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Post: 1   Besøkt av: 27 users
27.08.2020 - 14:24
New Game Starting Now

World at War X Release.3

1. New Game:

The game features 13 countries. NATO, the PRC, the UAE, the USA, the USAS and the USSR, have a higher number of resources and more powerful units than do ANZAC (Australia), the CSAS (Coalition of South African States), India, Japan, Persia, the SSAL (Sub-Saharan African League) or the USM (Unityed States of Mexico).

All unit costs are based on a formula that incorporates the unit's attack strength, defence strength, movement allowance and where applicable transport capability. Stealth units cost more than non-stealth units. In short, higher quality units cost more than lower quality units.

Based on user feedback, the capital for the USAS has been moved from Venezuela to Argentina. In addition to this change, all sea-based oil platforms have been designated as ports. Thanks to Mesopotamia for pointing this out.

2. Bugs:

If you run into an error or inconsistency in the game, please send me a message specifying the error. There is a known bug with the map editor. The Malaysian peninsula looks like land but acts like water. The work around is to treat Kuala Lumpur as an island port and the Malaysian peninsula as water navigable by ships.

3. Turn One (1) Protocol:

Please do not move units outside of your home country on turn one (1). Player's who move units outside of their home country on turn one (1) will be required to either forfeit a turn or the game. Repeat violations will result in the player not being invited to future games.

4. Other Stuff:

• At last count our player list totalled 300+ players.
• Players are automatically removed from the player list after 30 days of atWar inactivity.
• If you wish to be removed from the player list, send me a request. You will be permanently removed.
• Players who are removed from the player list will not receive an invitation to future games. This is the only way to track those players who want to be invited to games versus those who don't.

Good luck to all...

Commodus, World at War Game Admin

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