28.04.2016 - 07:52
The mod team are very inactive now dont think im suggesting myself because im not but the mod team are inactive and we need new mods and im not suggesting myself so please dont think im suggesting myself because im not all im saying is the mod team are inactive and we need more mods! pls don't say LDK for mod ok im not suggesting myself for mod but i think we do need more mods in this game as the majority of them are inactive as they are too busy in real life probs too busy fucking their girlfriends so we need more mods ok so dont make me mod
Ghost Brukerkonto slettet |
28.04.2016 - 08:34
Why do you want new mods? You said that the current mod team is inactive, that they are busy with their real life. What do you think that will happen when two new mods are added? Yes, they will also go inactive. How about if you were able to deal with the problems by yourself, without the need of a mod?
28.04.2016 - 08:36
I really really really believe this post is 101% troll as a response to the first one made....... so don't take it serious
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
28.04.2016 - 08:39
i missu <3
28.04.2016 - 08:39
dam this shit like super srs job interview dam boy
28.04.2016 - 08:50
28.04.2016 - 08:52
If I where Mod we would not have an inactivity problem,I would fix are broken infrestructure and i would build a wall to protect hard working atwarians, from undesirable albanians role players, and kebabs, and geuss what people? I would make atwar great again!
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
28.04.2016 - 08:59
You sound like Hitler. Only not the jew part but the muslim part.
28.04.2016 - 09:00
Lol you don't get the reference dutchman?
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
28.04.2016 - 09:01
I was being sarcastic tho since I know u were too
28.04.2016 - 09:04
He means ![]()
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KingJim Brukerkonto slettet |
28.04.2016 - 15:17 KingJim Brukerkonto slettet
if people should deal every problem with themselves , then why the need of mods ?
28.04.2016 - 15:21
Perhaps in a close future, but for now it's too complicate to handle every problem automatically (not saying it is not possible).
28.04.2016 - 19:10
Haste is waste. Self-regulation tools do exist: ignore list and ban list are in place. Mod work includes: 1. Maintaining forum and chat order (according to rules):
2. Reviewing SP/ELO/CW abuses and distortions
3. Communicating with community
4. Leveraging issues to admins Funny stuff.
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28.04.2016 - 19:43
I've found since html came in ppl seem to think we can also provide technical/IT support.
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28.04.2016 - 21:21
101%....? You don't sound so sure ... ![]()
02.05.2016 - 18:49
I love your answer clovis.., The world needs people to fend for themselves, the world is full of Paracite that need others to survive.
---- Discipline is the key to success ![]()
02.05.2016 - 18:53
I have 2 years Atwar and I think the mod are doing a great job, maybe now are inactive, but they have done well.
---- Discipline is the key to success ![]()
02.05.2016 - 19:57
Just saw this. I believe there's always room for more self-regulation tools, and the ones that you've pointed out have several flaws. The ignore have bugs, and the ban list is seems by a part of the community as abusive and ineffective (the fact that it requires a thread to handle it is already enough proof). I'm not completely opposed against adding new mods. But I believe that the game should take the self-moderation approach more serious as it would reduce the problem in the long run.
02.05.2016 - 23:37
I agree, theoretically. In practical terms, it has to be well-thought and rigourously implemented, which requires resources (basically programming time).
Yes and nope. They possibly have bugs, not flaws. As for the ban lists (plural, since they are 2 in 1) the existence of an appeal thead is not that it does not work, but, rather, that self-regulation maturity of some community members isn't that evolved as you (or we) wish. The abuse of the tool is not a problem of the tool but of their users.
Yes, again the issue of resources that have to be made available in order to develop tools.
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03.05.2016 - 00:46
Wow. Perfect response.
03.05.2016 - 06:45
With so many time you can't really say that the admins didn't had enough to work on them . The ban list was the last tool implemented in control of the players and it was years ago. What I think is that there is a lack of interest in regards of self-moderation. Here my post to raise awareness.
I think that Pulse made it quite clear from long ago. Besides, if moderators need to check one's ban list in order to secure that he's making a good use of it. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of self-moderation? Aren't ban lists "moderated" to prevent the abuses that a person can make with them?
03.05.2016 - 07:47
I disagree completely. Again, you (and possibly Pulse) are only referring to the banlist that was designed for map-makers (minority in this community) and you are omitting the main ban-list feature - that is de facto available for ALL players -, which is the ban of players from hosted games. Again, abuses of the system are not indicator of a system flawness but of the abuses when "power" of self-regulation is given to a community that has immature members. Yes, ban-lists are moderated in the EXTREME cases. Don't judge a system by its extreme cases, otherwise you won't find anything that works. If 90% (just a number, possibly close to reality) of the bans are working (not disputed), then this self-regulation is working fine. Right? I hope we do not go on discussing this point, it is pointless. We have different opinions. The other point on the time of admins: it is definitely not up to me to judge them... would be hypocrit, since I know what RL pressures mean, like having to guarantee a decent income at the end of the month. Just a very kind suggestion: people cannot spend as much time on AW like you assume and do. At least not in the long run.
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03.05.2016 - 07:53
Guess so...
03.05.2016 - 09:36
I don't want to get involved in this discussion as Columna Durruti has already explained a fair bit of it clearly, but I do want to point out that the admins do infact not have time. You're forgetting the admins are human being with real life commitments and families(from your activity I can tell these are 2 thing you lack). I think it is clear that the admins do infact want to improve the game, based on the multiple game changing changes introduced lately, but one thing is clear only Ivan is free right now and he's no programmer. Everything you mention with regards to "self-moderation" needs to be programmed.. you can't just wave a wand and let it be. So unless you're willing to donate $4000? to the company to hire another programmer, I suggest you be patient and not blantely accuse people of not meeting your needs.
03.05.2016 - 09:51
Again I find it hard to believe that after a couple of years and with the constant upgrades that have been coming admins (look at the most recent one) didn't really had time to implement some additional tools. I'd rather call it a lack of interest, but I will respect your opinion. I do have RL issues and a family (don't we all?) and I've had my own things to attend to. I know I do have more free time than the admins, but that doesn't means that I don't know what not having time is (why would you even make such comment? :I)
Why so rude? I've never 'demanded' new tools. I've just expose my opinion that the game should focus more in making new tools rather than adding new mods and explained why this approach is better at the long run. I believe that atWar is not here to pleasure anyone, and of course that includes me. Don't forget that I've no power to make demands. Why would I do them?
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