only their "friends". I've sent several reports to mods with a request to check ip addresses of low rank players which showed op skills in duels and never received a response when 4+ mods were online. But as soon as I offend once a friend of a mod in global I'm getting muted for 30 days or posting 1 ASCII 'spam' hieroglyph in global I'm getting muted in the next three seconds for a week. Or when helping a player in German in the help channel I'm getting warned, most mods are power hungry and never help players when justice is really needed. Good job guys, you are creating the bad reputation not only for the rest of your colleagues but the whole game.
Skrevet av Mr.Putin, 16.03.2018 at 06:10
All mods I experienced are selfish and helping only their "friends". I've sent several reports to mods with a request to check ip addresses of low rank players which showed op skills in duels and never received a response when 4+ mods were online. But as soon as I offend once a friend of a mod in global I'm getting muted for 30 days or posting 1 ASCII 'spam' hieroglyph in global I'm getting muted in the next three seconds for a week. Or when helping a player in German in the help channel I'm getting warned, most mods are power hungry and never help players when justice is really needed. Good job guys, you are creating the bad reputation not only for the rest of your colleagues but the whole game.
cries cries cries but nobody supports
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories