12.12.2015 - 12:13
I think it would be way better if we divided off-topic into 3 sub-forums: 1.- Political/Historical Discussion. (I don't think i need to explain what goes on here, but polandball can have its own sticky here) 2.- Atwar Related Off-topic (Stuff that should be in general-discussion but evil mods don't allow you to post it there, like Posts asking for Tito's Whereabouts, or Pictures of Khalesi holding a molotov) 3.- Everything Else (Music, pokemon, etc)
12.12.2015 - 12:40
Yes please, this would make off topic so much cleaner and you know where you want to look
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
12.12.2015 - 15:52
Yea so then you will be free to insult and spam your anti-islamic threads under Political/Historical Discussion. withotu worrying about mods locking threads or punishing you with forum ban. youre a retard eager to spread hate lol
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12.12.2015 - 16:53
Yes, just because you don't like something means it shouldn't exist.
12.12.2015 - 17:13
Wow... are you gonna kill me, seriously? ![]() What's next, killing all jewish people?? Back on topic, full support!!!
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
12.12.2015 - 17:45
>you add insults to every single one of your posts, you are insulting me right now >i am the one spreading hate perhaps they should ban you from forum to prevent your hateful personality from spreading to others.
12.12.2015 - 21:47
Yes, because attacking people of different sexual orientations, ethnicities, genders, political and religious beliefs is a good thing.
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12.12.2015 - 21:53
Because banning people for no reason, being uncooperative with the community, and adding the name of a country to the chat censor is a good thing
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12.12.2015 - 21:57
Are you sure you're not confusing debating and pointing out facts as attacking people? I know that there have been a few instances with a couple people but for the most part it has been alright.
12.12.2015 - 22:06
I'm amazed by your lack of knowledge or rather the lack of it( in which case I'm not amazed. I thought you already knew) Don't bother replying. I will include a couple of beautiful screenshots of 'a few instances' and 'alright' as soon as I'm off mobile.
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12.12.2015 - 23:16
Comment of the month
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14.12.2015 - 09:42
Still waiting eagerly for this.
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
14.12.2015 - 10:17
Oh sorry I was soooo bothered that I had forgotten. Religion: http://prntscr.com/9e3452 LGBT: http://prntscr.com/9e32f7 Ethnicity: http://prntscr.com/9e34rz The examples for other categories you can look up yourself. This is my last reply.
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14.12.2015 - 11:29
Support, there are somewhat good discussions in off topic concerning politics or history, but they are slid or spammed by morons who shitpost.
14.12.2015 - 20:33
i am a pansexual, gender neutral, atheistic, almost anarchistic, muslim hating, science loving, balkanoid prick and ive never been treated better than in off topic. 1. you are wrong 2. your previous comment was quite extreme and uncalled for 3. the whole concept of defending ones right to freely express his sexual identity, religious and political beliefs, amount of melanin in ones skin and so on, is entirely based on the premise that freedom of speech guarantees another ones right to attack them. Its either freedom of speech or its not, you cant have it both ways. 4. Debate, dialogue, presentation and sharing of information and communication in general are the foundations of our civilization. Maybe not for the East (cough) but sure is for the West. They are the reason why we developed agriculture, organized ourselfs in cities, established democracy and developed technology. Its what took us out of the dark ages, through the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, to where we are today, liberal democracy, internet, equality, space travel and conquest of the higgs bosson. Only through debate and argumentation, as proven by history, can we brake through the shackles of tradition, missinformation, ignorance, p.s. i just saw the ss you posted. while i dont support this kind of behaviour, i believe the answer is confronting the attacker using words as your weapon (its the internet) and not censorship. Honestly if a muslim gets offended by the notion that dismissing science in the name of religion and killing journalists,women and gays is sick and retarded or if an Albanian needs to see commando swearing to realize most of his countrymen act like barbarians or if a gay person gets shocked if he sees a frustrated fascist virgin telling them they are not normal, then i am sorry but the fault lies with the person offended. He is just too soft or too naive.
reading some of the stuff i missed during my absence, its strikingly clear to me you need to see the above yourself. maybe i am just not smart, like Acqui?
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14.12.2015 - 23:09
XAXA oh man this forum sorely needed you back 5/5
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
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