10.02.2011 - 19:24
So, I just had an absolutely -epic- game in the full world map, where I was reduced to 2 countries in europe before joining up with another small country(who had tried to rush me when he joined, causing me great, great damage of what little I had), but then still managed to beat back several big alliances before even going over to invade america and africa. So, we reached the turn limit, I had 750sp, the runner up had in the 500sp. We had an alliance going with a few dudes who never sought trouble with us. I thought my alliance would win for being the alliance with the most SP(we killed everyone else except like three people, two died on "turn 51", the other was a matter of time) however, when the game ended everyone lost but me. Is this supposed to happen? The turn before someone had broken alliance with one of us, so I was in the process of going to war with that guy, did this effect it?
10.02.2011 - 19:44
Yes, on regular games (i.e. not team) person with max SP wins alone if turns run out. Only on team games does the team with total most SP win. Game doesn't calculate "alliance" SP like team SP in regular games to determine winner. In your game the "matter of time" guy ruined it for you. Alliance only splits SP in a win if you win by killing not by turns ending.
10.02.2011 - 19:55
Isn't this a bit arbitrary? Why should it matter whether we killed the last one or didn't? In both cases we did it as an alliance, and in both cases I'd have been the biggest contributor. Just doesn't seem fair to my allies who chose to ally me, the pitifully small country pitted against two big ones, instead of just siding with these big ones and taking the easy way out.
10.02.2011 - 20:10
Wellt take for instance the situation in which there are 3 player left. Player A and Player B are at war while Player C is aligned with the both of them. When it comes to the end of the game and Player A has the most SP should player C also win? If not and you think it should only be when certain players are only aligned to each other nothing would stop player C from simply ending his alliance with player B on turn 49 and then reap the rewards. A system such as this prevents abuse better than anything else.
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