Game was whole country victory... Llama was expected to win as SP should have determined victor...
So what happened?

Haha, this condition is actually pretty rare but it has happened before.
First of all, the three of you lost because it reached maximum turns meaning that Llama should have won by having the most SP, but also what happened is that Ravenking managed to capture Llama's whole country which also made Llama lose. Thus, everyone lost.
Skrevet av Leaf, 12.09.2014 at 04:49
Haha, this condition is actually pretty rare but it has happened before.
First of all, the three of you lost because it reached maximum turns meaning that Llama should have won by having the most SP, but also what happened is that Ravenking managed to capture Llama's whole country which also made Llama lose. Thus, everyone lost.
Your logic is sound. It's just that i'm sure i've been in games before where the player losing his country on the last turn still wins, as the SP victor is determined prior to the country loss.

Are you sure? Maybe the duration you had to hold a player's country was different