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11.09.2016 - 17:11
atWar Online Calculator [V1.0] has been released! ->

atWar Battle Calculator [Desktop][v3.11]

After some months of work, and in cooperation with Darkmace we've managed to make this battle calculator. It is specially interesting for those that wishes to know the likely hood of certain battles, as well as other stats.

The calculator was made by members of the community and not by the admins themselves, therefore changes in the current game mechanics could make the calculator obsolete or to give incorrect odds. Get the latest update of the calculator to avoid this.

Functions of the Calculator:

Here's a list of the currently functions of the calculator.

  • Give a statistically accurate probability of victory/defeat in battle
  • Up to 4 different stacks allowing attack-defense or attack-attack situations, and more!
  • Default units and strategies integrated, with the ability to add custom units.
  • Ability to view Defensive Bonuses as well as enable/disable upgrades.
  • Editable repeats of the battle (simulation) to get the most accurate results with increased loop simulations
  • Average statistical attack/defense values and units alive per battle.

Download the Calculator Here:

*Download notes:

- Click in the image to go to the site in which the calculator is uploaded.
- The calculator is an .exe file, therefore can only be run in windows systems (other OS like Mac will have to get an auxiliar program to use this file).
- Due to the way in which .exe files works, your Anti-Virus could give a false positive. You might have to shut it down for a short time to be able to download the file.

Using the Calculator:

Final notes

Do note that the fact that an odd (win/lose %) is very low / unlikely to happen doesn't guarantees that it won't happens in-game. You will strangely find a full 100% chances of winning certain battle, and even if you do I'd suggest to try a higher loop (100,000 or 1 million of times) to be more sure of it.

Knowing the odds of a battle without relating it to the game isn't very good. Generally, you should aim for a 95% chances of winning which is fairly good. 90% chances of winning (i.e, 5 infantries vs 4 militias) could fail 1 out of 10 times, and depending on the importance of the city you might want to avoid it.

The battle system of the calculator was made with a code that we received from the admins personally, so it works almost identical as the battle system that the game uses. However, due to the unavailability of information in regards of the type-tie bug the odds are slightly inaccurate in small battles involving multiple type of units.

If you feel like the calculator's given odds doesn't seems reasonable to your experience, please open a private game and repeat the battle by hand a couple of times. If the odds you get there aren't close enough to the given by the calculator, then please do contact me or Darkmace. Also don't forget to be modest and have a range of errors (Assuming that the real probability is +-5% of the given odd is a very nice practice).

If you encounter any bug in the calculator, report it to me or Darkmace, with a brief description of what happened and screenshots (if possible).

11.09.2016 - 17:13
Good job!
11.09.2016 - 17:31
Mathematics destroy the art of strategy and warfare: D
11.09.2016 - 17:32
Skrevet av heroj grada, 11.09.2016 at 17:31

Mathematics destroy the art of strategy and warfare: D

just like chess
The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right and left of us. They cant get away this time! - General Douglas Mcarthur

11.09.2016 - 17:41
Trojan confirmed.... just like older version bla.
Guys dont worry, hes telling the truth, its not virus, he didnt hack anything from me yet, so i support

11.09.2016 - 18:08
Pretty cool! How about an online version? That would be even cooler
Skrevet av Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
11.09.2016 - 18:20
Time to spend 3 mins of cw time using calculator to see if my rush on kiev will work or fail.

11.09.2016 - 18:23
Skrevet av heroj grada, 11.09.2016 at 17:31

Mathematics destroy the art of strategy and warfare: D

11.09.2016 - 18:29
Skrevet av PleaseMe, 11.09.2016 at 18:20

Time to spend 3 mins of cw time using calculator to see if my rush on kiev will work or fail.

how will you know how many exactly will ukraine dedicate to defend kiev
11.09.2016 - 18:35
Skrevet av notserral, 11.09.2016 at 18:08

Pretty cool! How about an online version? That would be even cooler

omzg pulse came into the game xd

11.09.2016 - 18:39
11.09.2016 - 18:40
Wow, pretty awesome! Nice public service

Issue: There is no scroll bar/capacity, making it a bit difficult to simulate

11.09.2016 - 19:44
Catching saint peters with pd 6 tanks is always over 60% safe, but your calculator shows its around 25%

11.09.2016 - 21:13
Skrevet av PleaseMe, 11.09.2016 at 18:20

Time to spend 3 mins of cw time using calculator to see if my rush on kiev will work or fail.

i think i might be hairbags - zizou
11.09.2016 - 22:19
Brukerkonto slettet

11.09.2016 - 22:38
Skrevet av Guest, 11.09.2016 at 22:19

click download its not a virus i have it on mine its fine
I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward

12.09.2016 - 00:19
Well done Clovis and DM. Looks like a nice program, I can't run I though because I have Mac. Like pulse said, agreed, you should make a website or something, put some ads to pay for itself.
12.09.2016 - 01:20
Omg what a great job I've been looking for something like this for so long! Just one problem xa
What auxiliary program would you suggest for running it on Mac OS?

12.09.2016 - 01:27
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
Skrevet av Darth., 12.09.2016 at 01:20

Omg what a great job I've been looking for something like this for so long! Just one problem xa
What auxiliary program would you suggest for running it on Mac OS?

12.09.2016 - 07:34
Brukerkonto slettet
Some say clovis is still trying to get mod.
12.09.2016 - 10:03
Skrevet av Oleg, 11.09.2016 at 17:41

Trojan confirmed.... just like older version bla.

Skrevet av Universali, 11.09.2016 at 18:40

Issue: There is no scroll bar/capacity, making it a bit difficult to simulate

Didn't really though anyone would want to keep the results of the previous iteration... will have it in mind for the future.

Skrevet av Oleg, 11.09.2016 at 19:44

Catching saint peters with pd 6 tanks is always over 60% safe, but your calculator shows its around 25%

Gives 84% chances of winning to me. Are you sure you made the calculation right? Also note that neutrals have no upgrades, while all the upgrades are enabled by default.

Skrevet av Guest, 11.09.2016 at 22:19

Noob programmer here... but you aren't the only one whose anti-virus detect it as a virus. All .exe files are like this by default and I'm unsure what to do to fix it (perhaps, I could give the app installer instead of the .exe or "sign" digitally the file)

Skrevet av Darth., 12.09.2016 at 01:20

What auxiliary program would you suggest for running it on Mac OS?

Mac users can either run an emulator for .exe files (Wine!) or a virtual computer (parallel).
12.09.2016 - 10:21
Brukerkonto slettet
Good job,m8
12.09.2016 - 11:09
Brukerkonto slettet
Skrevet av Guest, 11.09.2016 at 22:19

lol that notification means there's a keylogger installed =/
12.09.2016 - 11:55
Darth Zero
Brukerkonto slettet
12.09.2016 - 12:24
Skrevet av Guest, 12.09.2016 at 11:09

Skrevet av Guest, 11.09.2016 at 22:19

lol that notification means there's a keylogger installed =/

There is not and trust me, with over 4 years and half into this game, there is no reason I would do such thing.
12.09.2016 - 12:34
Brukerkonto slettet
Skrevet av clovis1122, 12.09.2016 at 12:24

Skrevet av Guest, 12.09.2016 at 11:09

Skrevet av Guest, 11.09.2016 at 22:19

lol that notification means there's a keylogger installed =/

There is not and trust me, with over 4 years and half into this game, there is no reason I would do such thing.

and after knowing you for 4 and a half years, still don't trust you.
12.09.2016 - 13:40
Skrevet av Guest, 12.09.2016 at 11:09

Skrevet av Guest, 11.09.2016 at 22:19

lol that notification means there's a keylogger installed =/

For the record, anyone reading this, always be careful with what you download but Stryko is a troll and this calculator is awesome^ highly recommended.
12.09.2016 - 14:17
Brukerkonto slettet
Skrevet av Prometheus, 12.09.2016 at 13:40

Skrevet av Guest, 12.09.2016 at 11:09

Skrevet av Guest, 11.09.2016 at 22:19

lol that notification means there's a keylogger installed =/

For the record, anyone reading this, always be careful with what you download but Stryko is a troll and this calculator is awesome^ highly recommended.

Well anyone reading this, have fun downloading stuff from a stranger, an application that could easily be made where you wouldn't have to download it. But that's just from me, hey, what do I know. I'm just at troll, right? Don't know anything, haven't had past experiences with username clovis1122, not at all! The fact that a virus message pops up should be telling enough lmfao, learn about spyware you dumb kids.
12.09.2016 - 16:18
Skrevet av Mr Tyler, 11.09.2016 at 22:38

Skrevet av Guest, 11.09.2016 at 22:19

click download its not a virus i have it on mine its fine
what kind of virus r they trying to give us?
12.09.2016 - 16:25
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