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15.06.2010 - 08:37
 Ivan (Admin)
Please report bugs here
06.10.2010 - 14:18
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I have no idea what triggers this bug, but I got it several times today.

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: [Arg_TargetInvocationException]
Argumenten: (Arguments)
Brontekenreeksen voor foutopsporing zijn niet beschikbaar. Vaak geven de sleutel en de argumenten te weinig informatie voor een diagnose van het probleem. Zie ---> System.NullReferenceException: [Arg_NullReferenceException] (Something about charactersets for bugdetection/debugging are not available. Often the key and arguments give too little information for diagnosing a problem. Go to blabla.)
Brontekenreeksen voor foutopsporing zijn niet beschikbaar. Vaak geven de sleutel en de argumenten te weinig informatie voor een diagnose van het probleem. Zie
bij Afterwind.Modules.Game.Player.AddTroop(Troop troop)
bij Afterwind.Modules.Game.Player.AddCity(City city)
bij Afterwind.Modules.Game.TurnChangesModule.onCityAcquired(CityAcquired msg)
bij Afterwind.Modules.Game.TurnChangesModule.onCityAcquiredList(CityAcquiredList msg)
--- Einde van intern uitzonderingsstackpad --- (End of internal exceptionstackpath, or something like that.)
bij System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
bij System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
bij System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
bij System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
bij Afterwind.ServiceClient.onMessageReceived(DuplexMessage msg)

Edit: I saw it's in Dutch, so I commented on it.
06.10.2010 - 14:27
 Amok (Admin)
Wow, it gets translated to Dutch, nice.
Many thanks for the report, Tuna!
10.10.2010 - 20:08
1) some medals cannot possibly be achieved.. for example the gold medal that requires you to occupy 1200 countries (while there are less than 200 countries available.. this medal is impossible to achieve) ... and another one for occupying 2000 cities while the number of cities available is far less.. so this medal is also impossible.

2) the country "singapore" is just a city.. therefore it can never be purchased .. there's nothing to 'click' on to purchase it.. you have to occupy it by military units

3) now, an important 'bug' .. i get automatically disconnected if i dont play within 9 or 9 and half minutes... i dont know if this is a connection problem or a server problem or a game restriction, but i have tried ti alot and i always get disconnected at about that range.. sometimes i get disconnected after 11 minutes .. but it is always within that range .. from 9 to 11 minutes.
13.10.2010 - 02:13
 Amok (Admin)
1) Medals are achieved on the basis of all games played. Later we may add medals that will count only the current game's results.

2) Actually, when you click on the Singapore city, in the info window you can then click on the country name to select it.
No the most straightforward way, but it works

3) This is really strange. I'll check, it might be a server problem.
14.10.2010 - 07:06
@ Amok: thnx for the reply.. but i have one remark

the medals are NOT achieved on basis of all games played .. in my stats i've accomplished the required number of cities and countries to gain the gold medal but yet i didnt ... so i think its based on current game results only.. also, during each game i get a notification tht i've scored the bronze and the silver ones (which are possible) but without being rewarded with SP, which means that the medals thing is counted based on each game seperately.
14.10.2010 - 15:41
 Amok (Admin)
Actually, you're the one that needs to be thanked for all the testing!
By the way, I fixed the disconnect problem, it was due to inactivity timeout. Timeout was set to 10 minutes, so I changed it to 3 hours, hope this will be enough .

Medals should be achieved on the basis of all games, it's just that they are very buggy right was one of the last things we added, and wasn't tested much.
Also, you still get the SP for every medal, it's just that we've now hidden that SP from the scoreboard to not confuse other players and keep the scoreboard more consistent.
16.10.2010 - 16:54
I've played a game over 100 rounds against the NPC. The game kept going after 100 weeks though (in which I had conquered the whole map of Europe), so I had the chance to exit (no SP gained) or surrender (half the SP gained). I went for the latter, and now that there's no players in the game anymore you can still enter the game as spectator.
16.10.2010 - 17:20
Just gave it another try: game of "Capture the UK", I conquered the UK and nothing happened. As I've set the number of joining rounds high, I've surrendered again, then rejoined the game anew, bought a country and got told to wait 'til the running turn is over. So I waited til the 10 minutes were over - during which the chat designated me as spectator - and when the time was over the Promonex who had surrendered earlier was declared winner. And only then the game disappeared from the lobby screen.
16.10.2010 - 21:22
Stealth bombers are awfully imbalanced. With this new unit I had the control over Europe in merely 14 weeks.
17.10.2010 - 12:25
There are some problems with the toggle movement radius:

1) When I split a battalion and move one part, the movement radius of the other part disappears, until I toggle the movement radius again.

2) I can't really tell how it happened, but sometimes a given movement radius stays locked, so that you always see it until the end of the game, regardless if you move the troops away or toggle the movement radius. I had it happen four times in the last game. In the following image you can see Hyderabad without any troops, but with the movement radius of stealth bombers shown:
17.10.2010 - 16:11
 Amok (Admin)
I've played a game over 100 rounds against the NPC. The game kept going after 100 weeks though (in which I had conquered the whole map of Europe), so I had the chance to exit (no SP gained) or surrender (half the SP gained). I went for the latter, and now that there's no players in the game anymore you can still enter the game as spectator.


Just gave it another try: game of "Capture the UK", I conquered the UK and nothing happened. As I've set the number of joining rounds high, I've surrendered again, then rejoined the game anew, bought a country and got told to wait 'til the running turn is over. So I waited til the 10 minutes were over - during which the chat designated me as spectator - and when the time was over the Promonex who had surrendered earlier was declared winner. And only then the game disappeared from the lobby screen.

That's because there were no enemy players during that game, and you can't achieve the victory without them.
17.10.2010 - 16:13
 Amok (Admin)
Stealth bombers are awfully imbalanced. With this new unit I had the control over Europe in merely 14 weeks.

You're right, the current balance needs some heavy tuning

There are some problems with the toggle movement radius:

22.10.2010 - 21:22
How come I can let my bombers fly over neutral cities, but not over my own? Same for other troops as well actually, but it's it's particularly non-sensical for flying units.

Also Nicosia should be able to build ships. You can invade it by sea, why shouldn't you be able to leave it by sea?
23.10.2010 - 16:19
 Ivan (Admin)
Skrevet av Promonex, 22.10.2010 at 21:22

How come I can let my bombers fly over neutral cities, but not over my own? Same for other troops as well actually, but it's it's particularly non-sensical for flying units.

Also Nicosia should be able to build ships. You can invade it by sea, why shouldn't you be able to leave it by sea?

The first issue is fixed now, thanks for noticing.

Nicosia is not a port city, that's why it can't build ships. However, it is indeed weird that naval units can attack it (or is it? I'm sure modern missiles fly pretty far?), so we made it impossible to attack non-port cities from water.
26.10.2010 - 19:47
Two more bugs: the movement radius doesn't get updated. After moving a unit the former movement radius is still shown at the original position. Formerly I could leave it switched on, move my troops and one movement radius after another would be vanishing. Now they are all displayed all the time, until I toggle off/toggle on again.

Also a bug I had in my first world conquest game (a week ago): travelling from west to east I couldn't get my ships past the New Siberian Islands. Even though there was no land in the way the ships just couldn't move beyond a particular point.
28.10.2010 - 16:39
 Amok (Admin)
Fixed the radius bug.
We'll see what we could do about the second issue...
30.10.2010 - 13:40
Somehow I got kicked out of a running game (server disconnection?) and now I can't return into the lobby anymore.
30.10.2010 - 15:32
 Ivan (Admin)
Skrevet av Promonex, 30.10.2010 at 13:40

Somehow I got kicked out of a running game (server disconnection?) and now I can't return into the lobby anymore.

You need to wait 30 sec before you can re-enter. We've switched servers today so that might've cause the disconnect.
30.10.2010 - 19:12
Momo and I were just getting a whole lot of "invalid hash for: units" errors. World map, loads a money and units and five players.

And speaking of loads a money: players who have stealth bombers are pretty undefeatable in such a scenario.
30.10.2010 - 21:49
How come i'm rank 3 now after i was rank 4 :S ?
31.10.2010 - 03:27
 Ivan (Admin)
Skrevet av Zombie, 30.10.2010 at 21:49

How come i'm rank 3 now after i was rank 4 :S ?

We raised the requirements, sorry. You were not supposed to level that fast
31.10.2010 - 22:33
Brukerkonto slettet
The game does not seem to work on firefox in Ubuntu 10.10 - All I see is a black screen

I installed the latest version of moonlight
01.11.2010 - 02:46
 Ivan (Admin)
Skrevet av Guest, 31.10.2010 at 22:33

The game does not seem to work on firefox in Ubuntu 10.10 - All I see is a black screen

I installed the latest version of moonlight

It won't work with Moonlight at the moment, sorry. Moonlight only supports Silverlight 2, which many features in the game require Silverlight 4. Hopefully, Moonlight will catch up with that soon.
02.11.2010 - 15:47
When I joined a running game I got the following error...

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: [Arg_TargetInvocationException]
Debuggingressourcen-Zeichenfolgen sind nicht verfügbar. Oft enthalten der Schlüssel und die Argumente genügend Informationen zur Diagnose des Problems. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter ---> System.NullReferenceException: [Arg_NullReferenceException]
Debuggingressourcen-Zeichenfolgen sind nicht verfügbar. Oft enthalten der Schlüssel und die Argumente genügend Informationen zur Diagnose des Problems. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter
bei Afterwind.Modules.Game.Player.AddTroop(Troop troop)
bei Afterwind.Modules.Game.Player.AddCity(City city)
bei Afterwind.Modules.Game.Player.AddCountry(Country country)
bei Afterwind.Modules.Game.TurnChangesModule.(CountryAcquired )
bei Afterwind.Modules.Game.TurnChangesModule.(CountryAcquiredList )
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
bei System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
bei System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
bei System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
bei Afterwind.ServiceClient.(DuplexMessage )

And now that the first turn was over, I get the battle screen, but can't start my next turn...
02.11.2010 - 15:57
Got it again. Can't do a thing now. Firefox btw.
02.11.2010 - 16:13
Okay, this was all very strange right now. So when I connected and picked Nigeria as homecountry I waited for the next turn to start, which was when I got the error above. I could move my troops as usual, no probs at all. Between the two turns, i.e. in the battle screen, there was no "Start turn" button showing, so I couldn't do anything while the countdown was running. I got out of the game and reconnected again. I picked Nigeria again, apparently the troops had moved as commanded in the previous turn. I got the error message again and couldn't do ANYTHING at all, so I waited for the timer to run down and the next turn to start. So the next turn started and all of a sudden I had all the cities and countries I had conquered in my first attempt, even though I left the game (i.e. didn't close the browser, but actually volunteered to leave the game without getting any SP's).

Now comes the next curiousity. The next round went ahead as normal. Strangely there were some militias in some of the cities I had conquered, standing side-by-side with my tanks which had conquered them. Now when my tanks left the capital of Chad to go for the next target, the previously neutral militias remained in the city. Mind the grey circle within the blue star:

02.11.2010 - 16:42
Marines in a transport have issues getting off the transport. Three games I've had this happen. Solution is to dock at port and move them from the city.
02.11.2010 - 17:37
 Ivan (Admin)
Skrevet av codetornado, 02.11.2010 at 16:42

Marines in a transport have issues getting off the transport. Three games I've had this happen. Solution is to dock at port and move them from the city.

I've just checked and there appears to be a problem for Infantry as well - perhaps, for all units. Will try to fix asap.
03.11.2010 - 01:33
After finishing a game I exited and joined another game in progress. (This was a fairly quick turn over. Less than 2 minutes) For my first 3 or 4 turns the player list at the top of the 2nd game still showed the player list from the 1st game. When another player joined in the 3/4th turn the list was fixed/updated.

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