Skrevet av Ruse, 05.03.2015 at 08:23
Funny, first time i see someone got a trophy as a punishment..
http://prntscr.com/6czs24 i feel your pain
maybe you are not a smart man so i will try to elaborate my thoughts. The point of this thread and the point of my post is that you farmed on alts to get first place in last season and got no punishment for that... if i am right, the farming is not allowed, especialy in cws. thats one of the reason why is there '3 players minimum to start cw'. i hope you get it now..
Skrevet av Eagle, 05.03.2015 at 07:39
Funny, first time i see someone got a trophy as a punishment..
I dont know what u mean by this.... This were all legit wins
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
Skrevet av Mr_Own_U, 19.02.2015 at 13:52
If ferlucci said it was actually a rank 10 alt who cares? Many have clans are guilty of this, so don't just point fingers at cosa
It was a rank 10 alt, also the same rank 10 alt MK played who Eagle is accusing Cosa of farming.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result