25.05.2015 - 21:31
I have 5 questions regarding tournaments. 1st: Are there protocoin prizes for all tournaments, or only certain ones? 2nd: When a player is scrolling through the list of open games, how do they recognize a tournament game? (do they always specifically say "tournament" in tha game name?) 3rd: Can anyone join any tournaments, or do you have to have won previous ones to further compete? (maybe a rank limit involved?) 4th: What is to be gained from winning tournaments if not protocoins? (game-wide recognition of the winner?) 5th: How often are tournaments held?
---- ![]() "For out of the ground we were taken For the dust we are, And to the dust we shall return"
26.05.2015 - 02:24
1. Only certain ones 2. They are named by tournament in most situations, but it is on host, he can name his game however he wants even they play tourney match 3. Tournaments basically have 3 steps: First one: Opening and collecting players (if you see.some tourney is opened, you join by commenting on that tournamnet topic in forum or by sending a private message to the tournament maker. Second one: Starting a tournament when joined players get their opponents and playing matches Third one: Closing tournamnet when all matches are done and awards are being given to the winners (In most situations 1st three players get an trophy) 4. In most situations, winners get a trophy/medal which will be shown on their profile. 5. They are held pretty often. Atm, we have about 6 or 7 opened tournaments in progress so I think new ones wont be opened in some time until those ones are finished
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26.05.2015 - 08:26
Thanks, that really helped. 1 more question: Are most tournament games casual or quick? Seems like they are currently casual, as you said that there are about 7 in progress currently.
---- ![]() "For out of the ground we were taken For the dust we are, And to the dust we shall return"
26.05.2015 - 09:05
No problem. They are quick in 99% situations. I dont remember any causal tournamnet. Only thing that is making it slower is waiting 2 opponents be on atwar in the same time so they can play their match.
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