This will be useless for most of you, seasoned players, but we added a new tutorial for newbies - you get a welcome screen once you're in the Lobby, where you can choose to either start the Tutorial game or continue to Lobby. This screen should only appear once, and only for new players. There's also a Tutorial button in the Lobby menu, in case you're interested to try it out.

Tutorial is now a private game, which guides you through steps, showing all the basics.

Apart from that, not much to report. We're working on stabilizing the service and polishing the code, so that everything runs smoothly. Stay tuned for more news

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  • You now have a chance to find rare units in captured cities - these range from slightly different types of Tanks to nuclear missiles. Some are more common than others, some can only be found in certain countries. At the moment there are only a couple of dozens, but we're planning to add many more in the future! You can set the chance to find rare units in game settings ('none' is also an option).

  • Stack bonus is back! Now bigger stacks of units have slight advantage in a battle.

  • Infantry got +1 attack and Militia +1 defence.

  • You can now set min/max rank for your game. For example, set 0-2 to only allow people of ranks 0/1/2 to join.

  • In-game settings are now changed by voting. Changes are applied if over half of the players agree with them.

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    OK, so the new balance wasn't working so perfect. We also screwed up a bit by introducing HP tweaks into strategies. Balance is a tricky business, but we're determined to get it right, even if it means annoying the hell out of you with the constant tweaks

    Anyway, now all units have the same base HP (7). HP changes were also removed from Tank General and Perfect Defence, so they are now the same as before. There were criticisms that units now feel too much like the same thing, so we attempted to specialize them more. Offensive units got more attack but less defence and the other way round. Some other units are equally good at both things.

    Bomber and Stealth also now have more differences. Bomber is 6/6, making it ok at attack, but it's now also able to escort Tanks and other weak units, having a very decent defence. Stealth, on the other hand, is better at attacking, but has weak defence (7/4).

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    Introducing two new unlockable Strategies:

    Great Combinator
    Advanced Strategy, which requires Tanks and Infantry to always stick together. Tanks get +1 HP and +1 attack, but -3 defence (bringing it down to 1). Infantry gets +1 HP and +1 defence, but -3 attack.

    Iron Fist
    Your army uses heavier and less vulnerable units - however, they come with the increased cost and slower movement. +3 HP, +20 cost, -2 movement for all units.

    In addition, Militia gained +1 HP in the Perfect Defence strategy, while Tanks got -1 HP. In Tank General, Infantry and Militia got -1 HP, while Tanks gained +1 HP. (Changes retracted)

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    Hello fellow AW fans, we've got the most excellent update for you today!

  • Battle mechanics have been completely reworked. In the new system, Attack and Defence represent the maximum amount of damage you deal to the opponent. Attack and defence are now executed simultaneosly, so you're guaranteed to deal some damage in a battle. Units now have Hit points - so damage is applied directly to Hit points, and if the unit runs out of them, it gets destroyed. The remaining damage is then transferred to the next unit.

    So, for example, 1 Tank (9 HP) attacks 1 Infantry (8 HP) and 1 Militia (6 HP). Tank deals 6 damage (attacking), Infantry deals 4 damage (defending). Now Tank has 5 HP left and Infantry 2 HP. Tanks now deals 3 damage and Infantry also 5. Tank dies, Infantry dies, Militia takes 1 damage, but survives to fight another day. After the battle all HP is restored for surving units.

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  • New chat channels for Coalition and Mods.

  • Contacts menu lists your Friend, Coalition members, Enemies and Ignored players. Click on the 'C' button next to the chat input box.

  • Type "/report blah blah blah" to send a message to Mods.

  • Write last sent message in the chat - up key.

  • Mods can now change game settings and warn users.

  • You can now pass game ownership to the next player (next by SP). Mods can use this option as well.

  • If the total attack of your army / total defence > 1.3, the army won't pursue attacked enemy into own city. Since your troops always defend in own city, it makes sense not to send units with low defence there.

  • Fixed 'Capture country' VC for teams

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    We have moved to a new server, we hope the game will now run better and with less disconnects. DNS is still being updated, so if you upload any images they might be gone in a couple of days, when DNS is finally pointing to the new website (the website still runs from the old server atm). In everything else the transition should be very smooth.

    Also, we added Player menu which shows when you hover on a player's name or rank in the game. There you can see player's Coalition, avatar (click to open website profile) and a few buttons. They allow to add players to your Friends/Enemies lists or give player +1 reputation. Ignore button will be added shortly.

    A special panel showing your Friends, Enemies, Coalition members and ignored members will be added to the game with the next update, helping to keep track of various groups of people. Friends and Enemies also show up in your profile on the website (other players can't see them).

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    Most wonderful news, everybody! We have finished the website implementation of Coalitions (our version of clans). While at the moment there's nothing coalition-related in the game itself, it will be added very soon. In the meantime, you can create/join Coalitions here on the website.

    What do Coalitions do?

    They organize players into groups, giving each their own private forum (with own mods). In the game, there will be features for coalition vs coalition battles, separate chat channel and a panel displaying all members (and who's online).

    How to start a Coalition?

    Starting a Coalition costs 10000 SP. It will be more expensive in the future, so we advise you to use the current opportunity. Go here and fill the simple form. That's basically it.

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    Rejoice, people - unit production automation is finally here!

    You can set a unit to auto-produce in city menu or country menu. Whenever you have available units, this unit will be built (provided you have enough money). City lists in the country menu and cities menu ('star' in the top toolbar) now show available units or auto-produced unit. Clicking on the unit icon will cancel the auto-production.

    In other news, Marines now have the default att: 6 / def: 4. Master Of Stealth increases attack to 7. This makes Marines better in attack, but almost useless in defence - so use them carefully.

    Also, numbers have been fixed for USA cities, taking into account metropolitan population. 5 new cities have been added, plus one in Brazil.

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  • Lobby now has rooms - at the moment there are only two (Main/Beginners). Lobby chat is now separate for each room.

  • Since we now have quite a few games in the lobby, we decided to add filters - you can filter games by type (open/locked/private), Victory Condition, name and sort games by week, number of players and average rank.

  • We now have Moderators - you can recognize them in the game by the ~ sign before their names (Admins have *). The only rules we have for the chat are: don't spam, speak English and be polite to each other. Pretty simple and should be easy to follow for almost everyone. Mods will only deal with those who can't.

    Current Mods are: Guest14502, sificvoid, Cardinal. We'll add more shortly. The only powers Mods have at the moment are silencing people in the chat and kicking them (in extreme cases).

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