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Post: 5   Besøkt av: 28 users
06.06.2013 - 14:59
Now I am likely to get some abuse over this, but I hope you understand where I am coming from.

I love this game and I really enjoy it however there are many things that over time become more and more annoying, and I feel is the reason that
many people join then leave and my solutions

1. TIME, this game takes allot of time, and no i am not talking about the time each "game" i am talking about the time it takes to get a
game up and running them to start choosing. it can take 30 minutes to get a game up and running and then if someone leaves we "rebake", which takes another 30min and you get the idea and this is very off putting especially for new commoners.

I suggest introducing "time bars", a time bar shows appears on the "side section" panel and shows you approx how long it is until you will get your chance to pick your team because I and i am sure many others hate waiting around for your chance to pick, and this can be quite boring and be off-putting as first impression, expectantly with low ranks and newcomers. By having a time bar you can do other things while you wait as you know the approx time for you to pick. this would also speed up picking as so many people wouldn't miss their chance.

2. KICKING. As a high rank understand why i was kicked when i was a rank 3 however i feel that many people get fed up being kicked and don't always understand why, i didn't when i was a rank 3. don't call me a "noob" for this i am voicing an opinion. I think that Kicking is often Off putting towards low ranks. I suggest that in the map maker you have the option of selecting countries and making rank for them, e.g USSR (in ultimate WW2) you would have to be rank 7 and above to chose it, if you are below rank 7 nothing happens except you cant chose the countries that are not allowed in your rank. OR/ALSO we we "kick" people back to the side selection panel with a message saying "you need ot be a high rank to chose this country". i think this will make it easier for lower ranks to quickly come to grips with how the rank system works in scenarios

3. LEAVERS, SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE ABOUT THIS.< i put this in caps to illustrate how important i think this is. To Often a scenario that you have been waiting ages for to start fails becomes some noob/idoit/winker etc. this is again very frustrating for ranks for sorts. I suggest allowing people to rejoin instantly in turn. so that they can takeover from where the other player left off, this is especially useful for scenarios because so many fail when one country leave and it removes the "balance" of the game. IT should have its own section in the rooms so that people know where they can instantly join a game. AND AGAIN is another off put towards continue playing of this game.

4.MAPS AND PREMIUM. OK many will say that i am being cheap or i am a noob or i have no idea. Yes i know that the game is free to play and premium is just another add on, however i want to point out that this game costs $20.49, and on amazon i can buy Call of Duty MW3 for $23.49 (link below), now you might say you can we can win free protocoins but how often are they won? not often and you don't earn enough for them to be of use. my point is this game doesn't charge the right amount for what it offers.
Atwar would be better off charging considerably less like $10 which i believe would attract a much larger audience to premium.

I would also like to point out that with premium you get to make maps but making maps its NOT fun or exciting and you don't get any gain for making a good map, yes 4 times a year you get the chance to earn protocoins but what real use are they? and whats your chance of winning?, if protocoins could be used with other games then i might be more useful. SO basically i am paying to add content to the game, do you think that APPLE would have so many apps if it charged people to submit apps? YES there are a few (including myself) that are willing to make maps for this game but it would have more quality maps if anyone was able to make a map. this game would be better allowing anyone to make a map it would get loads of content and dynamic user base. Also to "promote" my map i also have to pay i am not being cheap but why should you spend hours (making a good map) to then pay to promote it? it defeats logic. this isn't ebay where if you promote your product its more likely to sell.

my point is that this game cant charge what a graphic intensive, massive multi player game also charges, what this game charges has to be in line with what other games charge. yes and i know that i will get stick for supposedly being poor and that loads of people have already bought premium but this game doesn't do what COD does so it shouldn't charge what CoD charges. And i am very sure that this game would be more popular than it already is if premium was cheaper as the cost give the impression that this is pay to win.

I would like to point out that i have made maps and that i wouldn't spend my time writing this if i didn't want the game to get better.

Link removed
06.06.2013 - 18:09
I think he means If I play as Russia and leaves on turn 4 then you can take over as Russia in my place. could be a good idea.
06.06.2013 - 19:34
I do not support idea 3
07.06.2013 - 01:50
Brukerkonto slettet
Solution: Don't play UN games
07.06.2013 - 03:30
I am not talking about playing UN games, i don't enjoy them either i am more talking about colonial era, ww2 etc

When i mean take over, i mean that when a player leave in turn, someone can rejoin instantly and continue that turn

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