27.07.2011 - 18:21
Hey, Does anyone here play Roleplay games? I'm new so I'm wondering what the community is like.
---- www.diplomunion.com - Games, Community, Roleplay.
27.07.2011 - 19:12
There might be such games but it's not pre set usually, it occurs more often in scenarios.
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
28.07.2011 - 02:23
Do you mean like other games than this or like the way this game is played?
28.07.2011 - 02:32
I mean play this game as an RP style.
---- www.diplomunion.com - Games, Community, Roleplay.
28.07.2011 - 03:49
Uh not really no. only in scenarios would you be closest to that type of thing.
28.07.2011 - 17:03
Well, me and a coupe people are doing it. So if anyone is is interested in a Roleplay atmosphere, talk to us.
---- www.diplomunion.com - Games, Community, Roleplay.
28.07.2011 - 19:24
Fruit, Snighpor, Communism and I had a very successful RP game. 2nd RP Game Location: North America. Background: The US had collapsed for some reason. Players: Fruit (Hawaiian Kingdom), Snighpor (Quebec, later renamed Franco-Alliance), NCM-Tos (Salt Lake Republic) and Communism (Cuba). Very Brief Review First few turns Quebec takes Ontario and other Canadian regions bar British Columbia, renames self as Franco-Alliance. SLR takes Midwest and Pacific, though a Hawaiian destroyer force quickly takes LA. Cuba takes Central America and the Caribbean. Rest of game Fruit and I had a tough, fun war over US: Pacific in which his income was being devoured by destroyers he left sitting in LA/San Francisco. Most of the time, he controlled Vegas. I expanded into the Midwest, US: South and Texas, and came close thrice to taking Havana with marines and bomber while Cuba established an empire over C. America and Mexico. Fruit took Alaska and British Columbia and slowly took over the other US: Pacific cities. Supported by air strikes from the 'Franco-Alliance' of Canada, basically an independent Quebec that took most of Canada early on, the Franco-SLR alliance came close to defeating the Hawaiians several times until Hawaii took Salt Lake City. Due to a lack of available units, no serious offensive response could be amounted and I was eliminated. Cuba and Hawaii divided my lands between them and finished the game by allying Franco. Throughout all this, we were RPing through posting on the game chat. So, for example, after a Franco-SLR force secured Houston, Snighpor posted; "SLR forces retake Houston aided by Franco-Alliance air support." When I first took Houston, I posted; "SALT LAKE TRIBUNE: SLR annexs Texas though faces opposition from Cuba. Midway through the game, the US-esque government of the SLR collapsed due to the assassination of national hero President Roberts and the military seized control, putting Colonel Macneil (first names are for posers) as 'temporary' head-of-state/dictator. Protests against military rule were common until the seizure of Texas inspired a wave of nationalist feeling across the SLR. All these posts were written either as our governments, a news agency or an event. The RP was all improvised according to the course of the game (why my storyline with the military takeover was so clichéd) and never affected our strategy. We all enjoyed it massively. Anybody wishing to RP should contact Snigh, me or anybody else interested in Afterwind RP.
---- Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
28.07.2011 - 19:33
I would highly encourage anyone to join one of those RP games, they are quite fun actually.
28.07.2011 - 19:42
I had fun...I wish the game could be edited to be more RP friendly mechanics wise, but oh well. What can you do when you live in a shoe. There is a new RP game up, if you're interested, /pr me!
---- www.diplomunion.com - Games, Community, Roleplay.
28.07.2011 - 21:33
First RP scenarios coming tomorrow.
---- Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
29.07.2011 - 23:34
What do you got for us to play Tos? =D
---- www.diplomunion.com - Games, Community, Roleplay.
30.07.2011 - 20:53
The Alien Invasion scenario is coming along nicely. ![]()
---- Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
29.10.2011 - 04:56
Last post on this thread in July... RolePlay was deemed dead, but now: It returned! Inspired by the RP-games and concerned about the fact that it seems as if no further RP-games are played, I came up with an idea: Sometimes it requieres a lot of time to roleplay in a 'normal' game and communicate in RP-style through the chat. Therefore it might be desirable to have a casual-RP-game, which allows the players to think about their moves and politics thoroughly, send diplomatic notes in the form of PMs and publish announcements and newspaper-articles on a special thread: In simple words: I am looking for people, who want to play a RP-casual game. If you are interested, please post into this thread and include your preferred map. Let the RP-Games begin!
---- [
29.10.2011 - 07:44
I would absolutely adore something like this! Let's play a scenario game--True World War II and 1914:Dawn of War in particular would be really good for this--and I'm not saying it because they're most popular but because no-one can speak in the diplomatic language of the 1800s and everyone knows of the events of the world wars. Let the games begin!
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
29.10.2011 - 08:36
I'll set up a private 1914 Casual game, PM or /pr for pass. Since there's renewed interest in RP, I'll establish a proper thread immediately.
---- Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
14.12.2011 - 02:54
Went on Hiatus, but am back! Ready like a hurricane!
---- www.diplomunion.com - Games, Community, Roleplay.
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