21.02.2021 - 17:26
I don't disagree with you on everything. However, mapping someone's political views on this two axis graph is not 100% accurate. While its a good guide, something as complex as someone's political views can't be answered with a few questions and a simple graph. Not to mention the people on the site who choose which questions sway a certain way. Which makes this graph relative to what the people who made it think. The point is, just because two people match up on this test, it does not mean they agree with every subject. <3 GIGI
21.02.2021 - 18:03 https://prnt.sc/1038coq This seems to be more accurate. I see myself as a moderate and these tests seem to confirm that. 1. I see the Federal/State governments as being equally important. A country needs a strong central government, but state governments are good at representing local ideology/values. If I were to guess before this test, I would have thought I would get a 50/50 on this. 2. Easy one. More in favor of democracy than authority. Although there is a need for some authority. Not in favor of anarchy. 3. Cooperation between nations is needed and important. I don't like the idea of the USA being "the world police", so I'm not in favor of countries being involved in every single conflict. But communication and a mutual understanding between nations benefits everyone. 4. Speak softly but carry a big stick. 50/50 5. I would have thought I would get a 60/40 in favor of Freedom in this topic. To much security leads to authority, which is the opposite of democracy. Of coarse, rules and regulations are needed. 6. Expected this 50/50. Lightly regulated open/free markets. Regulation for monopolies/scams/fraud/manipulation etc... 7. Gigi, I think this is where we disagree. I am Christian, but what I believe is of no consequence to others. I expect no one (including the government) to cater to my beliefs. I believe in separation of church and state. And as I said before, I am much more in favor of freedom over censorship/authority/security. So anybody has the right to say how stupid Christianity is or make fun of it. I will rebuttal, but I wont take away your freedom of speech. 8. Tradition is important but progress is much more important. More funding to NASA and STEM fields is needed. Technology is the future. Big believer in space travel. Time to go to Mars. Love Elon Musk. Rant is over. 9. Diversity is great. Be true to yourself and your values. Although, If you are to move to a country that speaks a different language, you should learn that language. You should learn the traditions and values of that nation. I'm a little divided on this but I think you get the point.
21.02.2021 - 19:07
i said 'most' and yeah i agree two dimensional political spectrum is flawed. There should be atleast another one factored in.
21.02.2021 - 19:11
Yeah for me its almost the same with your points... Thats why i was wondering how you disagreed with my views. Your stand is literally german philosophy of social democracy.
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