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09.04.2020 - 05:16
I added some new or missing termins, polished and updated Acquiesce's thread from 2013. --->
I want Acquiesce to keep all the credits.

As is usual in most online games, AW's players have developed and borrowed acronyms and abbreviations as a means to communicate quickly. For new players this terminology can be confusing and perhaps even intimidating. As such I'm compiling a list of terminology used in AW for beginners to use as they like. Some of these are specific to AW and others are just general internet terms that players often ask about in the room chat.

If you see a term and don't know what it means, come to this thread, hit CTRL+F, and find out.
If you know a term that isn't here and should be please pm me.


AW = Afterwind or atWar - The acronym for the game you're playing. Afterwind was the game's name pre alpha release. atWar is the game's post alpha name.
Admin = Administrator - Person which is adminstrating the game. By hierarchy above everyone.
Mod = Moderator - Players who moderate the game. You can report abuse to them by using the /report function.
Supp = Supporter - Players who are supporting and promoting the game, also trying to bring interesting ideas.
Prem = Premium - Purchasable features meant to enhance the AW experience. Signified by a gold rather than silver sheild.
PC = ProtoCoins. A virtual currency on atWar by which you can purchase interesting features, including Premium.
SP = Strategy Points - The points that determine a players rank. They can also be used to purchase upgrades, create coalitions, change names and etc.
CP = Coalition Points - Points earned every time a clan war is won. The stronger the clan that you beat is, the more coalition points gained.
alt = Alternate Account - Another account that is used separately from a player's main account.
rep = Reputation - Currently unusable points that one player can give to another for whatever reason.
WF = Wallfuck - The action of placing a unit near a city to stop an opponent from walling it.
RF = Range fail - Failing to place units into a city due to lost range
cln = Clan - also called coalition. Teams of several players which can pariticpate in the CWs (Clan Wars)
Palace = A double wall
reinf = Reinforcement
crits = Critical chances - Check the link for explanation ( )
CW = Clan War - The way in which AW's coalitions fight for supremacy. Clan wars are fought in a special game lobby designed specifically for them.
comp = Competence - The number representation of a clan's playing skill. Note: This can also mean computer.
Duel = A special game type in which two players fight to gain ELO points.
Elo = A rating system which calculates the relative skill of two players. Gained and lost in duels.
AFK = Away from keyboard - Exactly what is sounds like. The person who says this isn't at their computer.
strat = Strategy - Type of in-game fighting. Each strategy is stronger in certain areas and weaker in certain areas. You choose your playing style for certain game
att = Attack - Attacking your enemy or number of your attacking points on enemy
def = Defence - Defending from your enemy or number of your defending points
TB = Turn Blocking - The action of prioritizing your moves so that your first move is aimed at stopping an opponent's stack from moving.
AP = Auto Production - Setting an automatic production of certain units in certain cities.
Gen.Disc = General Discussion - One of the main and most popular topic sections in our forums related only to atWar.
OT = Off Topic - One of the most popular topic sections in our forums related to everything.
ATN = AtWar times network - A virtual AW newspaper branche done by Supporters and is focused mainly on writing articles and reporting on clan wars.
bla = This word has a special meaning in AW terminology. It represents a sigh with a disappointing tone.
Examples: 'bla, I rangefailed' or - 'Hey, teammate, can you help me with rush?' - 'No.' - 'Bla'


gl = Global Chat - Messages posted here are seen by every online AW player, this channel is used to relevant game related announcements.
gl hf = Good Luck Have Fun - A friendly gesture often stated at the beginning of a game.
gg = Good Game - A friendly gesture often stated at the end of a game.
wp = Well Played - A friendly gesture often stated at the end of a game.
wc = Wrong Chat/Channel - As in, "I meant to post a comment somewhere else".
re = Remake or Recap - According to it's context, can mean remake (Making another same game) or recap (getting own capital from enemy back)
pm = Private Message - Type of message sent directly and only to the certain player
pr = Private - another type of 'pm'. Pr me = Private message me
inb = Inbox - Place where all of your private messages are being sent and recieved while being offline.


gen = General - Exclusive premium unit that gives advantages to the units of the stack it is part of.
inf = Infantry - The primary defensive unit.
AT = Air Transport - Carries land units through the air. Cannot capture cities on its own.
NT = Naval Transport - Carries land units across the water. Can capture cities on its own. Also called Sea Transport
AA = Anti Aircraft - Powerful defense against air units.
mil = Militia - Secondary defensive unit.
sub = Submarine
heli = Helicopter


PD = Perfect Defence - A strategy that stresses the use of infantry.
RA = Relentless Attack - A strategy that stresses the use of tanks.
LB = Lucky Bastard - A strategy that employs units with high critical hit chances.
GW = Guerilla Warfare - A strategy that stresses the use of marines and militia.
MoS = Master of Stealth - A long range strategy that stresses the use of marines, submarines, and stealths.
GC = Great Combinator - A strategy that employs tanks and infantry with exacerbated qualities.
Blitz = Blitzkrieg - A strategy that employs units with increased range at the cost of weaker defense.
IF = Iron Fist - A strategy that employs powerful units at the cost of lower range.
SM = Sky Menace - A strategy that stresses the use of bombers, infantry, and stealths.
NC = Naval Commander - A strategy that stresses use of destroyers, submarines, water transports, and infantry.
IMP = Imperialist - A strategy that employs cheap units at the cost of weakened attack power.
DS = Desert Storm - A strategy that stresses the use of helicopters, marines, and infantry.
HW = Hybrid Warfare - A mix between conventional and irregular warfare.
CI = Counter Insurgency - A strategy with advanced air support units and extra protection against Insurrection.
INS = Insurrection - A strategy with powerful Militia (Ground Secondary Defense) units at the cost of more expensive transportation, -2 attack for all other units.
IP = Industrial Powerhouse - A strategy with cheaper buildings and mechanized units at the cost of weakened human units and overall defence.


eu+ = Europe+ - An expansion of continental Europe. Currently AW's accepted competitive map.
UN = A popular scenario in which players fight under the presence of an extremely powerful United Nations.
WWI = Wolrd War
MoE = Master of East - Popular tournament played on eastern Europe territories
MoW = Master of West - Popular tournament played on western Europe territories
MoA = Master of America - Popular tournament played on American territories
Puni = The Punisher - Biggest atwar tournament
POTM Player of the month - A player chosen every month by the moderation team to be acknowledged for help and good behavior.
POTY Player of the year - At the end of the year two player of the month recipients are awarded the player of the year trophy.


Aristo = Aristokrats
Illy = Illyria
PB = Peaky Blinders
MK = Mortal Kombat
Doxa = Cynical
Immo = The Immortals
OOTE = Order of the Emperor
EC = Epic Clan
Syndi = Syndicate
SM = Stalins Martians
Myst = Mystics
SoM = Sons of Mars
CN = Cosa Nostra
RD = Reservoir Dogs
VS = Victorious Secret
CT = Crimson Tide
SA = Shadow Aces


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