Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 05:33 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
Suggestion: Force new players to verify their account with an email address. EDIT4: As people tend to not like the idea of being forced to sign up, how about a set date and time where the players before this set date and time aren't required for an email. The "veterans" will have this advantage. Maybe a good set date and time would be when I created this thread, as the changes (if it happens) will be obviously in the future. But that can be up to the admins. The reason being, is that emails can be used to log in, therefore people can only register 1 email account. This will help limit alts since people won't bother to go the extra step of setting up numerous email accounts, exception for the couple crazy people. Many other games I've played, mainly on Steam, have this verification and it's pretty useful too. Currently users can choose if they want to keep their account safe, but I've only seen this on one other game and that was created in 2006. EDIT: There's a reason these games are popular. EDIT2: Found a fast smurfing email provider, for all you paranoid "I quit" peoples: (change to .com if you want to) EDIT3: A nice gif:
China Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 07:06
Absolutely not. The reason I play this game is that unlike other games, this one didn't require an e-mail address to register. I currently don't have my email address on my account details, and if I am required to add one, I will simply leave.
Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 07:18 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
Well, you want people to carry on making alts? I've heard some people have around 20+ alts just so they stay in beginner lobby, so other people might have a few 3+ alts laying around. This game is unlike other games, because he's getting behind on a lot of new things. I'm sure after HTML 5 pulls away, Amok will be able to get up to date and this game will boom in size, and all will be success. However people, me included, like creating alts. Just to get away from your main account attractions and just play. You say you will simply leave if you're required to have an email? Why? You can easily create an easy gmail account, and many other emails with other providers. If you think this way, you mustn't have been on any social media before. Emails have upgraded since whenever you first made one, spam and junk is seperate, and if you want a virus you can go down there. Otherwise your inbox is free of many things. (I still don't advise to open random files though, that's just dumb)
09.09.2015 - 07:26
My e-mail address is connected to half a dozen accounts I have in half a dozen sites, some of which will have considerable influence on how I live the next 50 years. So I'd rather keep it to myself and my closest friends. Call it paranoia or whatever, but that's the way I think. Also, what's wrong with alts? I don't make any nowadays, but I made nearly 20~30 accounts to learn the ropes before I finally began to stick with this one.
Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 07:35 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
Hey that's great, I also have an Email which I only use for specific occasions. Most people have a paranoia of something, like me I rarely download anything on this PC, I use my old laptop instead (since it's already suffered a virus once-what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?) All I'm saying is, and you can read it above, is that making a gmail account is easily done in under 5mins max. I even have a 2nd account for youtube cos google owns it now. But yeah that's just my recommendation, you can obviously choose to make an email from w/e site you want.
Ghost Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 08:11 Ghost Brukerkonto slettet
Thank you
09.09.2015 - 08:44
In the words of Kelly Bundy from Married with children... ADIDAS! ![]() ![]()
09.09.2015 - 09:59
09.09.2015 - 10:46
i have to agree wtih this... requiring an email would force me to leave as well. also, gmail requires a contact number now to create accounts, as do most other providers. if people don't want to give out email addresses to gaming sites or businesses that may sell this information, their unlikely to give a cell number. also, i suspect the people who persistently break rules resulting in bans/mutes will not be deterred by the extra step of creating a new email address.
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Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 11:05 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
hmm I didn't realize it was actually necessary now to provide a phone number. but still, by now people should already have 2-4 email addresses from over the years, at least 2 i mean c'mon. if you don't trust google, you can consider outlook/hotmail with microsoft. they're willing keep your data protected, you can read about them refusing to give FBI info about emails from some allegedly irish criminals. i didn't really get this idea because of people getting muted/banned, more so from the thread about alt accounts and how people aren't progressing. Nevertheless I'm sure there are countless other email providers that don't require a phone number. You can fake the information obviously and use it as a smurf account. Done.
09.09.2015 - 11:19
It's quite amazing to see you suggest this, whilst yourself creating alts to 'exploit' the lack of email verification.
Of course it's nice to verify the email people register with: a) you don't need to add one later; so you get notified of turns in casual games you joined immediately; b) forgot your password? Not a problem; c) alts with the sole purpose of farming( -lower ranks) are harder, but still quite easy to make. Now let's consider this:
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Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 11:31 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
Hmm? I don't think creating alts is "exploiting", I gain no advantage through this. Also it's nice to know that you openly admit that you are looking at my IP address and looking at my several alt accounts (which I have already said in this thread alone). Nice modding m8.
You don't see the problem? Are you that blind? Having 30 useless accounts in the AW database, that's fun isn't it. This is only one person btw. Nothing is wrong with alts, LIKE I said in a previous post, on this exact thread (did you even read it?), I have made several alts to escape from my main account responsibilities. And I don't think it's any Mod's business to be snooping around my Alts without any permission/being told to do so. You really are a control freak. Sorry but I had to be honest buddy.
09.09.2015 - 12:34
No wonder why I put it in single quotation marks. It doesn't mean exploiting in the direct sense, buddy. Thanks for not reading my post! Quoting you again:
Wait, stop right there. Blind people using computers? They're not useless:
You really love contradicting yourself... in the same posts... Sorry, but I had to be honest, buddy.
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Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 12:43 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
You are literally retarded. I don't know if you're trolling or not right now.
09.09.2015 - 13:53
I really can't remember the last time i came upon a site that didn't require an e-mail to register and a confirmation code... Maybe leave this out for guest accounts and make guest accounts play for no points... but if you want a real account give an e-mail. now in fear i await a replay xD
Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 14:08 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
support, guests should be badass rogues
09.09.2015 - 16:04
No support, this will prevent me from drakon-esqe trolling with hundreds of alts
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
Tigro Brukerkonto slettet |
09.09.2015 - 16:22 Tigro Brukerkonto slettet ![]() Alts are nice and being honest I loved the fact I didn't have to put in my email when registering.
09.09.2015 - 19:22
I have two email accounts. One concerns itself with my school responsibilities, which will be absolutely essential if I expect to get a job in the future, and one concerns itself with keeping me connected to some old friends across the globe, many of whom I have no hopes of ever meeting in person again. Please advise - which account should I throw away, just for the sake of maintaining a useless account on an interesting online game site? I'm pretty sure the correct answer is "neither of them."
09.09.2015 - 20:13
No email verification. I hate those. They are turn off for a game end of story. If I run into a new game I never have heard of (atWar) and it forces me for email, and then to verify also. I would not sign Up. No support at all major turn off. If your worried about alts. People can do this thing called "New Emails". Worthless step that can be gone around if people want alts. Edit: I don't make alts, so if its added in now It wouldn't affect me. But for new comers to the game it would be negative. I know I wouldn't sign up if I had to verify for a game I had never heard of. Easy simple sign up. That's the way it should stay.
---- Be Humble
09.09.2015 - 20:16
Jesus Christ how is registering for a single game throwing away an account
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Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
10.09.2015 - 13:28 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
i edited the main post, watch the gif too.
10.09.2015 - 14:20
The admins can track computer IPs (and thus they can track trolling/spamming, etc. alts without tracking e-mail address), so it's not really necessary. I am leaning towards not on this, as it simply makes it less convenient for new players.
---- ![]() "For out of the ground we were taken For the dust we are, And to the dust we shall return"
Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
10.09.2015 - 14:30 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
I didn't make this suggestion because of trolls, I already know mods can track IPs. It will limit alts, make people play on a main account. If they want an alt they can, but with a new identity. >makes it less convenient for new players Tell this to the millions of players who download/buy games from Steam. The tens of thousands of people that login to LoL/Dota2 all day. Many other games too, ofc.
Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
10.09.2015 - 14:42 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
Screw new players? You're thinking incorrectly here, I am simply just benefitting the players that have already made an account, played many games, signed up for premium etc etc. New players? Many new people download and play other games which involve verification.
Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
10.09.2015 - 14:55 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
Verification isn't really THAT annoying. Most people have 1 or 2 email accounts lying around for gaming etc. The community may be small but verification wouldn't stop new players. The change you'd see is that new accounts would decrease, and the logical reason for that would be that people would be making less alt accounts (or none). Standing up for new players? the ones that haven't even signed up for AW yet? You're making this seem as if no one has an email account. Making an AW account takes 1-2 mins and I can show you in a gif if you want the proof, these aren't just random numbers I'm shouting out. Most people I know already have verified an account, mainly in the competitive community because they don't want some troll to take their account away (but this is going off-topic) Not sure if you're trying to derail this post, what you just written added nothing of use to the discussion.
Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
10.09.2015 - 15:15 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
>I enjoy it right now because it takes 1-2 mins With verify it would take like 5-7mins? Not that long really, people take showers in this time. Also you are probably one of the people with hundreds of alts, just a guess, since you enjoy signing up within 1 minute. >your going to be stubborn er, if stubborn means me backing up my suggestion and keep pushing it so that there are no errors, then yes I am stubborn. also you're*
10.09.2015 - 15:22
He already said he has no alts.
The 'fight' has already been lost. There's no need for something that discourages most people( those commenting here, at least) from signing up. It's so damn easy to just 'play as a guest'. You don't have to register and worry about spam( because other games spam you!) coming into your inbox. Jump right in. Try it. Like it/ not. Done. Then you can decide whether or not to make a full account.
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Stryko Brukerkonto slettet |
10.09.2015 - 15:31 Stryko Brukerkonto slettet
idk if I'm blind but I don't think he did.
>'fight' has already been lost. Like I posted right above your post, I am pushing this and making sure there are no errors. Everyone who posted what they didn't like I am offering an alternative, and if you want to dislike just for the sake of it then I can't change your mind, can I? Your point about Guests, yes I support Guests being free and in a click you can easily play the game. Goblin already stated this and I upvoted in a heartbeat. But I guess you didn't notice that because you just love making things in italics...... or maybe even bold....... Still not sure if your trying to troll me, but your endeavours are certainly amusing to me.
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