I don't know if this has been brought up before, but atWar should be more open to payments like the Ultimate Game Card, Daopay and Onebip. Some players and costumers are not open to 1 or 2 payment methods, but can pay in different ways.
OneBip is like the worst method to pay for premium features in online games. Other than that if this can be added.I don't see any reason not to support this idea. And there are A LOT of ways to pay for premium atm not.just two.
AlexMeza Brukerkonto slettet
18.03.2014 - 10:23
AlexMeza Brukerkonto slettet
There is PayPal which is the most used method for everything online. Also, there's a PayStation and you can pay by SMS etc I'm pretty sure there are enough.