26.08.2016 - 02:10
It has come to my attention that map makers are being unjust with their bans. I am proposing that changes are made for the greater good of our community. My proposal: Allow map makers to continue banning players who break rules for their maps, But create a system that resets that bans after a certain amount of time, for example unban a player after one month, six months, or a year... depending on the type of rule he broke. Or have the map maker unban players manually after a certain amount of time.. this is probably the best option since it doesn't require any coding to be done on the admins side. My reasoning: As of right now, a map maker can ban a player for breaking a rule with evidence, it does not matter what rule the player broke, he could be banned as long as any rule has been broken... Usually, they are banned for life. This is very unfair. It is like having a judge that could sentence you to death because you crossed a red light or drove with out a license.... totally unfair. This is becoming an issue. I do not have any statistics to back my theory. But I theorize lots of players have quit this game because of this unfair system. Many players have leveled up to rank 7,8,9 and they don't see it worth creating a new account to play a certain map, after they've been banned for the littlest thing. Some guys here only enjoy certain maps by certain creators... these guys just quit the game entirely.... ultimately causing the game to be less enjoyable for us all. Ruthless map creators like A****us and others just don't care about other players... as if banning players boosts their ego or some thing... This needs to be looked into immediately. So far, I have contacted other supporters and only some seem to support me. Now, I look to gather support from the community and hopefully some moderates that could help make this happen, since they are closer to admins than I am. Thanks for reading.
26.08.2016 - 02:13
There's the Banlist Appeal Thread for this exact purpose: unfair bans.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
26.08.2016 - 02:18
It seems you did not understand anything I wrote. Yes, players can propose to be unbanned when a map creator doesn't have good enough evidence. But, as long as the map creator has good enough evidence... that player becomes banned as long as the map creator wishes. This is the problem here. Cheers.
26.08.2016 - 02:21
You can just message the mapmaker after a lot of time has passed
---- Someone Better Than You
26.08.2016 - 02:22
If the mapmaker is reasonable (probably is if they make quality maps...) then they'll probably be willing to unban players after a certain amount of time. However yes I agree, in theory different infractions should have different punishments. Maybe implement a box to put a value in (in days), so mapmakers can decide how long a person is banned for and it resets automatically.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
26.08.2016 - 02:24
Yes, that would be an excellent idea. It could use some work however, like not allowing the map creator to enter in 1,000,000 day ban into the box or allowing him to edit it throughout the ban until it is reset. ![]() Now, how do we make this happen? ![]()
26.08.2016 - 02:28
Yes... that can work too... but it does not work most of the time. For example, there is a certain player that has been banned for a long time. The map maker has banned him and ignored him, so there is no way for that player to get in contact with him. I even tried to message him myself to ask if he could unban that player and I was basically told no...
26.08.2016 - 02:35
Well, wait for the mapmaker first(I know, its tough), then we can propose this to admins. Its easy to implement, since mods have the same function. Although, there'd still be an option to ban indefinitely.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
26.08.2016 - 02:40
Ok, I'll wait and see what they have to say for themselves. Great, this is a lot easier than I thought. And yes, of course, keep the option to ban indefinitely.. depending on the condition of course. Thanks!
King Zero Brukerkonto slettet |
26.08.2016 - 06:47
Unjustified bans (from maps and scenarios, NOT from hosted games) can bring a hammer on the banner.
---- ![]()
26.08.2016 - 09:53
Fueher if you're talking about Epicwinrapidin who was recently banned from aetius's map and then was complaining NONSTOP LATELY probably to you and mods. Then let me make my case. This player has been known to KNOWINGLY WALL FUCK AND ABUSE multiple times. I can name you at least half a dozen witness to it. He got banned when I bothered to submit screenshot proof of him doing it. This guy has been doing it nonstop and he whines when he got punished. He deserves what he got.
26.08.2016 - 10:08
Aqollo, I support that. When a player abuses a map time and time again, that players deserves to be punished for ever, for ruining the game for everyone else. But my proposal is not to defend these guys that abuse maps over and over. My proposal is to help out the guys that are banned and forgotten about. And no, I am not talking about that player. Cheers!
26.08.2016 - 10:58
Thank you Fuhrer for bringing this issue to light. I agree the ban system in this game is unfair. It can even be said its broken, but people always say if its not broke dont fix it. however in this case, we need a justified, formidable, and orderly ban system that your punishment fits the crime type of system. It is broken and it does need to be fixed, cox you said the current way makers ban players, it just makes the game worse for all of us, and we are limited to only a few playable maps. I even thought of creating another account just to play that one map, but i would rather choose not to. the ban system is unfair MOST of the time. map makers dont need evidence for you to get banned, they can ban you without any evidence and just if they dont like you. most players are salty. So i agree a new organized ban system should be put in place to start giving atwar a better rep, if this isnt fixed in time, it will fragment the atwar community, and it will be so fragile players could not even enjoy their games. Thank you for bringing this case Fuhrer, its really important for me, and some other players that we get our voices back. Thank you.
26.08.2016 - 11:15
Also i believe that if map makers aren't justified in their punishment, and their ruling is undeniably unfair i believe the admins shoudl take away their ability to publish maps, Since they get off banning people, they are malicious in their intent, and they are not serving their community justly. They should allow all types of players regardless of their race or language to participate in their maps, since some people can ban coz of racial preferences, or some other reasons. But i do belive that if you dont qalify to play a map coz of your rank, its kinda fair since starting players dont have the required experience to play, and they sometimes can ruin the games coz they dont know what is required for that certain map, or are familiar with the rules.
26.08.2016 - 11:45
Use this link: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14740 It is a forum controlled by moderators that allows them to unban players if they are presented with enough evidence that the map maker is abusing the ban system (evidence = screenshots).
---- Be Humble
26.08.2016 - 12:16
I would love to hear that from Ivan and Amok, and not some trigger-happy mod who wants to scare the non-existent boogeyman.
26.08.2016 - 12:24
Please give names, most map makers are reasonable (if you can find any that still plays)
Then you will have to determine what rule he broke, the severity of the rule, why this rule existed to begin with, which rules weight more than others, what rules are enforceable, what rules only exist in a specific map and how to weight those, why certain mods weight this more than others. You will open a Pandora box if you start weighting rules, is much easier if the player talks with the map maker.
Is up to the player to prove that he is no longer a threat to the scenarios integrity, not the other way around.
Then they should buy premium and create their own maps, perhaps they could even play other maps. Map makers are not babysitters. Most of the "bans" come directly from the host and not the map maker. Map makers are not the bogyman.
26.08.2016 - 12:37
I will just leave this right here; of all the scenarios created within the last 13 months, not a single one of them has reached a 100 plays. of all the scenarios created within the last 13 months, only two have reached 50 plays. ![]()
26.08.2016 - 13:36
Here is what sparked the whole issue ![]() profile of this person I banned (mister crybaby) https://atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=929994 He left turn 1 in a scenario ruining it for the many, many other people. People seem to ignore this fact, they think of banned people as "victims" but forget the massive wasted time these trolls cause, the aw playerbase are the real victims and banlists have helped a lot to stop them. I was there and remember it, he did it on purpose right away; https://gyazo.com/404dac4b948a715abcca92200702664d I usually unban people but turn 1 leaver trolls are scum and I won't unban this one, sorry.
26.08.2016 - 15:17
What if the mapmaker who banned you no longer plays AW???
---- i think i might be hairbags - zizou
26.08.2016 - 15:19
ffs he is a rank 6 why are you banning him he doesnt even understand that leaving scenarios t1 isnt okay....
26.08.2016 - 15:22
When I was rank 6 I was aware of this, ignorance is not an excuse.
26.08.2016 - 15:26
when i was r5 i knew this...
---- i think i might be hairbags - zizou
26.08.2016 - 15:27
when you were r6 it was 2013, everyone was leveling slower than now. Proof: Prome: r10 in 1 year. (2015) Me: r10 in 3 years (start of 2014)
26.08.2016 - 15:28
They also ban you in RP if you leave turn 1. Ranks 6 have no excuse to leave turn 1.
26.08.2016 - 15:29
Sorry not playing rp i dont know.
26.08.2016 - 15:33
I don't care about your victim-hood mentality, virtue signaling will not get you free up votes nor fix your reputation. Stop and think for a moment: you are facilitating the behavior of a individual who ruined the scenario for another 18 players (that probably waited like 30 minutes for the map to fill). You should care about the other 18 players and not just the wrong-doer, attacking the map maker or playing stupid so people feel pity will get you nowhere.
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