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Det orginale innlegget

Postet av Croat, 09.02.2020 - 23:32

Hello lads,
after almost 4 years, the largest atWar's tournament is back!

When 2 crazy heads connect, it has to be something special. Your lovely boss Dave and myself decided to host The Punisher 2.0!
The Punisher 1.0 was the largest atWar's tournament ever held, by number of participants and award pool.
It had 128 participants and award of more than 11 000 ProtoCoins.

You can check the details of whole The Punisher 1.0 tournament at this link --->

In that name, I can say The Punisher 2.0 has started and it will be even more huuge with awards and prizes! SIGN UP below, in a comment.

ProtoCoins (current amount): 36 600 + in tournament bank:

• Total ProtoCoins amount will be splitted between 1st - 3th placed players at the end of tournament.
• Everything will be transparent by Croat and regulated by Dave

• Unique trophy for 1st placed players
• Donator trophy for players who help tournament with their ProtoCoins donations

• 1v1 (fixed)
• Europe+ (fixed)
• Extra cities (fixed)
• 10k (fixed)
• No rares (fixed)
• 4 minutes (changeble)

Would players play east or west or combined, depends on their own deal. If they can't make a deal, then it will be decided by the player who gets first pick in a match, which is given randomly by game and they play either west, either east.

• Strategy Desert Storm is BANNED in this tournament if players play on east (Ukraine)
• Poland is allowed only in combined matches when both players agree on to choose whatever they want. If there is no deal by both sides on that, then players have to pick either basic west (UK, Ger, Fra, Spa, Ita), either basic east (Ukr, Turk)
• No wallfucks 1st turn
• No attacking on opponents land 1st turn (for those with damaged brain: you mustn't put your units at your opponent's land in 1st turn)
• No wallglitching, rewalling or serbwalling
• No insults and childish argues, it will result by removing both players from tournament

• Every finished game has to be prooved by SS
• Players who dont realize their duel in several days - will be banned by Dave!
.... Just kidding, they will be kicked from tournament and their opponent will be marked as winner of their duel and proceed in next stage
• If you have any doubts or reports, take screenshot and send it to me so we can find a solution or punishment

You can check standings below or on this link also:

Here is the list of people who have donated ProtoCoins for the award of this tournament and who will recieve a Donation trophy for supporting the tourney (100+ PCs for trophy):

Dave - 10 000 PCs !!!
JT. - 10 000 PCs !!!
Columna Durruti - 2000 PCs !
Sid - 1337 PCs
PleaseMe - 1001 PCs
Sascha - 1000 PCs
• Supporter group - 1000 PCs
BlueDNA - 1000 PCs
josipjefaca - 1000 PCs
Kord - 1000 PCs
Karlo13 - 550 PCs
Taz Youlkepoye - 500 PCs
llThe_Witnessll - 400 PCs
Octuam - 400 PCs
LarrytheLooter - 400 PCs
j-e-s-u-s - 380 PCs
Adam the king - 376 PCs
Froyer - 303 PCs
4nic - 303 PCs
Apocalypse - 200 PCs
Eph - 200 PCs
MrPhobos142 - 188 PCs
SHMYP8OS - 150 PCs
Night God - 150 PCs
Puchao. - 150 PCs
Lion Sin Escanor - 136 PCs
Bella Ciao - 130 PCs
Croat - 126 PCs
puddinator - 101 PCs
Sean Spicer - 101 PCs
clovis1122 - 100 PCs
woojoo - 100 PCs
Same - 100 PCs
Superhero - 100 PCs
Your Monkey - 100 PCs
Leon Trotski - 100 PCs
GabrieleSimonelli - 100 PCs
HyPerCube. - 100 PCs
T3mpest - 100 PCs
AIois - 100 PCs
Tchetnik - 100 PCs
Tig - 100 PCs
KaiserDeutsch - 90 PC
Top 1 - 65 PCs
Mr Tyler - 63 PCs
Stryko - 57 PCs
The_Empirezz - 57 PCs
Zoe - 50 PCs
Estus - 40 PCs
SirDgbyChknCsr - 40 PCs
DiyartheGerman - 39 PCs
KarlXIV - 35 PCs
Alockway - 30 PCs
Tungston - 30 PCs
guest6006 - 12 PCs
Dominoz.- 10 PCs
King Acidus - 10 PCs
Echoo - 5 PCs

About tournament idea and hosting:
Tournament instigator: Dave and Croat
Tournament maker: Dave and Croat
Tournament main host: Croat
Tournament help hosts: Dave,
Trophy founder: Croat
Donation trophy founder: Alois and Croat
Helped in advertising: Abraham, AIois

Good luck to everyone, let's do this again!
10.02.2020 - 16:45
Thanks on cleaning, Eagle.

Keep this up guys; if you want to participate; JUST COMMENT 'IN' here in comments

10.02.2020 - 17:15
In and ill donate 100 pcs
10.02.2020 - 17:58
I am in!
10.02.2020 - 18:57
I am in
RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
10.02.2020 - 20:32
Hey if people can donate 5 pc you guys can take the 10 i have!
I am so much more than royal.
10.02.2020 - 21:07
I'm in and i'll contribute 30 protocoins
10.02.2020 - 21:17
In and i'll donate/transfer 400 pc from my account
10.02.2020 - 21:32
May I join the tournament?
10.02.2020 - 21:33
Skrevet av conexos, 10.02.2020 at 21:32

May I join the tournament?

Sure, I added you.

10.02.2020 - 22:29
I'd like to join. What are legit picks for a west fight, is Poland allowed?
11.02.2020 - 01:40
Skrevet av Chess, 10.02.2020 at 22:29

I'd like to join. What are legit picks for a west fight, is Poland allowed?

If today's Germany is the reunification of West (BRD) and East (DDR) Germany, why would a country east of Germany belong to West?
11.02.2020 - 01:43
Skrevet av Flaneur, 11.02.2020 at 01:40

Skrevet av Chess, 10.02.2020 at 22:29

I'd like to join. What are legit picks for a west fight, is Poland allowed?

If today's Germany is the reunification of West (BRD) and East (DDR) Germany, why would a country east of Germany belong to West?

What do you mean. Poland is not an uncommon pick in an Europe (without +) duel. The fact that you have listed has nothing to do with what atWar competitive community considers a legit pick in a West duel.
11.02.2020 - 01:47
I donate 100 PC to ur cause
11.02.2020 - 04:20
Skrevet av Chess, 11.02.2020 at 01:43

Skrevet av Flaneur, 11.02.2020 at 01:40

Skrevet av Chess, 10.02.2020 at 22:29

I'd like to join. What are legit picks for a west fight, is Poland allowed?

If today's Germany is the reunification of West (BRD) and East (DDR) Germany, why would a country east of Germany belong to West?

What do you mean. Poland is not an uncommon pick in an Europe (without +) duel. The fact that you have listed has nothing to do with what atWar competitive community considers a legit pick in a West duel.

Why say west or east just play eu+ not west/east that's what I think If u first pick uk I can pick Poland or Volga if I want to
11.02.2020 - 05:22
I was thinking, how about creating a junior league for r0-r6?
11.02.2020 - 06:30
Skrevet av woojoo, 11.02.2020 at 05:22

I was thinking, how about creating a junior league for r0-r6?

They are not worth it...
11.02.2020 - 08:35
Skrevet av Chess, 10.02.2020 at 22:29

I'd like to join.


Skrevet av Chess, 10.02.2020 at 22:29

What are legit picks for a west fight, is Poland allowed?

Players can make a deal to play (if both players agree):
1. west (UK, Ger, Fra, Spa, Ita)
2. east (Turkey, Ukraine)
3. combined west vs. east (whatever, including Poland)

If players can't make a deal (if they don't both agree) on certain side or combined, then they will play what player with 1st pick chooses and it has to be either west, either east. No combined.

Why no combined then?
First of all, Poland may be considered as a legit pick for a west fight, same for an east fight. Actually, Poland was never considered 100% neither into west, neither into east (on this game). Those were only individual interpretations. Poland was just Poland.
If both players don't agree lategaming in combined west vs. east fight, then forcing combined west vs. east fight will just bring a mess to me. I don't want to hear and deal with 'Poland is west', 'Poland is east', 'I picked Spain, he went Turkey, I won't participate the tournament' and similiar crap.
Keep in mind that in this tournament we will have 128 people, from noobs to pros and not everyone, I mean, majority is not experienced in lategaming as you are, so let's just respect these few rules.
Poland is allowed if you make a deal with your opponent to play combined or to choose whatever you want. Let's stick for west on these 5 basis picks and for east on these 2 basis picks. I kept the first Punisher tournament in same way and I had no problems, so I guess I will just continue it.

11.02.2020 - 09:30
11.02.2020 - 10:28
I am in and I donate my 12 protocoins
11.02.2020 - 10:29
Skrevet av degen, 11.02.2020 at 10:28

I am in and I donate my 12 protocoins

Okay, thanks. I will sign you up.

11.02.2020 - 10:44
Iam In
11.02.2020 - 10:57
11.02.2020 - 10:58
In, donate 57 protocoins now, 43 later.
11.02.2020 - 11:23
What is "serbwalling" ?
11.02.2020 - 11:28
Skrevet av GabrieleSimonelli, 11.02.2020 at 11:23

What is "serbwalling" ?

A term serb-walling is used when 1 player kills the entire completed opponent's wall and make his own ghost wall instead of opponent's (which was killed) in SAME turn.

11.02.2020 - 11:39
Can i join
11.02.2020 - 11:40
Skrevet av RebelLord, 11.02.2020 at 11:39

Can i join

Sure, I added you

11.02.2020 - 12:05
Skrevet av Croat, 11.02.2020 at 11:40

Skrevet av RebelLord, 11.02.2020 at 11:39

Can i join

Sure, I added you

11.02.2020 - 12:06
Im in pls
11.02.2020 - 12:12
Can i join

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