Consul Vote
2)Martialism Ovidius Fenix (Pheonixking929) + Tiberia Derenius (Dereny)
Censor Vote
1)Gaius Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)
Praetor Vote
1)Decius Pisentius Caracturus (White Army)
Remove Andertius Paulius Myst (Pavle) as Pontifex Maximus?
Replace Martialism Ovidius Fenix
Who will command the 2nd Punic War?
1)Consul, Aurelius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu)
"Now, the Senate shall vote on the proposals of the Consuls. Tribunes speak now or forever hold your peace!"
Governor of Cisalpine Gaul?
1)Drikus Alotus (JF)
Raise Forces?
1)5 Legions
Deploy Forces
1)Attack Carthage in spain with all units, fleet will support
Recall Marcus Antonius(tunder3) from exile?
God's will is to veto this, I use Ponifex veto.
Who shall be granted the Armaments concession?
*Andertius Paulius Myst (Pavle)+7 votes
Who shall be granted the Tax Farmer 5 concession?
Gaius Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)+7 votes
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
Consul Vote
2)Martialism Ovidius Fenix (Pheonixking929) + Tiberia Derenius (Dereny)
Censor Vote
1)Gaius Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)
Praetor Vote
1)Decius Pisentius Caracturus (White Army)
Remove Andertius Paulius Myst (Pavle) as Pontifex Maximus?
Replace Martialism Ovidius Fenix (Pheonixking929) as commander of in Sicily with?
Who will command the 2nd Punic War?
2)Decius Pisentius Caracturus (White Army) [populares candidate[]
"Now, the Senate shall vote on the proposals of the Consuls. Tribunes speak now or forever hold your peace!"
Governor of Cisalpine Gaul?
1)Drikus Alotus (JF)
Raise Forces?
1)5 Legions
Deploy Forces
3) ⅔ legions to 2nd punic (let consul decide where), ⅓ legions to Sicily, fleet will support both
Recall Marcus Antonius(tunder3) from exile?
Concessions: (
Who shall be granted the Armaments concession?
*Andertius Paulius Myst (Pavle)+7 votes being backed by Tirpitz
Who shall be granted the Tax Farmer 5 concession?
Gaius Epimetheus (Tirpitz406)+7 votes being backed by Tirpitz
Skrevet av JF., 14.08.2017 at 02:15
Do not put tripitz in command of Sicily, he has 2 military skill.
the sorrows of being militairy consul
Voting will end in 2 hours from this post, all bribes are final, you can set max bid if you want.
Lord Zeus Brukerkonto slettet |
Lord Zeus Brukerkonto slettet
Consul Vote
Censor Vote
Praetor Vote
Remove Andertius Paulius Myst (Pavle) as Pontifex Maximus?
Replace Martialism Ovidius Fenix (Pheonixking929) as commander of in Sicily with?
Who will command the 2nd Punic War?
"Now, the Senate shall vote on the proposals of the Consuls. Tribunes speak now or forever hold your peace!"
Governor of Cisalpine Gaul?
Raise Forces?
Deploy Forces
Recall Marcus Antonius(tunder3) from exile?
Who shall be granted the Armaments concession?
*Sextus Pompeius (Phoenix)+4 votes being backed by Zephryusu
Who shall be granted the Tax Farmer 5 concession?
Aurelius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu)+4 votes being backed by Zephryusu
2 bribed votes for consul 2 from Populares bank.
==Turn 10: Phase 3 has begun==
Skrevet av Oleg, 14.08.2017 at 13:18
2 bribed votes for consul 2 from Populares bank.
too late babe
Skrevet av Phoenix, 14.08.2017 at 13:19
Skrevet av Oleg, 14.08.2017 at 13:18
2 bribed votes for consul 2 from Populares bank.
too late babe
not too late.
Skrevet av Oleg, 14.08.2017 at 13:20
Skrevet av Phoenix, 14.08.2017 at 13:19
Skrevet av Oleg, 14.08.2017 at 13:18
2 bribed votes for consul 2 from Populares bank.
too late babe
not too late.
ask aetius
*wip intensifies*
Someone Better Than You
Battle of Agrigentum
Martialism Ovidius "Fenix" (Pheonixking929) (Balanced)
(5 Legions +2 veterans + 4 command)=13 strength
Hamilcar (Suprise Attack) TACTICAL COUNTER
(10 Armies) + 3 command) = 13 strength
Battle Roll: 15 (-7 from tactical counter+2 from syracuse aid=10)
Result: Stalemate
Hamilcar of the Puncicians did all he could to kill equally strong army of Rome commanded by General Ovidius Fenix. He knew that in direct battle, he would lose against generous Fenix, so he decided to try to surprise Ovidius and his legions. His try was successful, Ovidius had little chance of victory.
Messengers had been sent out to the Syracuse asking for help.
The small war council gathered waited for the Syracusian reply. For days now, Ovidius with his legions holded up against Hamilcar, casualties were equal on both sides.
An envoy arrived from Syracuse, saying that help will arrive as soon as possible.
"The Syracusians will come in time." Ovidius kept murmuring to himself. Noblemen and military officers kept their distance from him. Finally Syracusian legions entered the battlefield. They came. With their help, Ovidius successfully battled out Punics, showing that Roman army is stronger than Carthaginian, even when surprise attacked.
Roman Casualties
-2 Legions
Carthaginian Casualties
Martialism Ovidius Fenix (Pheonixking929) lose -1 popularity for losing 2 legions
Martialism Ovidius Fenix (Pheonixking929) gains veteran legion, Legio XVII Murus
Battle of the Ebro River
Aurelius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu) (Flanking)
(10 Legions +3 veterans + 4 command)=20 strength
Carthaginian Commander (Balanced)
(12 Armies)= 12 strength
Battle Roll: 12 (+8 from greater strength=20)
Result: Decisive Victory
Arriving in Iberia, Consul Scipio rapidly takes control of the northern bank of the Ebro river, either through negotiations with local tribes or conquering Carthaginian garissons. With his rear secured, he marches with the Roman army to Hasdrubal's position on the riverside. Hasdrubal deployed the Carthaginian army behind a shallow but not too shallow river crossing, expecting the Romans to hesitate from attacking. However Hannibal and Hamilcar are still wreacking havoc in Italy and Rome cannot lose the oppurtunity to defeat Hasdrubal then and there.
Hasdrubal's formation was balanced, with the Punic infantry in the center, Numidian and Gallic mercenaries in the right and Iberians in the left. However, the Iberian mercenaries' morale was low and desertion was very possible. Scipio focused his overwhelming numbers on the Iberian flank. Charging across the river, the Iberians break ranks and flee in terror. The Carthaginians in the other fronts were already pinned down by the superior Roman numbers, while the battle-hardened Veterans gave them no quarter, meaning that they had no way to fill the gap in the line.
The Consular army wiped out the Carthaginians, defeating the main Punic body while the mercenaries fled to the hills. In the aftermath of the battle, practically nothing was left of Hasdrubal's army. Hasdrubal himself was killed along with his countrymen in the center. The Romans under Scipio easily pacified the rest of Iberia. Hannibal received news of Hasdrubal's grave defeat, and was recalled to Africa to defend against the expected attack on Carthage's homeland. Hamilcar too received news of his son's death, though the Roman blockade over Sicily was too tight and he could do naught but fortify Sicily against an expected Roman assault"
Roman Casualties
Carthaginian Casualties
Heavy - slain or routed
Aurelius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu) gains veteran legion, Legio XIX Invicta
Rome gains -1 unrest for victory
~thanks to zeph and pavle for writeups
==Turn 11: Phase 1 has begun==
Roll for equite
Myself and darth will take out a land bill...
Tier 3
5 to Rome, rest to the bank.
Skrevet av Phoenix, 15.08.2017 at 02:53
Myself and darth will take out a land bill...
Tier 3
will you stop making stupid land bills.. We have negative treasury, 4 wars, and you do this xd.
Guys stop picking Balanced, Balanced sucks, envelopment, charge and flank beat 2, equal to 2 and lose to 1 while balanced is equal to 4 and loses hard to 1
Also, all my money on Rome. I advise everyone follows my example.
We should take out the Macedonians this turn, safest way to go.
Someone Better Than You
Skrevet av Aetius, 29.07.2017 at 15:09

Nice RoR 5
Someone Better Than You
Well done populares, bleed Rome dry and now our fate looks certain.
Send all units to Sicily, disband half the legios for more income.
Donate all to rome
O BTW I did not accept gaul.
Skrevet av JF., 15.08.2017 at 04:22
Send all units to Sicily, disband half the legios for more income.
Or we could disband the fleets instead...
Someone Better Than You
Skrevet av JF., 15.08.2017 at 04:22
Send all units to Sicily, disband half the legios for more income.
Or we could disband the fleets instead...
Do that aswell.
Skrevet av JF., 15.08.2017 at 04:22
Send all units to Sicily.
You'd risk a disaster role when if we don't win this turn we literally lose the game...?
Someone Better Than You
I send my propose to consuls.
We have scipio now, get him to command 1st punic war.
Let me command macedonian front.
Half troops to Sicily, half to Macedonia. We should win one of two, sending all units to one war is risky, we might get bad rolls and then gg.
Guys stop picking Balanced, Balanced sucks, envelopment, charge and flank beat 2, equal to 2 and lose to 1 while balanced is equal to 4 and loses hard to 1
I see you do not know how Aetius rolls the enemy strategy, but Surprise attack has 10% chance to occur against Rome(the smallest of all other strats.)
he rolls 1d10:
balanced (1-3), direct charge (4,5), flanking (6-7), envelopment (8,9), surprise attack (10)
Skrevet av JF., 15.08.2017 at 04:22
Send all units to Sicily.
You'd risk a disaster role when if we don't win this turn we literally lose the game...?
I'd risk it if populares don't start donating, cause come the next few turns it will be the same thing.
Skrevet av JF., 15.08.2017 at 03:46
Well done populares, bleed Rome dry and now our fate looks certain.
Huh, nice, even though we needed to survive assasinations, vetos, bribes, prosecutions, plus to battle for Rome, you say that.
Populares donated over 100 shekels to Rome already, ask Aetius if you do not believe me.
Skrevet av JF., 15.08.2017 at 04:55
Skrevet av JF., 15.08.2017 at 04:22
Send all units to Sicily.
You'd risk a disaster role when if we don't win this turn we literally lose the game...?
I'd risk it if populares don't start donating, cause comes the next few turns it will be the same thing.
we donated way too much already, now neutrals and reform should do for a bit.
Skrevet av Oleg, 15.08.2017 at 04:53
I see you do not know how Aetius rolls the enemy strategy, but Surprise attack has 10% chance to occur against Rome(the smallest of all other strats.)
he rolls 1d10:
balanced (1-3), direct charge (4,5), flanking (6-7), envelopment (8,9), surprise attack (10)
He lied to me in pm Q_Q
Someone Better Than You
Skrevet av Oleg, 15.08.2017 at 04:56
You hoged the concessions so of course you donate alot. Darth and GF were targeted cause you made them make all these silly biased decisions, when they were in charge.
And all you did was follow pking.
Don't tell me it's neutrals time when we are the poorest and in dier need of funds. Yet populares doesn't want to fund.... Hmmmm
Plus I've give all my wealth to Rome, I don't see you doing that.