31.03.2021 - 09:40
1996 ![]() 2021 ![]() Elected by 50 million people ![]()
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
31.03.2021 - 12:01
You literally made the same thread a week earlier ![]() https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=47029
31.03.2021 - 13:03
He didn't get enough attention on that one so he had to make another
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel ![]()
31.03.2021 - 17:20
You can never find a video of Stalin like this. Because the cameraman was in gulag.
31.03.2021 - 21:49
I think that Tito is just jealous of Joe. Both are pensioners, but Biden is el presidente of the USA and Tito tries to be el presidente of the AW off topic forums.
01.04.2021 - 05:16
Back then didn't find Yeltsin. USSR singlehandedly won WW2
Oof i'd like to find something goofy about Stalin, but that's hard. Instead, we have saturated internet with Khrushchev, the clown, it's not interesting if he is doing it 100 times. He was also not elected, so no one cares, but Biden in the other hand [kiss fingers] gold content
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
01.04.2021 - 14:33
It is sad... they can barely stand, let alone run the gigantic nations. Compare them to firm and manly Xi Jinping and how he run the superpower nation. Trump did confront Xi and matched Putin, Biden looks like pavle in a political forum debate.
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
01.04.2021 - 14:38
You know that this is no longer the stone age where a leader has to be physically strong and able to charge into battle with their sword and shield right?
01.04.2021 - 14:39
Oof i can feel your bitterness, oof... let it out boy, let it out, i know it hurts, you are ashamed your president is weak and old, but your feeling of hopelessness will pass, i promise! ![]()
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
01.04.2021 - 16:01
Humans have not evolved much at all since the stone age. We still view strength not only as a positive but also important quality in leaders, even if it has no significant impact on their capacity to lead (which in this case it is clear it has an impact). Besides lactose tolerance and food intake, we have not evolved much at all. If you took 5000 babies today and put them on Earth 5000 years ago, they would behave EXACTLY like barbarians. Nothing about human society is inevitable and it is a miracle/freak act of nature that we're able to communicate on an interconnected web of technology here
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
01.04.2021 - 16:10
Good for Biden!
02.04.2021 - 18:58
Meanwhile Pavle irl ![]()
---- ![]()
03.04.2021 - 12:24
Everything Russia or China do, its good and noble. Everything USA or EU do, its evil and imperalistic.
04.04.2021 - 08:39
Russia is a classical imperialist, which mean they conquer adjecent lands and expand. China, although was an empire, never conquered outside their ethnic group. They did invade Korea and Vietnam once in 800ad, and that's it, after that, they entered Vietnam in 1975(i think) to pressure them to stop invading Cambodia. So i think invading once or twice in 1000 years can be forgiven. USA and EU are modern-type imperialist, which mean they don't conquer for poll tax anymore, but to harm human as much as possible: they use depleted uranium, economic embargo, dehumanization in media, lies and web of corruption and all things vile that can come to thir evil minds, like guantanamo tortures and no i don't mean waterboarding. You don't have to believe me, you should google yourself and see what EU is doing to not only the world, but to their member states as well, like Poland, Czechia and Croatia for example, who sued them for junk food literally, to which EU replied with racist remarks. Or chemical products of worse quality than chinese ones, but i guess we are gonna ignore that because that's not human rights violation? Human rights violation is only when non-western politicians arrest newspaper guy. So if i have to choose between human-harming empires led by monsters (who were once human but lost their humanity), or old empires led by greedy humans, then i choose lesser of two evils.
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
04.04.2021 - 15:54
This is a fairly revisionist view of Chinese history. China has invaded and conquered other cultures plenty of times. It's merely that their empire lasted a long, long time, so the cultures and ethnicities that they conquered were assimilated into Han Chinese. Heck, this process is still ongoing today - note, for example, the current CCP attempt to push Mandarin in Cantonese-dominated Hong Kong.
06.04.2021 - 11:17
I am not trying to be revisionist, but to simply state the obvious. You say they conquered other cultures, i said lands(political entities, outside the scope of ethnic chinese groups like hans). You are correct saying their empire(state) lasted a long time, so other groups became assimilated, but i can use this argument for many regions on this planet; like Balkan, Europe, Russia, Latin America, other parts of Asia, Africa. There are many places with indigenous people that got assimilated over long period of time, but i can't always blame the empire or the largest ethnic group for that. About Mandarin in HK, you use the term 'push for' and 'cantonese dominated', this, to me sounds misleading; because HK is part of China, therefore it is logical to assume every citizen must learn the official language, atleast as second language. You didn't say 'they are trying to replace cantonese', but simply 'push for', so i can assume you mean simply to implement as 2nd language, and i don't see nothing wrong with that. But the premise stands: China & Russia conquer neighbors, land-bordered states or entities (era-specific), US & EU are conquering all over the globe. My point is, that more dangerous topics deserve preferential attention and debate before less dangerous ones(ie: US invasions and bombing across the globe > Russian annexation of Crimea or HK protests). In best case, to be solved, before we reach issues in Russia and China. That's why some people, like me, gets accused of anti-americanim and whataboutism, when we point out that more attention is given to less dangerous problems, while older and more dangerous issues are pushed under a rug.
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
06.04.2021 - 11:30
Moscow 1993 ![]() ![]() Washington 2021 ![]() ![]() You are going backwards America...
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
20.04.2021 - 10:49
I enjoy coming back to talk to afterwind friends and read forum, if it triggers you, that's just bonus ![]()
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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