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10.03.2017 - 21:03
 Sid (Admin)
For the last month I've been playing on this tiny dim laptop. It's been difficult to move my mouse properly as well as just see the screen. It threw my mojo off.

In comes today and i get my desktop back and it seems as if i got at least 20% better. Maybe it's psychological or maybe it's not. The screen difference is 9" inches from 15" to 24".
I also regularly play on a projector which is about 200" - 300" but i play about the same on that as my 24" monitor. My theory on this is that since it is hard to see the tiny dim screen, some of my thought process is lost trying to focus and the projector doesn't really help me see any better since i'm farther away from it.

What other things have you guys come across that influenced how you play?

Here are some examples of variables:
  • Browser
  • mouse
  • time of day
  • stress
  • energy level
  • opponent
10.03.2017 - 21:21
Location. I play either at home or coffee shops. I notice I do better in coffee shops.
Music. If I'm dicking around in a scenario, I have chill music, but put rock on for cw.
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
10.03.2017 - 21:27
 Sid (Admin)
Skrevet av Nero, 10.03.2017 at 21:21

Location. I play either at home or coffee shops. I notice I do better in coffee shops.
Music. If I'm dicking around in a scenario, I have chill music, but put rock on for cw.

Oddly enough, music seems to make me play worse in short games but better in longer games. Probably playing into the attention span. It's easier to focus if someone isn't talking into my ear but harder to maintain interest if nothing is stimulating me?

Either way i'm going to listen to something or talk to someone while i play just because it makes the experience better imo.
11.03.2017 - 00:38
I do better when my clan members aren't on my team.
11.03.2017 - 03:26
Brukerkonto slettet
I have grudge to a lot of people when i play
.and im not a strategic person..i play world 50k and only use blitzkrieg..i only know expand & attack..i only duel those are at my level. If i know theyre on a different type of skill i wont duel them..i play at home..and during the midnight since asia so in my timezone there aren't lot of people online..i like to play it quietly..i muted the sound on atwar..but i like to talk alot in games..i get hyped when the people i enemied with are in the same game.
Because getting revenge is a must in this game.i use the mouse on my laptop.but i broke my laptop and since im not a spoiled child to ask mymy mom & dad a new laptop i decided to only go on my phone and have fun in the forum..
11.03.2017 - 08:17
Stress, energy level and time of day are the main factors i think, as this is a game that requires full attention and concentration,just like in sports some day u are tired and cant do well,other days you are at your peak
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

11.03.2017 - 09:42
I've noticed Firefox is slow and hotkeys don't work well. You need to open the city map twice to get hotkeys to work. Changed to google chrome on my laptop and it works well, but screen is smaller than my usual setup, which is an iMac (27") and safari, which seems to work best for me.
13.03.2017 - 19:45
Brukerkonto slettet
Browser: I didn't feel comfortably at all in that period of time playing on IE and now that I've switched back to GC it feels great again.
Mouse: My old mouse started slowly to ignore my commands and I couldn't play anymore well so I had to abandon the old one and buy a new one. Now it works like a charm.
Music: If I don't forget and let the current music play, I put some music who can help boost my adrenaline lvl in cw so I can do better. But anyways, I listen to music almost all the times I play aw or I'm on forums.
Opponent: I feel really nervous when I duel or cw against some ppl I respect as players/their skill lvl, it's not fright, or not entirely it, but a mix of feelings, I guess.
Screen: When I play on the pc from home, wow, that wide screen feels so good, while on my laptop (I am accustomed to it however) it's just ok, nothing more, bearable, but I am on my laptop most of the times.
Anger: Getting angry on some1 in a game leads up sometimes in me doing something stupid/not thinking the matter as clearly as before and taking stupid decisions.
13.03.2017 - 23:32
I compare stress to having physical injuries in back and shoulders its a pain when you're in a OP 5 hour gaME on ya girl mate 69%
-computer gaming chair
-someg internet connection
do you have a mouse pad? you have major patience you're mouse is a pain to operate wtf , to wall up attack counter attack defend counter defend and this ulilmately win a hot babe very nice i like
14.04.2017 - 04:30

Both myself and Trystane play better when drunk. Possibly because we don't over think and therefore commit to a plan early on?

See our signatures
14.04.2017 - 08:07
I switched to a larger screen recently. Abandoned my old 13" macbook and bought a 15.6" Lenovo. The thing is, while I could easily play on an Apple trackpad, I can't on the type with 2 buttons at its base (I think you differentiate them by calling it a touchpad?). So I also bought a mouse. Gameplay has suffered pretty bad, both in quality and speed. Getting used to it, but I'm still not happy. Additionally, while playing on the mac I never dc'ed much and felt people were exaggerating a bit while complaining about servers. Having switched to Windows 10, I'd like to say: FIX SERVERS NAOW!!! because Windows seems to fuck with AW servers.

14.04.2017 - 10:48
Since html im unable to play games where the unit counts go into the 100s without lag. 1 min turn games also out of the question.
15.04.2017 - 01:07
Time is the biggest factor for me.

But not time of day or anything. For me, it's usually the amount of time between games that impacts me. I haven't played with much consistency over the past few years so if I'm not playing daily its harder for me to get used to playing at the level I should be.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
15.04.2017 - 06:42
Opponent,mood,time(I have till I gtg),mouse,lag(obviously,but caused by my own internet connection),attitude(angry/happy/sad/energetic),the type of game I play (CW,3v3,ww50k).

Quite a few I know
15.04.2017 - 23:53
My mood (i feel more inclined to rush when angry, more inclined to slowroll when happy, i generally play better when happy)

25.04.2017 - 02:24
When the weather is really hot and stuff I get bothered and I cant focus well
30.04.2017 - 04:39
Internet, plus i broke mouse on laptop, it cant be fixed, plus members of my family asking me to do something
It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them

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