french girls Brukerkonto slettet |
08.08.2016 - 06:48 french girls Brukerkonto slettet
All I have to say for this season is: Be humble. I am not addressing anything in particular, since I understand everything will always be a penis measuring contest, like cw's. But when your penis is big, do one thing: be humble about it. The reason legends become what they are is because they speak with action, not words. Words are weak. And the verbose are seldom admired. Do what you will with this post admins - as I do understand it being "vague" or "lack of substance". But my intention is for my words to carry through to those who have read the post or have played against me before. We're here to be the best we can be playing an ex-Flash game created by frail sticks and rectangular boxes that run on electricity. All the while it is much more fun to enjoy what you're good at and not disrupt the fun for others. A community that promotes healthy competitiveness persists; a community that collectively flaunts expires. tldr: GL, Have Fun ![]() ![]()
08.08.2016 - 10:25
Well while I kinda agree in some parts with your speech, I must say many of those words are overused. I disagree particularly with this statement and do refer to Martin Luther King's speech or any other famous speech that moved many and many people just with words. Though words by themselves are nothing but a definition on a dictionary, it's the person that gives it the mean. I believe actions (which you overrate in comparison with words) can also be meaningless or valuable depending of an own person's values. The reason I kinda (and not fully) agree is because you need to be proud of your awards. For example aristo reached the highest recorded elo peak this season, and with 100 ELO difference from the 2nd place to me means nothing but that they're the best clan at the moment. Feeling proud of the award, thinking that not every clan can reach there is a good thing and acknowledge of their own work. Problem would'be only feeling proud thinking that nobody else (or someclan in particular) can reach or bypass the mark. That's my opinion.
08.08.2016 - 12:25
Can't you really control your need to have the last word? No one here is Martin Luther nor anyone here will give a constructive speach as he did. He didn't use words to boost his ego nor to brag about his intelectual capacities. You've either missed the whole point or can't understand the lack of need to brag about your achievements for them to be noticeable by others...
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
08.08.2016 - 13:14
uhh wtf raul? drunk or quoted the wrong person. I just wanted to make a point that "words" can be valuable sometimes, even more than actions. I don't get your reference to Martin Luther there. I've never spoke about bragging in public in my comment either, so I don't get where you get this from... Obviously, if the value of something to you depends on how others values it, then you're doing it wrong in my opinion.
french girls Brukerkonto slettet |
08.08.2016 - 14:29
Regardless of what was said in the op, certain epic clan members could learn a lot from this.
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08.08.2016 - 14:30
And this is not the place nor the moment to do so.... are you drunk or can't you understand a simple message as my dear old ex clan member tried to explain?
Nor do I (in your first message), so save it next time...
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
08.08.2016 - 14:47
I understand you less and less with each comments.... Why would you even make a pointless reference? If it means nothing then don't write it in the first place, save us the time. Anyway, just because I disagree with some things in his message doesn't means that I don't understand him. This is not "agree with me or you're wrong" thing raul, it's all about having different opinions.
08.08.2016 - 14:51
You made that pointless reference in the first place, that's why I pointed it out.... ![]()
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
08.08.2016 - 14:59
Pointless for you... ![]()
08.08.2016 - 15:05
I'll end up with this. One should give himself his value and acknowledge his work. One should never let others undergrade him as a person or his work. Applied to the current clan season I mean that the top clans (specially aristo) should acknowledge the work placed in the season and enjoy / be proud of their position. What they did and where they are now is not something that everybody can do. Tomorrow the whole scores could change. A new clan could'be founded, or Cosa could become OP again and reach 1300 elo easy. Who knows? But the work placed on it and the memories will remain. Not too proud, but not too humble either.
08.08.2016 - 16:01
french girls Brukerkonto slettet |
08.08.2016 - 16:03 french girls Brukerkonto slettet
And I'll expand on my thought. In the context of my statement. In the context of clan wars. In the context of a competitive arena. In the context of a samurai fight in which two competitors are fighting nail to nail with their swords and nothing else. Words are weak. Acknowledgment does not require words, by the way
08.08.2016 - 16:15
Unless you're Vader ![]() ![]()
08.08.2016 - 16:16
May I help you?
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08.08.2016 - 16:16
08.08.2016 - 18:47
Lao speaking about humility.. priceless ![]() this is clearly competing for most useless thread of the year btw
---- Seule la victoire est belle
08.08.2016 - 19:15
A good top clan doesn't need to brag like a spoilt little child about their position in order to be acknowledged. What you refer to is calling people's attention with no other intention than to brag.
Yup, very pointless of you... keep trolling if you will.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
08.08.2016 - 19:46
Now I see who missed who's points... ![]()
08.08.2016 - 21:54
I remember when epic clan was #1. You would see ec memebers flying and spamming forums, you would see little kids saying theyre better than some aw legends and on the othee hand you would see clovis saying "you in aristo have low elo not worthy to cw you" Its so funny reading clovis comments in this thread after all that lol
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08.08.2016 - 22:05
Its very funny to start a flame thread and naming it "be humble", very cunning indeed
08.08.2016 - 23:23
please, don't go there. Theres a huge difference between me and the likes of clovis and njab. I don't bother with false modesty and will defend myself if called out. But i don't go and spam the forums with threads bragging and calling attention to my clans/my own position. Nor do i shit on other players when i beat them. The first and only time njab beat me through his own skill, instead of gg i got told after a 20 turn game to "get rekt noob". 0 respect and i was actually on good terms with him up until that point. Clovis is almost just as bad. What did he call me recently? A dumb memorising risky player. After all our games and what ive taught him. Theres a reason this thread has become yet another epic clan bashing thread. Enjoy.
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09.08.2016 - 00:18
There is indeed. Guess who've been to every damm thread to turn it into an "Epic clan bashing thread". EDIT: Here's a hint: ![]()
09.08.2016 - 01:55
you might wanna factcheck that again.
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09.08.2016 - 02:08
There are literally 3 person in this thread who had mentioned the name of EC, you being the first of us.
09.08.2016 - 02:56
this thread yes and it was obvious who it was aimed at. But you said "every damn thread".
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09.08.2016 - 04:14
I haven't missed a single point, either you don't know what being humble is all about or you still haven't decided to understand the context within his message...
In order to value something you've done, you don't need to lose respect to other people nor to boast about it in public. That's all this topic is talking about. And shit, he didn't personally point you out.... nor anyone else.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
09.08.2016 - 05:07
I never said that. Who this refers to is left open to interpretation. I made it pretty clear i believe it refers to ec. Others appear to have come to that conclusion. We could all be wrong.
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09.08.2016 - 06:28
This is a shameful bashing of Aristrokrats, it should be locked
---- Seule la victoire est belle
Er du sikker?