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Post: 21   Besøkt av: 87 users
31.03.2021 - 14:50
Which atWar map is the best: Please state which atWar map you think is the best in MORE than 100 words.

The winner will be chosen on the merit of the response at the discretion of atWar staff, Dave will have the final say if required and if he is able to kindly spare the time.

The winning map in question will receive a 500 Protocoins Drop game and 5000 SP Bonus organised again, at the discretion of atWar staff.

This competition will remain open for 7 days with World Map Classic and Ancient being excluded from entry,
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
31.03.2021 - 15:14
1 sentence is enough to explain why it's the best map apart from classical world map
Ancient World because it has been around for a long time and everyone plays it since it was created.
31.03.2021 - 15:19
Skrevet av Metyu, 31.03.2021 at 15:14

1 sentence is enough to explain why it's the best map apart from classical world map
Ancient World because it has been around for a long time and everyone plays it since it was created.

I have updated the post. You have raised a very good point.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
31.03.2021 - 15:25
Only 8 maps with 5k + plays....

I propose origins i like that map a lot work out there and balancing too
31.03.2021 - 15:46
Skrevet av JUGERS2, 31.03.2021 at 15:25

Only 8 maps with 5k + plays....

I propose origins i like that map a lot work out there and balancing too

less than being the key phrase.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
31.03.2021 - 15:57
Skrevet av Sun Tsu, 31.03.2021 at 15:46

Skrevet av JUGERS2, 31.03.2021 at 15:25

Only 8 maps with 5k + plays....

I propose origins i like that map a lot work out there and balancing too

less than being the key phrase.

Excluding 7 custom maps only i don't think makes big could just exclude ancient only which has had so many things going on threw out the years
31.03.2021 - 16:06
Skrevet av JUGERS2, 31.03.2021 at 15:57

Skrevet av Sun Tsu, 31.03.2021 at 15:46

Skrevet av JUGERS2, 31.03.2021 at 15:25

Only 8 maps with 5k + plays....

I propose origins i like that map a lot work out there and balancing too

less than being the key phrase.

Excluding 7 custom maps only i don't think makes big could just exclude ancient only which has had so many things going on threw out the years

Aiight, good thinking
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
31.03.2021 - 16:23
King of the hill bc fuck it
The Pro In PVP
31.03.2021 - 17:19
As of today, my atWar career goes back several years. Unlike other players that play only a select few maps, I've had experience playing hundreds, perhaps thousands, of different types of maps. This is a feat that most atWar players cannot claim for themselves. Specifically, I have a lot of experience playing scenarios and maps that emphasize almost every playstyle found in atWar. From the scenarios that a lot of us know well like WW1, to the classics such as Ancient World, modern European maps, and Game of Thrones. For that reason, I think I am particularly well-equipped to determine which map is in fact the best. However, there are a lot of maps that I enjoy and that I think are uniquely fascinating, which is the challenge I faced when coming up with a final decision for this competition—there are so many great choices. Choosing among them required me to narrow my filter, refine my decision-making criteria, and look for a couple of distinguishing characteristics that would allow me to isolate one map from hundreds of others.

When conducting my analysis, I knew to keep in mind some of the limiting factors enunciated in the original post of this competition. For one, the map cannot have 5000 plays or more. This is fine, but required me to look past some of atWar's most popular maps, such as the Battle for Middle Earth and Ancient World. With this in mind, my goal was to distill some of the qualities in those popular maps that I found personally enjoyable and apply them to my search filter to determine which map, among the thousands that exist across atWar, satisfies those qualities, in addition to other criteria that I'll discuss later.

To this end, I relied on my mental fortitude, intellectual prowess, and intuition to come up with a few qualities that stood out to me in those popular maps. At the outset of this calculation, I knew that there must be a reason that those maps are popular and there must be a reason why I, too, enjoy those popular maps. Ancient World, for example, is not popular only because of its status as an "old" map, it is popular because of its competitive balance and simplicity. A lot of the time, players do not notice the details that map makers, and in particular the map makers of atWar's most popular maps, put into their maps that make them run so well and make them conducive to sustained popularity. Sustained popularity is not an important factor, to me, in determining which map is in fact the best, however, simply because sustained popularity does not have a real impact on my gameplay experience. It is simply an exogenous quality of maps. However, the endogenous or internal qualities of those maps with sustained popularity, specifically, is what I'm interested in, and in particular I'm interested in them in reference to my own experience because I want to know which map I think is the best, rather than what map I think ought to be the best to the average player or any player, for that matter, besides myself.

In maps with sustained popularity, those aforementioned details that their map-makers tend to implement involve, among other things, balancing the income associated with different parts of the map. This balance tends to keep in mind not only my personal propensity, as a player, to pick one region over another, but also the real-world significance of the map. For example, Ancient World is a map that is based on the real-world. Therefore, a good map, in my opinion, should not deviate significantly from its real-world significance on the altar of competitive balance or any other playstyle, for that matter. Drawing the right balance on a map involves trade-offs, and there are only a select few maps that successfully execute that trade-off, in my opinion. For that reason, implementing this criteria against my selection process helped narrow down my results significantly. There are other details, too, but in my personal estimation as opposed to a mathematical estimation, they do not have a significant impact on the narrowing of my results, simply because the correlation between maps that could be good because of this variable and other variables, such as their number of unit types, is so high that the correlation is basically non-existent. For that reason, it is not worth discussing the impact that those minor variables might have on the narrowing of my results, because they will most likely barely narrow them at all since they would only reinstate the impact of narrowing my results based on the overall balance of a map.

With this in mind, I was able to come up with a list of maps, all of which I enjoy very much, that "fit the shoe," so to speak, thus far in my analysis. However, there were still several dozen that I had to choose from. This remaining list included only maps that I've played, including several Napoleon maps, several of Aetius' maps, and several colonial maps, all of which remained to be sorted in an effort to find which among them is the best. To this end, I decided that the map also had to have real-world significance. This is a hotly debated issue, because some players enjoy maps with no connection to really like Destoria, while others (like me) enjoy maps that have real-world significance. Even maps that are based on fictional real-world franchises like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are, in my opinion, better than maps that are made from scratch. This is not because I have anything against those maps in particular, but because they bring to mind less emotion and are not worth "fighting" over, in my cases, as opposed to maps that are based on the real-world, from which each player has a national connection.

This helped narrow my results until I was left with only a few maps. At this point, it dawned on me which map was the best. And, in hindsight, it was quite obvious:

In my opinion, Pen Island is the best map on atWar and should be featured in this competition. One might say that Pen Island does not bear any real-world significance, however, Pen Island clearly resembles real-world landmarks and provides an excellent platform on which to wage war against others with those landmarks in mind. For example, Pen Island resembles New Zealand and other exotic islands across the globe. Beyond this, Pen Island also satisfies the exact same type of conviction that maps based on national borders tend to bring forth. Maps with national borders are particularly appealing because they are able to connect with the player's nationality and, in part, his identity. This is exactly why I think Pen Island is the best map out there, given how I am a male human and am able to connect deeply with the map, even more so than I am able to connect with maps whose primary quality involves national or historical conflict.

Furthermore, Pen Island is criminally underrated. It has been played only 73 times and is rated a mere 3 stars. If attention is brought to this map with the help of the staff team, I am sure that its play count will soar immensely. Beyond this, the map itself has some important qualities worth mentioning that led me to choose it as my top pick. For one, the map has excellent aesthetic features and has a profound sense of realism that few other maps are able to offer. Finally, Pen Island's topography tends to produce fascinating multiplayer battles. I've played the map at least 10 times, and the wars I waged were never disappointing and always interesting due to, in part, the simplicity of the units in the map and the way the map-maker structured its terrain.

In conclusion, I hope that the atWar staff team will take my recommendation seriously and closely examine Pen Island for its fine details. This map added a great deal to my gameplay experience and I'm sure that it will add to the enjoyment of many others. In atWar, there are hundreds of maps that are great in their own unique ways but have such little exposure to the player base at large. For that reason, I think it would be a great idea to shine a bright, bulging light on this map in order to give players a chance to expand their gameplay horizons and engage with each other on an entirely new field of battle.
Happiness = reality - expectations
01.04.2021 - 19:32
Ancient. Very nice map.
01.04.2021 - 20:28
Skrevet av Tribune Aquila, 31.03.2021 at 17:19

As of today, my atWar career goes back several years. Unlike other players that play only a select few maps, I've had experience playing hundreds, perhaps thousands, of different types of maps. This is a feat that most atWar players cannot claim for themselves. Specifically, I have a lot of experience playing scenarios and maps that emphasize almost every playstyle found in atWar. From the scenarios that a lot of us know well like WW1, to the classics such as Ancient World, modern European maps, and Game of Thrones. For that reason, I think I am particularly well-equipped to determine which map is in fact the best. However, there are a lot of maps that I enjoy and that I think are uniquely fascinating, which is the challenge I faced when coming up with a final decision for this competition—there are so many great choices. Choosing among them required me to narrow my filter, refine my decision-making criteria, and look for a couple of distinguishing characteristics that would allow me to isolate one map from hundreds of others.

motherfucker do you think people have so many braincells to spare to read your novel?
02.04.2021 - 21:36
One word? Nakarsia.

One hundred letters? Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaa
03.04.2021 - 03:03
Best map? i think it will be Warhammer : Dawn of Chaos(Reforged)
Its hella balanced when you only rely on your skill and your team mate
03.04.2021 - 15:09
If we include scenarios, my pick goes to Dawn of Chaos (reforged). A masterful blend of several of DireWarlord99's creations of the past year. All these maps were balanced on their own before being added into the large map and they have been fine tuned to work together in synergy. Aside from balance, the unit rosters are unique, lore-friendly and immersive.
04.04.2021 - 04:11
Though it may not be very popular opinion, I believe the best map is whoever (I think it was Illuminatium? Illuminati?, either way, I believe Roma Invicta (literally one of the last persons still actively involved in that area from this period) would know) made the Role Play map that Martell RP (If I remember correctly), Fappino's Ultimate Roleplay, Embers of War, Adolphins RP, New World Empires, and countless other maps that are literally copies of this map, just edited slightly.

I choose this because even though a lot of people consider it "the cancer of atwar" it really kept the game alive, even if it ruined other parts of the community at one point. This map alone made alliances, rivalry wars outside/inside of the game, forums skyrocket in activity, advertise the game, and much more.. There's a lot of history related to this one map alone.

Do note as well that if all the plays were added together from these maps, it would have more plays than Aetius' World War I and closely rivaling avatar's Ancient World if not have more plays than that.

Don't know what map exactly im choosing for a winner in this case, just wanted to state my opinion on this.

04.04.2021 - 10:12
Default map its not even a question
05.04.2021 - 19:16
Skrevet av Alois, 04.04.2021 at 04:11

Yeap! He sort of pioneered actual good borders before this people were very content with straight lines and jaggered borders and for whatever reason gave his unfinished work away to which we all turned into cancer. Cant remember his name exactly but it was something along the lines of how you spelled it. If he could see what RP turned out like as well Tempted then I think they'd be very disappointed.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
05.04.2021 - 21:20
Skrevet av Augustus Caesar, 05.04.2021 at 19:16

Skrevet av Alois, 04.04.2021 at 04:11

Yeap! He sort of pioneered actual good borders before this people were very content with straight lines and jaggered borders and for whatever reason gave his unfinished work away to which we all turned into cancer. Cant remember his name exactly but it was something along the lines of how you spelled it. If he could see what RP turned out like as well Tempted then I think they'd be very disappointed.

Yep, me too
06.04.2021 - 11:46
I would say the best map would be the commonly found WW1 by aetius. yes the big overplayed ww1 game which is by some reports overrated. but i think its a perfect strategy game as each player has a definitive role in each front. the western front is for stacking while the eastern front is for rushing kiev. its a particularly mind based as u not only have to think about your moves but also try to figure out your enemy's next moves whether he will attack or defend. it is comprehensive as it takes a lot of time, effort and is very enjoyable doesn't matter you are playing the game or watching it. it gives invaluable experience for players on how to rush the enemy and create diversionary attacks to conceal the main stack movements has been one of the best deployed strategies. rushing the trenches are usually the exciting part as your mind has made up different outcomes of the end result as u calm yourself to whether he will defend or not respond to the threat. it is a beautiful scenario to play and a challenging one as well since it requires a lot of mental capability to try to overthink your enemy and find his movements
The red flag shall rise and the fascists shall be put to their knees.
We shall fight with every last one of us and behead all of the remaining neo nazis and nationalists around the world
Communism shall rise when the time comes
06.04.2021 - 12:07
7 days already passed, thank you to all who entered, the real goal of this competition is to try and generate some content for the social media platforms.

All the entries are worth of a prize, so all that entered (correctly) will get a Protocoin drop featuring their favourite map.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
11.04.2021 - 07:49
Skrevet av Sun Tsu, 06.04.2021 at 12:07

7 days already passed, thank you to all who entered, the real goal of this competition is to try and generate some content for the social media platforms.

All the entries are worth of a prize, so all that entered (correctly) will get a Protocoin drop featuring their favourite map.

WW1 by aetius

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