10.12.2011 - 19:43
I'm not going to go off the rails and complain that the old site was better; it wasn't. But I think a slight edit is in order... The way the top of the screen is set up, with just a block of different things to click, is highly inconvenient. The old way of having tabs at the top was superior to this block; it would be nice if you could revert that alone. It would make the website more easily navigable.
---- ~goodnamesalltaken~
11.12.2011 - 08:35
I don't understand, but I'll add an improvement I'd like to see. The login screen is terrible. We still lack a "Remember me" button ("hurr cookies r evil"--most websites work with sessions now anyway) and login in is a pain when you do it from the big field in the centre of the page because it instantly puts you in the game. This is something I believe most people would not want because they may want to, say, check for news updates, the forums or else. I can easily see some people getting so confused that they never actually make it to the forums or even the main page. Here's my solution: A login box. And a button to register (which leads to a separate page) next to it. Problem solved.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
11.12.2011 - 11:16
My PC always remembers me i never have to login
---- "Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword" -Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
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