02.06.2015 - 13:17
Star Trek RP: Link to original showcase post that explains basic game concepts, units, and strategies to just the map itself. Star Trek Alpha Quadrant Link A scenario RP based on Star Trek the Next Generation. The game features unique event turn rules that appear at the start of turns and can quickly change gameplay mechanics. First a quick guide to the major and minor factions and what their goals are. ![]() United Federation of Planets: Ruled by an elected official, you typically play out the game as the President of the UFP. The Federation Council is also a well recognized branch, along with Starfleet filling out the military, exploration, and science roles. The Federation is quickly given a turn 2 event rule that lasts the entire duration of the game. Forcing them to pay every time and anytime a faction makes peace or allies with them. On top of that the Federation cannot attack other factions until they have been attacked or had a border crossing with a declared war faction. The Federation can declare war, but cannot act on it much past that unless the other side turns it into a shooting war. This is partially so the Federation can place sanctions on factions, secure their borders from potentially hostile fleets moving through it, and entering a cold war status with another faction that jeopardizes interstellar peace. The Federation is committed to peace and should be played in a similar fashion. Condemn aggressive acts and support factions that tend to fall victim to it. The Federation by far has the largest economy, but the Borg are a strong counter to that. Worse, if you can't keep strong diplomacy early game and the quadrant erupts into a war that drags you in, you could find your fleets very out of place in a two front war that ends with your elimination. Diplomat Unit: The Vulcan Ambassador starts gameplay on Earth in the Sol sector. Able to travel to a sector space and apply a one turn ceasefire for the next turn. Only available once per war. Hero Unit: Captain Picard and the USS Enterprise-E starts gameplay on Earth in the Sol sector. RP Victory Points: +1 Defeat the Borg +1 Get a minor faction to join the Federation as a member world via alliance +1 If Picard is alive at the end of the game +1 If Vulcan Ambassador is alive at the end of the game +1 For each Defense Initiative completed (Pending) +2 End a war between two other factions. +3 ![]() Klingon Empire: The Klingon Empire is ruled by the Chancellor, followed by the High Council. The Great Houses often have members that sit on the High Council, and the Klingon Defense Force commands the warriors and fleets of the Empire. The Klingon Empire is often aggressive and short tempered. Valuing honor and battle, Klingons will seek out worthy opponents to face in battle. Remain at peace to long and this warrior society will likely push your hand. Their whole culture is a monument to the art of war, lose a few minor skirmishes and seek peace to avoid further disgrace amongst your people. Diplomat Unit: The Great House Leader can be found in Qu'nos, in the House of Gowron sector. The Great House Leader can challenge another faction's diplomat to a duel. This can happen once per game and the other faction can refuse. If refused the Klingons must frown upon them for being honorless. If they accept, regardless of the outcome and what's on the line, the Klingons must consider them in higher regard for honoring their traditions. Hero Unit: General Martok commands a Negh'Var Refit that can be found in Qu'nos. RP Victory Points: +1 Force a major faction to surrender via peace under your terms +1 If the Great House Leader is alive at end of game +1 If Martok dies in battle before the end of the game, "It is a good day to die!" +1 If you're holding the world you called during Sacred Claim by the end of the game +1 If no Klingon House sector capitols are taken by the end of game (Pending) +2 If the Great House Leader wins a duel +3 ![]() Romulan Star Empire: Ruled by the Praetor and the Imperial Senate, the Romulan government and Tal Shiar share military control over the many cloaked fleets and hidden forces they command. The Romulans are isolationists and committed to neutrality. Preferring to manipulate factions from the background (or via PMs) until a subtle opening is available for them to exploit. Having access to mostly cloaked (stealth) units, the Romulans have the best chance at deep striking undefended worlds of enemies and taking them by complete surprise. They also excel at spying, having the best scouts to make use of in game. Diplomat Unit: Romulan Senator appears in Romulas in Western Star Empire sector. The Senator can agree with another faction to move to their space and raise relations unofficially. In this sense, he's kind of like a political hostage, a potential victim of internal strife and scheming. If he ends up dead though, the Romulans can declare war. He also potentially blocks a game rule called Isolationists that forces Romulas to abandon all its official allies at the time, since he keeps the ties unofficially as confederates. Hero Unit: Admiral Sela in a Warbird. RP Victory Points: +1 Defend the Neutral Zone so no other factions are occupying it by game's end +1 Cold War: Never make peace/ally with the Federation +1 If Admiral Sela is alive at the end of the game +1 If Vulcan is under Romulan control by the end of the game +1 If the Romulan Senator is alive by the end of game (Pending) +2 If you can manipulate two allies to go against each other +3 If you defeat the Federation Cardassian Union: Ruled by a military dictatorship or at other times the Detapa Council, the Cardassian Central Command is in control of the military and the Obsidian Order watches over everyone regardless. The Cardassians are best played like their hero unit is their leader. Gul Dukat was a charismatic interstellar despot who always saw himself as the hero and could never understand why no one else could. His victory wasn't necessarily about the death of his enemies, but about making them acknowledge that he was right and they were wrong. Gul Dukat was a liar and an opportunist, and one of the worst war criminals known in the Alpha Quadrant. Diplomat Unit: The Prefect legitimizes the occupation of a surrendered/peaced faction that then fails to have an "official" voice. However they can still resist through PMs to other factions. Hero Unit: Gul Dukat in a modified Galore class battleship. RP Victory Points: +1 Force a minor faction to surrender via peace under your terms +1 Join or form an alliance +1 If Gul Dukat is alive at the end of the game +1 If Prefect is alive at the end of the game +1 If you're holding the world you called during Sacred Claim by the end of the game (Pending) +2 If you go to war with a major faction +3 If you betray an ally The Dominion: Ruled by their gods the liquid shape changers known as the Founders, the Dominion's authority is often administered by the Vorta while the military that enforces it is primarily made up of the Jem Hadar. The Dominion is best played based off their long term goals philosophy of looking at the big picture. As play goes on, unlike other major faction "bad guys" the Dominion tends to manipulate other minor factions into joining them, or at very least not opposing them, sometimes for long intervals of time. When the Dominion finally does go to war, it should have a number of allies to help it reach a Dominion Alliance victory. Diplomat Unit: Vorta Representative. Hero Unit: Weyoun in a modified Dominion Dreadnought. RP Victory Points: +1 Force a minor faction to war another. +1 Join or form an alliance +1 If Weyoun is alive at the end of the game +1 If Vorta Representative is alive at the end of the game +1 If a minor faction is allied with you at the end of the game (pending) +2 If no Dominion starting capitols fall +3 If Earth and Qu'nos are occupied by the Dominion Alliance by game's end The Borg: Controlled and enslaved by the Borg Queen, the Borg are a collective of thoughts networked throughout many species that have been attacked and assimilated into cybernetic zombies. The Borg are the least RP faction in the game. Having a first turn rule that lasts the duration of the game and bans them from making or accepting peace/alliance with other factions. The Borg can only threaten players with assimilation. This faction is an immediate counter to the Federation's wealth and potential military influences on the other major factions. However, this can be a two edged sword. If the Borg are to successful to quick, the other major factions may rally around the Federation's plight and counter you. Diplomat Unit: N/A Hero Unit: Queen's Diamond. RP Victory Points: +3 Assimilate the Federation +1 For each minor faction you assimilate +2 For each major faction you assimilate Ferengi Alliance: The Ferengi are ruled by the Grand Nagus, the often revered rules of acquisition, and their own personal lust for profit by any means. The Ferengi are greedy hoarders. A game rule helps them obtain money from major factions that pops up from time to time, so it's best to make peace or ally with any major faction that will accept it. Likewise, talking to other factions in PMs and learning as much as you can so you can request bribes from other factions that might benefit from the news. Others sometimes choose to play the Ferengi as a "bank" offering out loans at an interest rate. Either way, the acquiring profit should be the main goal you set for yourself when playing this faction. And remember what rule of acquisition #10 states, "Greed is eternal". Diplomat Unit: Ferengi Financial Manager is capable of generating $500 per production round/cycle from another faction. Hero Unit: DaiMon Bok is in a D'Kora battlecruiser and had proven himself as a capable mercenary for fire when called upon by the Nagus to serve in the defense of the vaults of Ferengiar. RP Victory Points: +1 Hoard +$10,000 credits by game end +1 Hoard +$20,000 credits by game end +1 If Dai'mon Bok is alive at the end of the game +1 If Ferengi Financial Manager is alive at the end of the game +1 For each bribe over $1,500 you accept. (Pending) +2 If you profit from spreading disinformation +3 ![]() Orion Syndicate: The Orions are more of a criminal gang of pirates and slavers rather than an empire bent on interstellar control and domination. The leaders of these outlaws are usually motivated more by profit than political intrigue, though sometimes the two do go together. The Orions should be played as smugglers and pirates. Dealing in the slave trade, raiding economically rich worlds, and selling themselves into mercenary privateer service. Diplomat Unit: The Orion Aid can force another faction to dislike another of their choice. Hero Unit: Hessa in an Orion Interceptor. RP Victory Points: +1 Defeat the Ferengi +1 Worsen relations between three other factions via the Orion Aid +1 If Hassa is alive at the end of the game +1 If Orion Aid is alive at the end of the game +1 If you hoard +$10,000 credits by game end (Pending) +2 If the Orion Syndicate become paid mercenaries for another faction that is not the Federation +3 ![]() Breen Confederacy: Not much is known about the Breen rulers, but it is suspected that several clan leaders formed an alliance as confederates and can be united under specific events. The Breen Domo is typically considered to be a figure head of the Confederacy, but the power of a confederacy does not lie in one leader but several individuals and regions. The Breen are a slaver race known for their mysteriousness and frozen cold home world. The Breen joined the Dominion and proved to be quite a capable military power against the other major factions of the Quadrant. Thot Pran had expressed interest in several worlds including Romulas, Earth, and several Cardassian worlds if they won the Dominion War. The Breen were known to keep close ties with the Cardassians, even keeping an embassy on each others worlds. Diplomat Unit: Breen Administrator. Hero Unit: Thot Gor in a Breen Battleship. RP Victory Points: +1 Occupy Romulas at game's end. +1 Form or join an alliance. +1 If Thot Gor is alive at the end of the game +1 If Breen Representative is alive at the end of the game +1 If you defeat a minor faction (Pending) +2 Peace or send diplomats with Cardassia +3 Occupy Romulas at the end of the game Bajor: The Bajorian Provisional Government leads Bajor and has become closely affiliated with Starfleet after the Cardassian occupation. The Kai is also the spiritual leader of Bajor and holds significant political influence as well, along with the ranks of the Vedeks and the Emissary of the Prophets, captain Sisko. Playing Bajor can be an interesting challenge. Bajor is considered post-occupation but the Cardassian threat still looms very near. Bajor itself should hate and distrust the Cardassians, as well as wanting to extradite war criminals from there for justice. Bajor has to work to keep good political allies with the Federation as well as any surrounding minor factions. While signing peace with Cardassia isn't out of the question, the two factions should probably work their way out of a cold war status and build into it. Diplomat Unit: Vedek that can grant Orb of the Prophets event bonuses to another faction they are visiting. Hero Unit: Captain Sisko is of Bajor and commands from an Excelsior class battlecruiser. RP Victory Points: +1 Defeat or capture Gul Dukat +1 Defeat or capture the Prefect +1 If Sisko is alive at the end of the game +1 If Vedek is alive at the end of the game +1 If you can keep Bajor out of any wars. (Pending) +2 Make peace with Cardassia +3 ![]() Maquis Resistance: The Maquis are a terrorist group of colonists in the Demiliitarized Zone whose singular goal is to cause acts of terrorism against the Cardassians and sometimes even the Federation or other factions that might buildup military strength in or near the DMZ. As such the Maquis are a huge challenge to play as, but generally should work towards attempting to have the Federation back up the DMZ so the Cardassians will not outright attempt to annihilate them. Having other minor factions like Bajor or the Tzenkethi as allies can also reinforce that the Cardassians lay off you despite your terrorist actions against them. Diplomat Unit: Cal Hudson is a former Starfleet officer who can pull sympathy from his former contacts in Starfleet to aid the Maquis and DMZ. Hero Unit: Ro Laren is a former Bajorian resistance fighter, Starfleet tactical officer, and now Maquis Resistance terrorist against the Cardassians. Her advanced tactical training allows her to move undetected (stealth). RP Victory Points: +1 Defeat or capture Gul Dukat +1 Defeat or capture the Prefect. +1 If Ro Laren is alive at the end of the game +1 If Cal Hudson is alive at the end of the game +1 For each minor faction that supports you politically. (Pending) +2 For each world in the DMZ the Federation liberates and gives back to you +3 Defeat Cardassian Union Tzenkethi Autarchy: Ruled by the Autarch, the Tzenkethi is a coalition of worlds that are organized in a caste-like system based on genetic manipulation from birth. They formed the Typhon pact in the novels as a direct form of opposition against the Federation and have used anti-Federation propaganda as well. The Tzenkethi are not otherwise well known, attempting to break up Khitomir Accord allies and even secretly manipulate the other factions they brought into the Typhon pact or factions outside of it into playing into the goals of the Typhon pact. Diplomat Unit: Alizome Tor Fel-A is capable of breaking up or worsening relations between two other factions. Though she must reside in at least one of these faction's borders. Hero Unit: Romah Doek. RP Victory Points: +1 Form or join an alliance against the Federation. +1 If you declare war against the Federation. +1 If Romah Doek is alive at the end of the game +1 If Alizome Tor Fel-A is alive at the end of the game +1 If you can get a Federation ally to dissolve their alliance. (Pending) +2 ![]() +3 If the Typhoon Pack alliance can defeat the Khitomir Accords alliance Talarian Republic: Talaria is a militant society in which only men hold positions of power. They've had conflicts with both the Federation and the Cardassians in the past. In the present they most often look to defend themselves against the Borg threat. Diplomat Unit: Jono is the adopted son of Endar and the son of a Starfleet admiral. As such he can use his relationship with his real father to align Federation goals to Talarian interests. Hero Unit: Captain Endar. RP Victory Points: +1 Defend against the Borg +1 Occupy a neighboring faction's world that is not a capitol. +1 If Endar is alive at the end of the game +1 If Jono is alive at the end of the game +1 If you go to war with a major faction. (Pending) +2 If you occupy a sector of a major faction's space +3 ![]() Tholian Assembly: Tholians take an isolationists stance and are obsessive with border protection. The Tholians are one of the most different races in the game and are capable of taking hostile actions to annex surrounding sectors into their empire to help protect those borders. Diplomat Unit: Tholian Ambassador is similar to the Romulan Senator in that he can unofficially raise relations between two factions as long as he's in their borders. Hero Unit: Loskene. RP Victory Points: +1 Occupy a neighboring sector to your home sector. +1 Maintain neutrality towards major factions. +1 If Loskene is alive at the end of the game +1 If Tholian Ambassador is alive at the end of the game +1 Form an alliance with the Gorn Hegemony. (Pending) +2 Occupy 50% of a minor faction's territory +3 Do not allow passage through your space, even to allies Gorn Hegemony: The Gorn are another race that values its borders, but more so its claim on other worlds it deems sacred and ancestral. Disputes over these worlds often lead to trouble, but the Gorn are indeed bold enough to take on some of these disputes with brute force. The Gorn are slavers and may also be concerned with the close Tholian borders that have led to conflicts in the past, as well as the growing Borg threat. Diplomat Unit: Gorn Ambassador can challenge other faction diplomats to a duel. Hero Unit: Slar. RP Victory Points: +1 Occupy the Sacred Claim world by end of game. +1 Occupy neighboring sector to your home sector. +1 If Slar is alive at the end of the game +1 If Gorn Ambassador is alive at the end of the game +1 Form an alliance with the Tholian Assembly. (Pending) +2 Declare war on a major faction +3 Defeat another militant society (Talaria, Klingons, Cardassia, Dominion, Breen, or Romulans)
02.06.2015 - 14:32
Star Trek RP: ST: RP has turned based rules that pop up in the event info as game play advances. This section will cover some of those rules and mechanics to help further understanding and game play. Also a quick term guide is provided here. Minor Faction: A faction with only one starting sector. Major Faction: A faction with more than one starting sectors.* *The Borg technically start play with one sector, however they are given two of their choice. At any rate, faction rules rarely apply to them and are usually specified if they do. ![]() The turn 1 event info rule puts two faction rules into play. The Romulans are tasked with defending the Neutral Zone(s) from any hostile invasions for the rest of the game. They're only allowed to occupy worlds in the NZ if they are taken by another faction. The Borg also receive a rule here that allows them to pick two neutral sectors that neighbor them that no else can take. This should be called out ASAP in chat and try to get confirmations from the closest neighboring factions that they understand or will have to abandon them to you if occupied before you. This is important for balance, as the Borg are a very costly faction and need the break time to take these sectors while not over producing so they don't crash their economy. The first part of the Borg rule lasts the duration of the game though. The Borg cannot make peace or ally any other factions. How does one RP that? Well, with threats of assimilation of course! The Borg are largely a counter Federation faction, giving them an immediate threat to worry about but can't do nothing to until the Borg move against them. ![]() Turn 2 sets up a game lasting effect for the Federation. Price of Peace means that the Federation must pay out every time peace or alliance is agreed upon between them and any other faction. This is paid every time it happens, even if it's with the same faction again and again. The Federation also cannot attacked unless attacked first, but it's important to note that they can still declare war. You can also use an enemy fleet crossing into your borders as a pretense to a shooting war, but that's it. Asking to annex neutrals is fine, as long as the community entirely agrees upon it. The Cardassians get a rule here that allows them to claim two neutrals, which is what usually happens, or attempt to go to war with a minor faction or two. Cardassian players should be quick to call what they want, or conflicts with minor factions maybe unavoidable. Here are a few random events that pop up in game. I'll change them around from time to time, but generally if they have a turn duration I list it each turn until it ends. ![]() Tholians often annex neighboring sectors to protect their home sector, be wary if this one pops up and the Tholians are ready to pounce. ![]() Romulans have always been interested in reconnecting with their Vulcan cousin race. They're just a little bit more extreme about it. ![]() Sacred claim is a game lasting effect that puts a secondary priority on a world your faction must go after and hold. It pops a few times, for several different factions. ![]() Sometimes rules will work against you to keep a faction in line with their persona. Though the Romulan Senator will allow you scapegoat this, if only unofficially for an one ally. ![]() Klingon leaders are hard pressed to keep prolonged peace with an empire of blood thirsty warriors, thriving on a culture dedicated to war. ![]() Space weather happens. ![]() Here's an example of a "major" optional that if the player choices to do, can potentially flip an entire game on its head. ![]() One that pops up more frequent than others. Could be written off as smuggled goods and black market deals. Either way, you at least have to be at peace for it to be a consideration to pay, so these minor factions tend to benefit from having powerful friends. ![]() The Dominion often manipulates minor factions in the game to advance their agenda. Played right and the Dominion could ally them all and go against any major factions left against them. ![]() Here's an example of how hero units can come into play in surprising ways. ![]() The Borg pose a serious threat with this rule popping up more than once during game play. If factions are putting aside their difference to gang up on you, you're playing the Borg well. ![]() Similar to the Ferengi and Orion - Greed is Power, but way less frequent and applies to any faction. ![]() The Cardassians get a few "bully" minor faction rules like this. ![]() Only available if Cardassia and its' allies are at peace or better with Bajor.
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