Soldier001 Brukerkonto slettet |
Soldier001 Brukerkonto slettet

el has more elo than bluecher, but bluecher has elo grandmaster trophy still.
It isnt handed automatically all the trophies are removed or added by mods or admins
I didnt go in discussion about elo from certain players before on any thread, but this really went above all the limits of normal.
5 open threads about elo, on every single one there is a 'war of words'...
This kind of things are easily solved by 1 private message to certain moderator cuz trophies are not hopping from player to player on its own.
And yes, I wanted to say that point of this is obvious but you will acheive nothing from further flaming on forums.
1 nice word opens the door of iron, be wise enough and solve all those accuses and contra-accuses on another way, not by new threads where will certainly grow a new 'war'
1. This is not the bug forum, it's not even the questions forum.
2. Trophies don't move automatically, staff needs to manually add/remove them.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...