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Post: 29   Besøkt av: 126 users
11.07.2013 - 04:05
UPDATE: It seems like my post has served it's purpose. There are people who agree with me, and others that don't, which is perfectly acceptable. The attitudes of all admins are proven *nasty*.
I am too young to have a credit card.
I'm not begging for anything.
To Terminal: I said nothing about premium strategies-go post your bullshit somewhere else.
GENERAL DOES PROVIDE A SIGNIFICANT ADVANTAGE LATE-GAME, you cannot deny it if you are somewhat experienced.
Again, the post has served it's purpose.

Important Note: This post is by no means to hurt the game, or any other admin. It is not for you to judge me either. I just respect the atWar community and thought you guys should know about this. Once again, please, do not be too judgmental since you will probably not see me play this game any more. In some ways this is farewell.

On July 7th, I sent Ivan a message on Kongregate regarding an issue. Here goes the message:

"Hi I've been playing Afterwind which recently became atWar for a long time. I'm a rank 8 player who is not a premium member. Just wanted to say that I am in no position to get premium membership, and I detest the fact that general is only available to premium members. I just hated it. I want my general back…. Please? Make generals non-premium not only for strategy's sake but also for more sp"

Whether my request is important or not,-not to mention it's an extremely fair offer-the answer I got after 4 days is disappointing, discouraging, demotivating, whatever you call it. Ivan's answer: (word to word)

"We have to draw a line somewhere and make certain things available to paying players only. If we fulfilled all the requests we're gettings (make this free, make that free), the game would be 100% free and we wouldn't be able to support/develop it."

MAKE THIS FREE, MAKE THAT FREE???? This was the first message I'd sent to any admin FOR 2 WHOLE YEARS. So annoyed by this. General was a non-premium unit ever since the beginning of this game. I don't know when exactly, but at some point they made it premium for some odd reason noone knows about, and asking them to move it back to non-premium features is 'MAKE THIS FREE, MAKE THAT FREE'. What a respectful answer.

Feel free to bombard this post with your precious comments.
11.07.2013 - 04:10
They have to make money somewhere, or else they can't support the game.
Simple as that.
11.07.2013 - 04:13
Yes i support Meza but still they are trying not to make it pay to win though i think they are failing ..... yet at least they are trying ^_^

11.07.2013 - 04:15
Well he wasnt talking about u when he said make this free make that free he was talking about how people always asking to make things free and i agree at least its not like paying members r unbeatable and they need to make preminum appealing so people will buy it so they can approve the game and that is it and i dont see why u left over a general unit.
11.07.2013 - 04:24
Skrevet av YazanTheSexy, 11.07.2013 at 04:13

they are trying not to make it pay to win though i think they are failing .....

That is what the problem is, don't you agree? Them trying does not matter
11.07.2013 - 04:28
Skrevet av MassProdigy411, 11.07.2013 at 04:15

i dont see why u left over a general unit.

because i also played at times when everyone had a general. trust me it was much more fun. you are too new to know that. I'm not asking them to make everything available to everyone. Small things may not seem important but they are, actually.
11.07.2013 - 04:28
 Amok (Admin)
I don't see why you would feel entitled to complain about something that were given to you completely free of charge.
11.07.2013 - 04:35
Skrevet av Amok, 11.07.2013 at 04:28

I don't see why you would feel entitled to complain about something that were given to you completely free of charge.

If you were selling this game, I WOULD have bought it. But I ain't gonna pay .... for a general unit.
11.07.2013 - 04:38
General unit is not the only thing you will get by paying. There are useful strategies and rare units to unlock in Exclusive Weapons pack.
At the moment all the packs is 30% - 50% off so If I were you, I'll get them now!
11.07.2013 - 07:03
Generals were (at some point this year), made as a premium option to bring in more revenue for the developers of this game, quite obviously. They probably chose Generals, considering that they were the most used *special* feature- think of the core metagame, and the other features that not everyone uses, Generals were the most used of these, so therefore by making them Premium-Only, they in-turn receive greater revenue from the players who wish to still use them. AtWar is a game presented like many modern games: You have the core game right in front of you for free, but the exclusive content can only be unlocked through micro-transactions. The devs have put many hours of work into trying to balance the two, so the game does not turn into Pay-To-Win, as well, so you could easily play without a general if you truly did not wish to pay for it. If you don't have the money for Premium, or your family simply won't allow it, I'd more than happy be willing to buy it for you once I can get to my bank this coming Weekend.

11.07.2013 - 07:23
Nah, the point of this complain is that the general unbalances the game. I wouldn't really mind if I could only choose RA or PD as the only available strategy for non-premium member if those strategies were balanced with each other and only premium users could choose NC, GC, SM and so on... (provided those could be beated with non-premium strats) but now if I take PD and enemy takes PD and he has the general, he has enormous advantage.
11.07.2013 - 09:23
On top of most that has been said in this thread and the many like this before it... Translating 300 terms would be enough to get the General for free and if you aren't fluent in other languages you have the Random PC Drops just from playing!
11.07.2013 - 11:20
Skrevet av Guest, 11.07.2013 at 07:03

If you don't have the money for Premium, or your family simply won't allow it, I'd more than happy be willing to buy it for you once I can get to my bank this coming Weekend.

It can be frustrating when you are too young to have a credit card or just can't afford it, but there are other ways to get the unit as people have pointed out in this thread.

Perhaps you should explore those or take this gentleman's kind offer instead of rage quitting.
11.07.2013 - 13:04
Hmmm this raises an interesting issue that I recall comeing up when they first made that decision. You don't want this game to be pay to win. (It isn't SM is a free strat lol) Anyway in serious the general is a good unit if you get all the upgrades it can be a game changer. On the other hand like Ivan said everything can't be free and those who pay really should get more bang for their buck. On the other hand some people really can't afford it or are too young.

I can relate to that though, it may feel like you are takeing something from them since it wasn't always premium. I have to say I am torn on the issue, this isn't pay to win by no means but it is an advantage. I trust the judgment of the admins on this issue I am sure they have reasons for it and have heard all sideds, I am simply saying you have to consider all sideds before makeind decisions.

Also in effect to something The Morning said above, perhaps if people are too young or can't afford it (Which is odd becuase it is very cheap if I recall) Maybe make it to where one of their friends on this game could get it for them? I mean it is only a one time small payment. There are ways to get it if you really want it and if you don't want to pay then you can continue to play without it no problem. So that is what it boils down to.
I hate to advocate drugs alcohol and violence to the kids, but it's always worked for me.
11.07.2013 - 13:20
Skrevet av Amok, 11.07.2013 at 04:28

I don't see why you would feel entitled to complain about something that were given to you completely free of charge.

I don't see why you would feel entitled to emphasise about something that you offered to give free of charge.
(It's like a charity complaining about the impoverished's desire to have some food as well as clean water already provided to them)

If you feel so weary from players complaining about premium gap, of which you expected, it would pay dividends to consider charging everyone for the game. That should be enough to support it.

PS: You guys heard of something called ads?
11.07.2013 - 13:27
Skrevet av abfahren, 11.07.2013 at 09:23

On top of most that has been said in this thread and the many like this before it... Translating 300 terms would be enough to get the General for free and if you aren't fluent in other languages you have the Random PC Drops just from playing!

Skrevet av Guest, 11.07.2013 at 07:03

If you don't have the money for Premium, or your family simply won't allow it, I'd more than happy be willing to buy it for you once I can get to my bank this coming Weekend.

Scrap waiting for the weekend. I have 1500+ PC sitting in my account since March for the 5k+ translations that I did to which 1.5k translations would have given the same 1500 PC. Telling people to translation in aim of protocoins is stupid, as anyone can stop midway after reaching enough terms and hinder the development progress.

Now, if only protocoins features are a tad little bit worthwhile...
11.07.2013 - 13:50
In life you have to work for somethings u want dont beg geez
11.07.2013 - 14:21
Skrevet av ezzatam, 11.07.2013 at 13:20

PS: You guys heard of something called ads?

They tried advertisements a long time ago.
12.07.2013 - 21:13
It does suck if you are too young and you can't pay. But I guess that it's like that in almost all games, you have to pay to get better stuff.
13.07.2013 - 07:29
Will for real other games really make the preim get much stronger and greater things not only general and a few no good strategy "in world games" so ya plz amok add for us a great OP strategy ^_^ bro stop your shit about the normal players , amok really make it equal game almost 95% equal only the 5% of your so called general that if you was SMART you will kill him easy just use your brain after all this is a strategy game -_-

13.07.2013 - 07:31
Skrevet av YazanTheSexy, 13.07.2013 at 07:29

Will for real other games really make the preim get much stronger and greater things not only general and a few no good strategy "in world games" so ya plz amok add for us a great OP strategy ^_^ bro stop your shit about the normal players , amok really make it equal game almost 95% equal only the 5% of your so called general that if you was SMART you will kill him easy just use your brain after all this is a strategy game -_-

This. It ain't difficult the general is normally in very small stacks in the start of the game.
13.07.2013 - 14:27
Skrevet av Anon, 13.07.2013 at 12:50

The price they ask for premium is more than reasonable. I don't see why people feel like they can complain. You cannot expect the developers to spend a lot of time and effort to design a game that you enjoy and also pay for things like hosting/server costs. In my opinion they should charge a small fee to play. Also noon wants the horrible site of advertisments so we owe them a thank you for not goong down that route.

And Ya Long Live Atwar HIP HIP !! ?
Believe you can and you're halfway there
13.07.2013 - 15:07
Skrevet av Anon, 13.07.2013 at 12:50

The price they ask for premium is more than reasonable. I don't see why people feel like they can complain. You cannot expect the developers to spend a lot of time and effort to design a game that you enjoy and also pay for things like hosting/server costs. In my opinion they should charge a small fee to play. Also noon wants the horrible site of advertisments so we owe them a thank you for not goong down that route.

I dont agree with this first reason we would lose many players i have alot more
13.07.2013 - 17:39
You know just thank your God Amok didint start ADs this is enough reason to let you see that he doesnt care about money that much he only want the money for the server and few for himself !!! EVERY BROWSER GAME HAVE DAMN ADS!!! if Amok started ADS he would Gone rich

14.07.2013 - 02:48
Skrevet av Anon, 13.07.2013 at 12:50

The price they ask for premium is more than reasonable. I don't see why people feel like they can complain. You cannot expect the developers to spend a lot of time and effort to design a game that you enjoy and also pay for things like hosting/server costs. In my opinion they should charge a small fee to play. Also noon wants the horrible site of advertisments so we owe them a thank you for not goong down that route.

It is about intention. It is clear that Ivan and Amok treat this like a good hobby/past-time and obviously don't want to put in money from their day job to sustain the game. I don't mind adverts personally as long as they are static (no music or interactive clicking or pop-ups).

The problem with premium is that virtually everyone beyond rank 7 has it. Which goes against the point of premium. The other protocoins features are not gonna impress those who like getting permanent packs.
14.07.2013 - 03:41
Lol prenuim is supose to make me fill special??
14.07.2013 - 05:37
Skrevet av Cpt.Magic, 14.07.2013 at 03:41

Lol prenuim is supose to make me fill special??

You have never heard of the antique market, i guess.
14.07.2013 - 17:34
Skrevet av ezzatam, 14.07.2013 at 05:37

Skrevet av Cpt.Magic, 14.07.2013 at 03:41

Lol prenuim is supose to make me fill special??

You have never heard of the antique market, i guess.

U said most people above rank 7 have prenuim thats a good thing u make its like a bad one
22.07.2013 - 02:29
Well,im gunna get premium after so long

Yes, i tried to buy protocoins and it didnt work... Then i met ideal... And now i can pay to play..

Btw, im young to, im not a rich son, i and my family are pretty poor compared in this country
(praise the dutch uitkeringen(=goverment pays the peopole))

However, i have been working hard in my vacation, and now. Its affordable for met buy 2000 protocoins, which is, thankfully only €16, plus youre 50 protocoins you got for free, thats just enough to buy the full package and don bother with it anymore (unless amok is going to get the price of its infinite loop of sale, which would upset me cus i cant pay 20 or 25 euros this and next month)

€16 is not alot by today standards (unless you live in greece, spain, portugal, italy or any 3rd world nation)
Hell, even a good book is around the same price, most games of the strategy industry are around this price
Even if youre young, youle probably atleast have €50 somewhere, and if you dont have a creditcard, ask a friend who has one, and pay it back in cash to him and if you dont have friends who have that, hell, then what have you done with youre life..

If it wasent for that amok and ivan programmed at the last second in protocoin features, i wouldve made a topic for a sortof protocoin funds, where we would throw al our remaining protocoin in to pay for someane whos like rank 6 or + but cant afford premium

Also.. If you can translate stuff you can always do that and get 500 pc, i did it, didnt stop after that, luckily enough there was still enough to translate and thats a €4 drop you can really get premium for less than €12, you really just have to have a creditcard, and youre best friend probably has 1

Anywhay, ima stop ranting about this

Cause.. Just try...

And amok, ps, dont raise those prises or youre missing €12-16 of me :0


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