03.11.2014 - 09:31
Just curious, is there a general counter for each unit (I know I could look at stats and work it out) for both defence and attack. I understand the question is brief as strategies will effect results, however just curious as to whether there's a general system to say x unit kills up to 3 y units with the costs difference of +/- z. That way if enemies are building y units, I can counter safely with x units at a more cost efficient rate.
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05.11.2014 - 07:50
Just remember that there are defence units and attack units. You won't defend with attack units, even if they have strong defence values with a specific strategy (like Bombers in SM, Destroyer in NC or Tanks in RA). Attack units will always be more expensive than defence units.
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05.11.2014 - 08:25
Normal bomber defense: 6 SM bomber defense: 5
And what define an unit for be attack or defensive? their stats? Because I can easy turn an IF infantry into a very effective attack unit. What would you do if you find an unit with 5 att and 5 def? is the unit for attack or for defend?
05.11.2014 - 08:40
Right; but crit +2
Correct. Also Infantry in PD (and Imp) are used to do the offensive work. Even Militia has it's "aggressiveness". The point is, that cost and defence stats within a strategy) will define the units a player should use for defence.
Use it as defence. Depending on range, use it in an attack stack to protect other attack units that probably will have less defence.
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05.11.2014 - 09:02
1. Unless big battles, +1 def > +2 critical. 2. In my opinion, what define the attack and defensive units is the cost-reinforcements formula = Reinforcements / cost. In most of the chases in europe 10k, you will have few money. With the limited money, go cost-efficiently would be the best option. Because of the range and money, the infantry replaces the militias and the tanks as an attack unit. However, as ukraine, you are likely to use offensive units rather than militias. Because you have your reinforcements limited. My conclusion is that the 5attack/5defense unit have both attack and defensive purposes.
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